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Debate about why Desto is how it is

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#31 » Thu May 28, 2020 10:41 pm

Noslock wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 4:24 pm
Fazuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:51 pm Hello everybody so i have learnd from Wonshots "Debate about why Order is how it is" that Destro have a clear Moral advantage, better classes, better synergy between classes, more ppl, more and (stronger???) Guilds etc. can someone tell me why Destro is not taking an advantage in the campaign with all this things. IC is constant at 1-2 stars the last few days while Altdorf is at 5 stars for like 4-5? days. It is not like Destro is not trying to siege Altdorf but they almost lose every Fort this week how can that be with all this advantage on Destro? In my opinon there is a huge imbalance in RVR maybe only in Forts but still an imbalance. Am i wrong?
1 Failing fort mechanics and fort rewards allows fort to be capped most of the time when attackers outnumbers defenders big time in early morning eu time or if defenders decide to throw the fort.200 people in that tiny room with those 2 tiny door defending are not so easy to wipe.Even more difficult since aoe goes tru walls ,pulls goes tru walls, lowbies that are basically cannon fodder in a fort,tank classes goin 2h and meltin like squishies,solo mentality of players that prefer to go suicide themselves instead of joinin a wb and try to do something useful
2 People moving free from destro to order or viceversa to defend fort / pride zones
3 Destro have like 3 guild able to do something and pushing forts seems to not be the priority
4 Farming order after they ve spent their time pushing to city is easier and reward are the same considering how bad is contribution mechanic in city.As an example one player who was afk 90% of time not only become champ in s3 (having 7k damage and being afk as tank) but also got gold bag meanwhile people who do their job most of their time got literally no bags cause contribution mechanics is totally random.

As someone said any brainless player can spam rof in fort and its funny that someone even brag about it in their signature when probably 80% of their kills is spamming rof in fort....then you met em in city where they can put rof up their xxx and you farm them like they deserve and thats the only reason i still play city.make them cry and bath in their salty tears on forum when they say how op is destro.
Salty passive agressive post , 5/5 golden stars .

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#32 » Thu May 28, 2020 10:51 pm

Ofc I will keep city logging, since thats the way to keep gearing my classes to the next endgame gear tier.

I geared my class to full Anni when that was highest gear and I grinded campaign for that.
Then I grinded more classes to full Conq, playing the campaign to get the few rare gold bags, with winners only getting 2-4 bags per realm after a victory in a zone.
Then I grind Vanq when its the best gear, and I keep doing campaign on bunch of alts to get the gear.
Then I grind the crappy forts to get Invader gear, which is BIS for some classes, and trash for others, to get the TOK unlock so you can get the next gear that then requires city grinding...

I have played 4+ years more or less, even if I first tried the game in 2014 when it was just launched and another brief check in 2015 when 100 players in Nordland was enough to crash the server. Then late 2016 onwards, play this or that class, keep levelling more alts, keep gearing them... I find it fun, trying to play numerous alts and keep on somewhat decent gear level. Even if it means somewhat stupid grind process at times, and horrible mechanics like zerging NASCAR in forts to get those 4 pity invader for losing or pressing 1-2 buttons when funneling to win.

I log for pve dungeon runs if I have a group forming through guild discord channels, and I do same if a group is forming for a city through guild discord channels. Except that you can plan a dungeon run in advance and time it, whereas city is more random and you miss a lot of them because they happen at random hours.
I have no need to log to play the campaign, since last years have been enough to get enough alts to Conq/Vanq gear levels which are good enough for the occasional alting, and keep siege funnels are as awful as ever before. Logging for guild warband raids is fun, but even those are bit tiresome when zones end up with 500v500 stalemated sieges or people form ever larger megablobs which provide very little fun for either side.

tldr; city sieges provide fun fights and the possibility to keep gearing your classes - campaign is rarely fun and no longer really provides progression

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#33 » Thu May 28, 2020 10:54 pm

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 6:10 pm imagine all the hundreds of people not In competitive guilds who push zones all day, they finally get to the city and they don't have a full 24 man or even a 12 man to join. then about 200 city loggers login who have premade 24 man's they always que with, who did 0 of the work,
If you treat game like a job, you will never have fun.

Open rvr is often too zergy for me which reduce the fun. Forts are quite terrible, city can be quite funny. Let ppl do what they like to do and don´t force them to do stuff they don´t like to do just to enable stuff they like to do (its a game, not a job after all).

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#34 » Thu May 28, 2020 11:07 pm

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 6:46 pm every fort that gets denied, and every city that gets denied for city loggers brings me great joy
To combat city logging the system needs to be changed. Make an entry fee for city, like fort reservations.
The entry fee would be in form of a token, let’s call it the ”City Token”. Such a token would be aquired through a repeatable ToK unlock, like X numbers of keep and fort fights. The ToK count would only trigger on top contribution players in keep and forts. Cities are the endgame so you must work to get there, earn it.
Remember, inside every city logger there’s a realm prider trying to get out. We must help them find the true path.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#35 » Thu May 28, 2020 11:39 pm

lyncher12 wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 6:42 pm listen here snowflake i may only be wearing annihilator at rr70 but i will defend every keep and fort to the death just to spite city loggers.
The forum needs a 'like' system for posts like this one.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#36 » Fri May 29, 2020 12:21 am

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 6:10 pm imagine all the hundreds of people not In competitive guilds who push zones all day, they finally get to the city and they don't have a full 24 man or even a 12 man to join. then about 200 city loggers login who have premade 24 man's they always que with, who did 0 of the work, those new players normally do not get in the city and the people who did nothing normally do, again this is my opinion but city loggers are pretty terrible
This is more about population imbalance than it is about city loggers. You wont have issues getting in on order. As long as you treat city logging as the problem and not a symptom, no progress will be made

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#37 » Fri May 29, 2020 4:20 am

So, I rolled a Chosen, and started playing scenarios, and we didn't win any of them. So, like, nerf Order.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#38 » Fri May 29, 2020 7:52 pm

I just did my first city this morning. We won all three rounds, but man, THIS is the end game content in this game? THIS is what causes so many arguments? You go from massive RvR battles with fun mechanics and tactical maneuvering in a large area (with organized warbands) to... a 24 vs. 24 instanced grindfest. You go from something more epic & more fun, to something less epic & less fun. That makes the progression seem very odd to me. Well, I am glad I won't ever have to face the dilemma of staying up late waiting for city alerts or going to bed at least, because I want to avoid them at all costs. It's a shame that when cities are going on they kill the open RvR population though.

You city loggers can keep cities. This is the worst end game content I've ever experienced in an MMO. Even if they were fun, the fact that they happen at random times and can't exactly (to some extent yes) be planned for is terrible. But they suck, so whatever.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#39 » Fri May 29, 2020 11:19 pm

Sonnenritter wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 7:52 pm I just did my first city this morning. We won all three rounds, but man, THIS is the end game content in this game? THIS is what causes so many arguments? You go from massive RvR battles with fun mechanics and tactical maneuvering in a large area (with organized warbands) to... a 24 vs. 24 instanced grindfest. You go from something more epic & more fun, to something less epic & less fun. That makes the progression seem very odd to me. Well, I am glad I won't ever have to face the dilemma of staying up late waiting for city alerts or going to bed at least, because I want to avoid them at all costs. It's a shame that when cities are going on they kill the open RvR population though.

You city loggers can keep cities. This is the worst end game content I've ever experienced in an MMO. Even if they were fun, the fact that they happen at random times and can't exactly (to some extent yes) be planned for is terrible. But they suck, so whatever.
Some people like cities, some don't. But they are not "the end-game content" as you would normally understand it, like the highest tier raid in WoW. They are simply an 24v24 instance at the "end" of a RvR campagin, and almost exclusive (unfortunetly) with rewardring Royal Crests. You could say there's no endgame in this game. Or the endgame is the PvP wherever it happens and where you like it, whether it's RvR, scenarios, forts, cities. Maybe PvE duengons too.
I could add what i think about this whole system, but judging by the GM response in this thread, it's probably a big waste of time. If you don't like cities, maybe you should try more scenarios, and the ranked one too? I dont know, it's up to you man.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#40 » Sat May 30, 2020 12:07 am

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:41 pm
Bosli wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:38 pm
gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:35 pm my own personal opinion but I hate city logging, it's basically just waiting till everyone else does all the work then showing up for reward.
Agreed. But if I think that content is both boring and doesn't give me any exclusive rewards (can get royal crests from cities alone), then I'm not doing it.
with that mentality does that mean after you get full sov are you quitting? If you treat a game like a job you'll never have fun, the point of the game isn't just to get endgame gear you're supposed to enjoy the massive rvr battles and keep sieges, this game has such a unique pvp system
well said

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