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Order tanks, pros/cons and discussion

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Re: Order tanks, pros/cons and discussion

Post#31 » Sat May 23, 2015 10:59 am

Unless you made the block chance for a 2H to be half of an actual shield. Gives them a bit more of a defensive buff which I think they need.

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Re: Order tanks, pros/cons and discussion

Post#32 » Sat May 23, 2015 11:11 am

Seems nobody added a difficult to play list:
((class))---->((Difficult to play it, overall utility, playstyle feeling))---->((weapon choice))

KoBS--->Easy, powerfull, cheesy------>Recomended sword+shield.
IronBreaker---->Doable, focused, rewarding---->only reached like lvl20, but i had the feeling that not using shield was a waste of its utility.
SwordMaster--->Hard, clever, frenetic------->2h sword.

If its ur 1st tank, go for the KoBS allways, its just soooooo easy to use and mistake-forgiving that u will learn to play a tank, but if u want a really powerfull tool of destruction, go for a 2h SM, but urself to the idea that they are hard to use and requires u to control ur surrounding, and manage ur AP carefully, once u learn to actually play it nice u will discover how powerfull the class is, minimally skilled played its just scary, and have a good amount of gadgets that ur team can benefit of to DPS harder.

In other things:
tazdingo wrote:knight - king turtle of turtle island, great group support
ib - solid offtank with good dots, very fun in t1 due to kd
sm - does absolutely nothing and dies

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Re: Order tanks, pros/cons and discussion

Post#33 » Sat May 23, 2015 11:14 am

From my experience,
Order tanks are mostly defensive with a lot of CC's.
Destro tanks are just another mDPS.

This is just my experience from playing a healer on destro for many years.
free typi
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Re: Order tanks, pros/cons and discussion

Post#34 » Sat May 23, 2015 11:34 am

Point out that at the currently situation ppl willnot take 2x kobs so you can roll what you want with 90% tank being chosen/kobs there more need to other tanks in game now.
I start yesterday a SM too :D


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