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SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#21 » Tue May 19, 2020 10:47 pm

Brew wrote: Tue May 19, 2020 10:43 pm
raistomen wrote: Tue May 19, 2020 2:38 pm shouldnt the tank be like ,in the enemy backline? or should i be there with him in the backline? that seems a bit risky. otehrwise I don't want a tank just wasting the time near me.
The tank isnt a dps, he is a tank. Assuming your other dps is a mdps, 1 tank's job is to enable the mdps, other is controlling other aspects of the fight, and if there is nothing else to do, he assists the other 2. Challenge, Champ's Challenge, snare, kd, punt are all things a tank can do to keep an mdps from killing you. If you play with tanks that just run into the enemy healers and are now 200ft awy from you when there are WLs around, yeah they're not going to really help prevent your death.
well in SC's almost all tanks are dps tanks, which is fine and all. Should I run with them into backline?

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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#22 » Tue May 19, 2020 10:50 pm

You can't rely on random tanks in an sc to save you. As a sorc, run in an organized 6 man. Run with tanks who understand what their role is. Everything else is null and void until you do that, as I stated in my original post.
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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#23 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:24 pm

The WL is a class for everyone who doesn't have what it takes and who want to flatten everything with two three buttons. Overbred and almost infallible. I played it once and have to say that it is superior to all wizard and healer classes. Even witch hunters and witch warriors stink as stealthers. So don't worry, as long as the WL stays overpowered, it won't get any better

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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#24 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:12 pm

Starx wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 12:56 am If you get the detaunt off before you get KD'ed and you are running at least cheap 1500 double pots you shouldnt die to a whitelion unless you healers are nonexistant or terrible, in which case it doesn't really matter what class you are on or against you are gonna die.

White lion doesn't have healdebuff, it just a class that excels at punishing shitty pug groups which is why its such a bogeyman. BW/Sorc are up there as well as classes that i'd consider pug stompers.
Why would you use heal debuff if you can outdamage and burst down someone in 3seconds instead?
Heal Debuff is for pussies :lol:

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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#25 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:18 pm

Asherdoom wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:07 pm unfortunately sorc is the bad copy of BW atm: you got no healdebuff and most your ST spells got cooldown (apart 3 sec cast doombolt but good luck using it)

2. If white lion gets on me , I am dead. Considering they have leap, I am dead. Leap AND knockdown, oh you better believe I am dead. Root only lasts so long, disarm, best I can do is the detaunt. how can I not evaporate in front of the 500 white lions in every sc.

this will always happen no matter your gear. Once a melee target you, you are dead meat indipendently of guard and / or punt. one solution i found is using scenario gear (which gives s more survivability compared to rvr one) and socket some int and thoughness. with this setup i can tank him a little longer while i hope a healer turn on me and start spam healing.
Sorc dies even with 2 guards on due to the high WL burst and low defense we got,. On the other side our backlash damage is not mitigable nor absorbable so you basically kill yourself while a WL target you. Try using Armor /wounds poitions. unfortunately there is not much more you can do. WL just counter you. simple fact.

Sorcerers / Bright Wizzards are honestly the worst classes for solo play, squishy af and their unique mechanic kill themselves...

When you see a WL, detaunt his pet and get ready to disarm him, and pray for heals jajaja
Dont try to kite him, you cant

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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#26 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:31 pm

Tabaori wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:24 pm The WL is a class for everyone who doesn't have what it takes and who want to flatten everything with two three buttons. Overbred and almost infallible. I played it once and have to say that it is superior to all wizard and healer classes. Even witch hunters and witch warriors stink as stealthers. So don't worry, as long as the WL stays overpowered, it won't get any better
Funny, on my dok pretty much all wls are free renown.
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Posts: 12

Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#27 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:35 pm

StrongUn wrote:
Sorcerers / Bright Wizzards are honestly the worst classes for solo play, squishy af and their unique mechanic kill themselves...

Sorces probably have a disadvantage here because of the WLs but BW is decent for soloing. There is a few class we cant really beat if they know what are they doing like WE or SH and a the occasional solo magus but the rest is fine really.

The key for bw/sorc is positioning right. Just keep the distance as much as possible. Destro have a lot of melee so you can hide behind the tanks and the enemy melees have to overextend to get to you which is usually a death sentence for them.
You target the ungarded mdps first they are much easier to kill than healers. Always look for the opportunity. Who doesnt get healed that much or who is out of position while keeping your distance.

There are some streamers aswell you can watch and get a few tips or tricks.
Szikra ~ Moonthief

Posts: 31

Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#28 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:09 pm

Apparently they think that sorc is so good that she doesn't need level 13 skill in path of agony.

Posts: 254

Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#29 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:13 am

What are you doing wrong? Easy: your are not rerolling melee squig/choppa (assuming you want to play a dps class). Don' fail and pick marauder it's almost equally awful.

The devs plain hate the sorc: the class has never been touched except to nerf its only synergy.

As other said: trash class, play it only in open RvR or reroll.

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Re: SORC: what am I doing wrong?

Post#30 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:29 am

Aceboltz wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:13 am What are you doing wrong? Easy: your are not rerolling melee squig/choppa (assuming you want to play a dps class). Don' fail and pick marauder it's almost equally awful.

The devs plain hate the sorc: the class has never been touched except to nerf its only synergy.

As other said: trash class, play it only in open RvR or reroll.

Or better reroll a DD Shamman,

Good damage, good CC, good selfheals...

That's why you can see 3254648 Shammans/ArchMages solo roaming, and 0 solo Sorcs/BWs

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