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65000 damage to IB, BUG

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Posts: 7

65000 damage to IB, BUG

Post#1 » Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:04 pm

Sorry if its something not pertinent here, but i haven seen this posted
Since the patch this afternoon (26/8) i have been having a paranormal event with my IB. Suddently i suffer 65000 damage from random people. I can provide fotos, but i am pretty sure its not an exploit because it has happened with random people and even pve mobs (although this does not show in the combat log).

Posts: 64

Re: 65000 damage to IB, BUG

Post#2 » Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:15 pm

Hey there. Me too. Unfortunately, this happened to be during ranked que times and I ruined 2 games for my teams:(… After completely relogging it fixed itself but I have no idea what caused it and it was too late then. If any of my teammates who were wondering why I died in 1s in combat (already talked to a lot of you) are reading this, I'm sorry.

Edit: The Bug may be tied with being critically hit. I only received the 65000 deathblow from enemy players when they crit me. From my 2 experiences this happened. I don't want to drop any names but a really good dok from the name of Belladonna was in both of the game and undoubtedly saw this in both games who can attest to it. But this was not done intentional I believe it's just another bug with IB :P... I play the wrong class lololol


Also. Shield sweep is not working correctly for IB either atm. It requires 10 grudge but does not procude extra grudge based on hitting extra targets (5 per enemy), but it is also not even consuming the grudge if you don't hit the required enemies to balance the cost.
Will work on submitting ticket but any other Ib can test this out themselves. (Also make sure not to use it with Rising Anger (5 grudge per hit) b/c I think that also may have bugged it out.

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Re: 65000 damage to IB, BUG

Post#3 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:44 am


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Re: 65000 damage to IB, BUG

Post#4 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:04 am

OCRANA with it!


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