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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#51 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:26 pm

kleinbuchstabe wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:20 pm
anstalt wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:59 pm
What I'd love to see (if at all possible, no idea on feasibility):

1) Siege Ladders
Standing around waiting for the door to drop sucks. Lots of waiting around, quick zerg through the door, then more waiting on the second door. If we're lucky, we'll get some skirmishes by the posterns.

If we could actually scale the walls using siege ladders (or grappling hooks, whatever works), it could really improve the diversity of the combat. Defenders would still have the advantage, knocking you off the walls, plus 10s+ of climbing where the attackers can't do anything. But i think this would make the whole siege experience way more interesting, spreading us out a bit more and allowing melee to have more to do.

2) Allow attackers to unlock the doors from the inside
Whether it's the mdps slipping through the posterns to unlock, or the people scaling the walls with siege ladders, I think it would be great if there was a mechanic for unlocking the doors to let the hordes in, as well as a mechanic for re-locking the doors if the defenders can push us out again. This would again be a way to increase the diversity of the combat of sieges, giving more goals and more strategies, spread us out a bit more rather than relying on weight of numbers.
I love these ones!

There was a possibility allready on live: you could get thrown on the wall by a rat ogre, or jump down from a manticore.
I dont think that one of these should come back to the game in that form, but a possibility of reaching the walls would be an awesome gamechanger for keeps! especially for the melee classes and tanks. cause as long as the door is closed, melees and tanks can almost do nothing to siege or defend, no matter wich side of the wall you are, if you are melee you have to wait. Climbing up the walls, no matter how the mechanic is designed, shoud be part of keep sieges. The dynamic of the whole keep fight will explode and it will be a lot of action for both sides!
Thanks for the kind words :-)

Like I said, I've no idea of the feasibility of such ideas, it may be that they are simply too hard to implement and the devs have better things to be spending their time on. I would hope that something like siege ladders wouldn't require too much work, the models are pretty simple, we'd need some new animations for climbing them and i imagine it might be tough sorting out how to place the ladders against the wall. Perhaps 10 set locations per keep, rather than freeform placement, to keep it a bit easier to implement?

But, im imagining things like being able to get a group or two into the oil room to hold it so the ram can work for longer.

Or a breach, tanks and healers holding a section of the wall top to allow more players to climb up, giving the defenders more to do.

Having a "flying reserves" group of defenders whose job it is to rush breaches and try to close them. This is very common in just about all the fantasy books i read, an important part of defence strategy seems to be knowing when to send in the reserves or when to trust the existing defenders to hold off the attackers.

Siege weapons would be more useful from the inner keep, staying vigilent to drive off players who've made the top of the wall.

Ladders would be harder to use on the inner keep, given the density of players in such a small area, they'd be able to knock them down much quicker and defenders would be quicker to reach any breaches to defend them.

No idea what the effect would be on forts, most of my time on live forts were disabled as they kept crashing the servers and I've only done a few forts since returning. However, initial thoughts are they are less necessary, forts don't seem to get stuck on door duty and there seems to be plenty to do from what I've experienced so far.

If the devs ever went for such an idea, I'm sure it would take quite a few iterations for them to get the balance right. Make the ladders too weak and no1 will ever scale them. make them too strong and it would make it too easy to get into the keep. But, given the disposable nature of ladders, if you get the price right it could help stimulate a bit of the economy too.

Who knows, we'll see what the future holds! A man can dream!

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Posts: 27

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#52 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:32 pm

anstalt wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:26 pm
kleinbuchstabe wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:20 pm
anstalt wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:59 pm
What I'd love to see (if at all possible, no idea on feasibility):

1) Siege Ladders
Standing around waiting for the door to drop sucks. Lots of waiting around, quick zerg through the door, then more waiting on the second door. If we're lucky, we'll get some skirmishes by the posterns.

If we could actually scale the walls using siege ladders (or grappling hooks, whatever works), it could really improve the diversity of the combat. Defenders would still have the advantage, knocking you off the walls, plus 10s+ of climbing where the attackers can't do anything. But i think this would make the whole siege experience way more interesting, spreading us out a bit more and allowing melee to have more to do.

2) Allow attackers to unlock the doors from the inside
Whether it's the mdps slipping through the posterns to unlock, or the people scaling the walls with siege ladders, I think it would be great if there was a mechanic for unlocking the doors to let the hordes in, as well as a mechanic for re-locking the doors if the defenders can push us out again. This would again be a way to increase the diversity of the combat of sieges, giving more goals and more strategies, spread us out a bit more rather than relying on weight of numbers.
I love these ones!

There was a possibility allready on live: you could get thrown on the wall by a rat ogre, or jump down from a manticore.
I dont think that one of these should come back to the game in that form, but a possibility of reaching the walls would be an awesome gamechanger for keeps! especially for the melee classes and tanks. cause as long as the door is closed, melees and tanks can almost do nothing to siege or defend, no matter wich side of the wall you are, if you are melee you have to wait. Climbing up the walls, no matter how the mechanic is designed, shoud be part of keep sieges. The dynamic of the whole keep fight will explode and it will be a lot of action for both sides!
Thanks for the kind words :-)

Like I said, I've no idea of the feasibility of such ideas, it may be that they are simply too hard to implement and the devs have better things to be spending their time on. I would hope that something like siege ladders wouldn't require too much work, the models are pretty simple, we'd need some new animations for climbing them and i imagine it might be tough sorting out how to place the ladders against the wall. Perhaps 10 set locations per keep, rather than freeform placement, to keep it a bit easier to implement?

But, im imagining things like being able to get a group or two into the oil room to hold it so the ram can work for longer.

Or a breach, tanks and healers holding a section of the wall top to allow more players to climb up, giving the defenders more to do.

Having a "flying reserves" group of defenders whose job it is to rush breaches and try to close them. This is very common in just about all the fantasy books i read, an important part of defence strategy seems to be knowing when to send in the reserves or when to trust the existing defenders to hold off the attackers.

Siege weapons would be more useful from the inner keep, staying vigilent to drive off players who've made the top of the wall.

Ladders would be harder to use on the inner keep, given the density of players in such a small area, they'd be able to knock them down much quicker and defenders would be quicker to reach any breaches to defend them.

No idea what the effect would be on forts, most of my time on live forts were disabled as they kept crashing the servers and I've only done a few forts since returning. However, initial thoughts are they are less necessary, forts don't seem to get stuck on door duty and there seems to be plenty to do from what I've experienced so far.

If the devs ever went for such an idea, I'm sure it would take quite a few iterations for them to get the balance right. Make the ladders too weak and no1 will ever scale them. make them too strong and it would make it too easy to get into the keep. But, given the disposable nature of ladders, if you get the price right it could help stimulate a bit of the economy too.

Who knows, we'll see what the future holds! A man can dream!
I remember that there was an event rewart in the past: a orc kamikaze katapult, to shoot people up the keep in a fortress. Think it was just an experimental thing from the devs, but these kind of war mashines would be a good implement for regular keeps in the lakes to make sieges more interesting, and spread out the fight from the doors to all over the keep walls.

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