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Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

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Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#31 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:24 pm

adzcriz wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:11 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:05 pm
adzcriz wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:52 am And the attitudes in this thread are pretty much the reason I refuse to do SC's now. "Git Gud" "Lol Reroll" "lol Respec" "lol get a grup" etc. The sort of elitism I expect from COD players.
How you can deal with life, when "respec" and "get a group" (in a grp-based MMO) in a videogame is a sign of elitism? :roll:
Stagnation. suggesting theres only 1 way to play a game and only play certain classes, leads to repetition, leads to stagnation and leads to death of games. which coincidently is what happened in the first place.

By making classes and styles of play incompatible with progress regardless of the persons enjoyment of that style of play whilst simultaneously deriding people who want to play their way is hardly conducive to a healthy game state.

People wont play whats not fun, If they are not deriving enjoyment from something, its stops getting played or aspects stop getting played. SC pop times are a good indicator, not enough doing them, why? Forts atm i am avoiding, 45 minutes wasted with little to show for it.

Not every class performs equally on all parts of the game but to a much greater extend this can be said about specs.
When you run a less optimal spec or class, you can try to compensate with better coordination.
When you have a sc with rather small area, like current weekend sc, melee have an advantage. There are other sc, where a strong range assist grp can pick apart their targets and kite just fine.
When melee dd healer is not wanted for some content, you still have a good class, because you can adapt to that content by changing spec.
You argue like you insist to come with a knife to a gun fight, no matter what.

On this event sc, pop times are very slow, almost eternal, for solo queue. Full groups get almost instant pops I got told.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 41

Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#32 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:31 pm

So let me get this right. SC queue mechanism is so broken that people need to join a team before they join the team to actually be competitive. So instead of fixing this, we should just all join a team, to join the team to be a team? And to further toss of balance and make it more dysfunctional, we will just allow a constant steam roll over the people who are not in the pre-team team team and call this "skill"?

Did I get this right?

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Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#33 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:34 pm

Sulorie wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:24 pm
Not every class performs equally on all parts of the game but to a much greater extend this can be said about specs.
When you run a less optimal spec or class, you can try to compensate with better coordination.
When you have a sc with rather small area, like current weekend sc, melee have an advantage. There are other sc, where a strong range assist grp can pick apart their targets and kite just fine.
When melee dd healer is not wanted for some content, you still have a good class, because you can adapt to that content by changing spec.
You argue like you insist to come with a knife to a gun fight, no matter what.

On this event sc, pop times are very slow, almost eternal, for solo queue. Full groups get almost instant pops I got told.
Not every class performs equally on all parts of the game but to a much greater extend this can be said about specs. So only certain classes are optimal, others are not competitive? This is a good thing?

When you run a less optimal spec or class, you can try to compensate with better coordination. Again this is a good thing? there should be no less optimal classes and specs. Leading to the same over and over, repetition, stagnation.

When you have a sc with rather small area, like current weekend sc, melee have an advantage. There are other sc, where a strong range assist grp can pick apart their targets and kite just fine. Yeah, not the best idea, having weekend events where half the classes are at a significant disadvantage by dint of not being able to play to their class strengths due to design. Not fun, if not fun, wont be played

When melee dd healer is not wanted for some content, you still have a good class, because you can adapt to that content by changing spec. Which reinforces the need for a complete shakeup and rework by making areas and content inaccessable to certain classes.

You argue like you insist to come with a knife to a gun fight, no matter what. Not at all, I just want to pick the gun I want to play with, not the one everyone has to have in order to be competitive.
Cykosis - Zealot ~ Resident Psychotic Healer

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Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#34 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:01 pm

Selling SC event boost. 1000 gold per player!

Jokes aside, get good! Join a premade! Make friends! Join a guild!
All the good fights in this game is in 6man and wb (city or 24v24) fights.
Even the roleplayers form groups and warbands to have fun together, try it out!

To say the devs don't cater to you soloists and casualists is false, false and false.
Hint why SOLO ranked exist which could have easily been premade content only.
Reason why you can join city sieges SOLO and go semi-afk getting crests for the end game gear and you dont even have to win, you can be a loser all you want.

The devs have a very generous system for everyone on this server.
In wow you don't get **** unless you step up your game.

Posts: 7229

Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#35 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:57 pm

Bobbiom wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:01 pm Selling SC event boost. 1000 gold per player!

Jokes aside, get good! Join a premade! Make friends! Join a guild!
All the good fights in this game is in 6man and wb (city or 24v24) fights.
Even the roleplayers form groups and warbands to have fun together, try it out!

To say the devs don't cater to you soloists and casualists is false, false and false.
Hint why SOLO ranked exist which could have easily been premade content only.
Reason why you can join city sieges SOLO and go semi-afk getting crests for the end game gear and you dont even have to win, you can be a loser all you want.

The devs have a very generous system for everyone on this server.
In wow you don't get **** unless you step up your game.
If my statements were already rude, then this is genocide?
Dying is no option.

Posts: 682

Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#36 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:20 pm

me and same friends roll destro again most of us have conq gear and we still manage to get this evend complete in friday night.
ofc we lose agains same high rank good players but who cares.

just stop playing solo lol spec and try to get to guild/party make friends its MMO after all not witcher

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Posts: 23

Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#37 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:23 pm

Foltestik wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:20 pm me and same friends roll destro again most of us have conq gear and we still manage to get this evend complete in friday night.
ofc we lose agains same high rank good players but who cares.

just stop playing solo lol spec and try to get to guild/party make friends its MMO after all not witcher
Sigh. didn't read. If i wanted to do that, i would of. not that simple.

Sulorie wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:57 pm
Bobbiom wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:01 pm Selling SC event boost. 1000 gold per player!

Jokes aside, get good! Join a premade! Make friends! Join a guild!
All the good fights in this game is in 6man and wb (city or 24v24) fights.
Even the roleplayers form groups and warbands to have fun together, try it out!

To say the devs don't cater to you soloists and casualists is false, false and false.
Hint why SOLO ranked exist which could have easily been premade content only.
Reason why you can join city sieges SOLO and go semi-afk getting crests for the end game gear and you dont even have to win, you can be a loser all you want.

The devs have a very generous system for everyone on this server.
In wow you don't get **** unless you step up your game.
If my statements were already rude, then this is genocide?
People's time is valuable, my time is valuable. Now my time might not be valuable to you, but it certainly is to me. With that in mind, i do so hate to waste my time, and if something is not worth doing because it is a waste of time, I wont do it, Like fighting forts when i play destro or do SC's regardless of what side i am on, waste of time for little reward.

Knowing that above, He doesn't warrant a response as it would be a complete waste of time trying to argue or debate someone like that, It would be like trying to play chess with a pigeon, no matter what you say, he will still **** on the board and strut all over it like he won.
Cykosis - Zealot ~ Resident Psychotic Healer

Posts: 394

Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#38 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:34 pm

billyk wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:32 am
Sulorie wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:20 am
billyk wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:45 am
Excellent idea in theory, but it won't work in practice because there is the problem that Order classes are all over the place: 2H SM is dps but would count as tank, AM is dps but would count as heal etc., which would result in not getting 2-2-2 even if it's 2-2-2 on paper. You have similar problems in city when the dps AM becomes healer champion and of course that doesn't work out. In essence, destro has more tank and healer classes while Order has more dps classes.
Do you intentionally spread misinformation or did you only made a wild guess?

Dps AM are under no circumstances considered a healer in city, as champs are selected by healing score and I doubt you want to tell me, that it was the only healer class in the instance. If so, one more reason not to join solo into city siege.

A 2h SM is not considered to be dps unless you slot certain tactics, which nobody right minded would slot to begin with. The weapon alone isn't the deciding factor, the protection score is and shield tanks have it a lot easier to raise it. 2h tanks can be top rank though, but it just means other tanks were slacking.
It's pretty easy.

>Get forced 2-2-2
>destro gets, for example, 1 Chosen, 1 BO + 1 WE, 1 SH + 2 Zealots
>Order gets, for example, 1 2H SM, 1KotbS + 2 SL + 1 AM, 1 WP
For Order, this isn't 2-2-2, it's 4 DPS, 1 Tank, 1 Healer because for all intents and purposes AM isn't a healer but ranged DPS with a few hots and 2H SM isn't a tank but a tough single target DPS with some CC. Destro will win this scenario, but the matchup algorithm checking for 2-2-2 will see nothing wrong.

The problem is with the class design on Order. You should stop seeing AMs as healers who need to l2p and 2H SMs as tanks because they really suck at those roles and do much better as DPS. The solution would be either to re-design Order classes so they actually do their jobs (probably impossible to do) OR ban certain builds (probably hamstringing your pop numbers) OR leave everything as is, introduce the 2-2-2 algorithm BUT officially making AMs and 2H SMs DPS classes (Which wouldn't change much really except really making it obvious that class balance between realms doesn't exist - that Order is mostly DPS classes while destro is well-balanced).
Stop making a fool of yourself.

Whole point of the weekend sc is to make people group up and play together, the game it self from a solo player perspective lacks content.

Promoting people to play together is good and weekend SC is one of the best implementations so far.
If you don't want to "stomp" pugs go queue ranked 6vs6 (not solo ranked) and you'll get even better rewards.

Posts: 2

Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#39 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:42 pm

Easy solution , do not queue for that horrible sc .

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Re: Make Pug SC second Event Sc every week

Post#40 » Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:26 am

Finblast wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:32 am
wargrimnir wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:27 pm Stop playing solo. You can join a group of people and play better. That's the natural progression of the game.

If you just want to pug and chill, there's a dedicated pug scenario for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
That won't solve the problem of unfair matches, I don't want to play in a premade that stomps the opposite side 95% of the time. I want good and even matches, where you actually have to use your skills to win.
It's not intended to solve the "problem" of unfair matches. If you end up in an "unfair" match, then do what is available to you in order to make the next match more in your favor. If other people are able to form groups and find a meta that wins more often then not, then so can you. If you fail to do so, then it's your own fault for continuing to lose without putting forth the effort. This isn't a PvE matchup where you're intended to win 50% of the time. It's a PvP battle where the better prepared and organized side should be winning 95% of the time. If you don't feel like putting up a matching effort with the real human players on the other side of the match, don't expect the systems in place to do it for you, and also, expect to lose frequently until you wise up and try a bit harder.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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