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Lack of Order in ranked

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Poll: What would encourage you to play more ranked?

Improved gear
Reduced gear cost
Higher rewards per sc
Ability to duo q (I know the obvious problem with this one)
Other (please specify)
Total votes: 81

Posts: 708

Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#101 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:50 pm

Alucard2010 wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:13 pm Lol - I love the forum warriors here. A WE commenting on tank play and a dude who says a tank in RANKED isn't expected to do dmg when literally EVERY OTHER TANK CLASS DOES. I'm not saying tanks have to TOP the damage charts, but they for sure as hell need to have respectable assist #'s and the knight just hits like a wet noodle. Destro healers just heal over the top of anything right now without good tank assist #'s.
If there could be a way to improve dps on kotbs, maybe devs could give it some love, if there was a decent proposal? No?
Nicelook | Obey

Posts: 91

Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#102 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:53 pm

Atropik wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:50 pm
Alucard2010 wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:13 pm Lol - I love the forum warriors here. A WE commenting on tank play and a dude who says a tank in RANKED isn't expected to do dmg when literally EVERY OTHER TANK CLASS DOES. I'm not saying tanks have to TOP the damage charts, but they for sure as hell need to have respectable assist #'s and the knight just hits like a wet noodle. Destro healers just heal over the top of anything right now without good tank assist #'s.
If there could be a way to improve dps on kotbs, maybe devs could give it some love, if there was a decent proposal? No?
Where have you been? There have been multiple proposals in numerous threads, go back and look - I'm not doing it for you lol. I've spent a lot of time proposing ideas, compiling numbers, testing, and providing feedback after the first patch when MS was removed.... All that effort got me was the immediate removal of vigilance in 2h spec. So no, not doing that crap anymore.

Posts: 258

Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#103 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:00 pm

Alucard2010 wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:13 pm Lol - I love the forum warriors here. A WE commenting on tank play and a dude who says a tank in RANKED isn't expected to do dmg when literally EVERY OTHER TANK CLASS DOES. I'm not saying tanks have to TOP the damage charts, but they for sure as hell need to have respectable assist #'s and the knight just hits like a wet noodle. Destro healers just heal over the top of anything right now without good tank assist #'s.
If you're not killing it's not a damage issue, it's a coordination issue. Plenty of good knights running 2h with the mentioned build. Unless you're 2 knights in group trying to be offensive with some nonstandard build is a waste of perfectly good utility

Posts: 708

Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#104 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:00 pm

Alucard2010 wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:53 pm Where have you been? There have been multiple proposals in numerous threads, go back and look - I'm not doing it for you lol. I've spent a lot of time proposing ideas, compiling numbers, testing, and providing feedback after the first patch when MS was removed.... All that effort got me was the immediate removal of vigilance in 2h spec. So no, not doing that crap anymore.
I saw only cries about MS, Vigilance, didnt dig through that, have i missed some decent proposals? Can you plz provide me with link?
Nicelook | Obey

Posts: 83

Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#105 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:40 pm

Alucard2010 wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:53 am
blechkautz wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:43 pm
Alucard2010 wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:09 pm I legit refuse to queue ranked until KOTBs has a viable 2h spec for 6 man. gimped the class into the ground, not worth trying to play it in a competitive setting doing 10k dmg in ranked.
Kotbs has a very viable 2h spec for 6v6. Infact it didn't change for the last 5 years. So there is nothing that hinders you from queueing. ... ,3073,3092
(auras = resist,stay focused and ap)
It's a nice utility build. Unfortunately you missed one element of why I'm not going to queue ranked - 2H tanks are EXPECTED to bring some amount of assist dmg in order to be successful in ranked. If you haven't realized this yet, then you are likely not at the same level of play yet. 10k noodle dmg output by KOTBs is not up to snuff with literally ANY other tank in the game right now.
Why do you think, you have to go full deftard with this spec (it's possible but not required)? You can go as offensive as you want or as your team can get away with. I don't know how you manage to do only 10k dmg if you fight in ranked as a Kotbs. The fight lasts 10min (maybe 9min if we subtract the starting time), this means your dps is below 20! This would mean you only use auto attacks i guess? Numbers between 30-80k depending on your gear, RR spec and your ability to spam your dmging abilities between your cc, are more realistic and totaly enough for ranked solo (and premade).
Your main Job as a Kotbs in 6v6 is support, which means well timed cc. Your not gonna win a fight by pure dmg (if the enemy is not trash), but by well timed cc from the tanks. This is where the kotbs excels at and one of the reasons why every (atleast allmost) order 6v6 team brings one and only one kotbs. After your done all your supportive tasks, you can go deal dmg, but the amount you bring or have to bring is negligible.
Sure Kotbs has the lowest dmg potential of all tanks, but there has to be one with the lowest. Nevertheless it is still a very viable, I'd say mandatory, pick for 6v6 thanks to the kit it brings.
Alucard2010 wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:13 pm
Krima wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:54 am
Elemint wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:25 am

The knight isn't expected to do damage, that's offtank's job. The knight is expected to be there and to control
True, there is quite a few KOTB playing ranked already and know their role, like "cherry", dont expect to do solid dmg like SM. Kotbs is there to control and they have all the tools to really shut down anyone.
Lol - I love the forum warriors here. A WE commenting on tank play and a dude who says a tank in RANKED isn't expected to do dmg when literally EVERY OTHER TANK CLASS DOES. I'm not saying tanks have to TOP the damage charts, but they for sure as hell need to have respectable assist #'s and the knight just hits like a wet noodle. Destro healers just heal over the top of anything right now without good tank assist #'s.
No need for insults here. A signature is not an official list off all toons someone has.

I think you made clear, that you don't like the role that a kotbs has for 6v6 and would rather have a role where you deal more dmg. Sadly for you, there is and was never such a role for kotbs in 6v6 if you don't count some meme/lol "dps" specs. But claiming kotbs has no viable spec 2h for 6 man ist just wrong.

Posts: 200

Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#106 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:41 pm

The fix for Knight is simple.

Let Knights go full Max mode and have a 2h and shield at the same time lol

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Re: Lack of Order in ranked

Post#107 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:27 pm

Ranked Queue mode (the mode that requires to have 2 tank 2 dps 2 heaelers) should be the only mode for all scenarios. That way all scenarios would have balanced setup and ppl would start understand how game works or can be played properly. From that they would more likely queue for Ranked i believe or at least be ready to queue for ranked SC.

Tbh, i would be even more extreme and i would make Ranked SC as only available mode for Scenarios, with maybe only 1 PUG SC, or Ranked SC should be event SC maybe.
The Unlikely Plan

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