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Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

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Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#11 » Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:31 pm

I finally have some finished prints! Now, I only had a green PLA so this was more like a test of the print quality, before I buy some white filament and make the actual large prints (I'd really like to do the elven manor, as large as possible). I also found a very nice model of a squig, so I decided to print it too, but that one is not from my ripped models.

In the end, the prints came our very nice. In some places on the top of the models the filament didn't bond properly, but that's due to a my incorrect slicer (software) settings.

Btw, does anyone know where to find the Twisting Tower (middle print) in the game? There is a rare scenario of the same name, but I don't think this specific tower is in it.

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Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#12 » Sun Feb 17, 2019 7:00 pm

Not bad. For your comment about extracting models and putting them into a position you want, any 3d modeling software can do that, if you know how to use it ofc. Just extract the models, import them to blender, maya or anything else, and modify the character however you want. I'm not a modeler so I don't know how you would extract skeletons, or if you can even do that, nor do I really know how to make skeletons yet (shouldn't be too hard tho). But that would definitely make the process of adjusting a lot easier so you don't have to move vertices around and mess something up.

I think most, if not all armours and weapons are in the archives, so you can really make any character you want.

Posts: 1

Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#13 » Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:17 am

The .geom contains a multi mesh with a discombobulated bind pose to parent mapped simple bone listing along with the vertex weights, positions, normals texture coordinates, indices, triangulated faces and optional trophy mounting helpers which are just free floating orphaned bones. Because of the bones lacking a hierarchy they require relinking by name the the real skeleton from the .xac file.

I have both files completely reversed I can help guide you in the right direction if you let me know how far you've gotten.

Sadly Machinma Studio makes a right mess of pretty much anything in the meshes except position and index of the vertices.

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Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#14 » Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:15 am


I can recommend Autodesk Maya for your rigging issue. It has a rly nice auto riggin function.

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Posts: 9

Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#15 » Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:01 pm

I've now mostly moved on to printing different things, but today I was able to finish one particular print from the Warhammer files, that I'm quite proud of 8-) Behold, the frozen Khorne Bloodthirster that can be found in the northern Chaos Wastes.

I've printed the wings separately and then attached them to the body, next step is painting the model :twisted:

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Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#16 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:24 pm

Kathias wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:31 pm
Btw, does anyone know where to find the Twisting Tower (middle print) in the game? There is a rare scenario of the same name, but I don't think this specific tower is in it.
It is likely only in the scenario. Somewhere it may be is in chaos wastes. Some buildings are around the far edges of the map. I'll check for some. The storyline of the scenario may allude to location where the tower fight may be.
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Posts: 89

Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#17 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:06 pm

look at viewforum.php?f=45
the Myp extracors gives clear access to models graphics etc. editors can import suffs.

Posts: 51

Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#18 » Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:51 pm

Did you find anyway of identifying modeles other than calling up each .nif file? There's tens of thousands and it feels like looking for a needle in a haystack looking for character models (like the statues in cities). Not sure if I'm missing something obvious.
Deleuze Chosen

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Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#19 » Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:01 pm

These results are amazing. Is there a limitation to the more general form or can you print texture as well?
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Posts: 51

Re: Character 3D model capture for 3D printing?

Post#20 » Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:56 pm

I got lucky and found the chosen statue, so far with base removed looks kinda like this:
Deleuze Chosen

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