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WL- stalker tactic idea

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Posts: 468

WL- stalker tactic idea

Post#1 » Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:33 pm


first of all thanks for moving pounce to core abilities, thus opening more spec options for WL, great job. I have following propositions for tactic stalker:

Swap guardian tactics stalker (3p) and furious mending (7p) and change stalker to "range of pounce is increased to 65ft, but cooldown is increased to 15 sec (or 20, as you deemed will be more balanced). Rationale for this change is following: 65ft is more suitable for WL playstyle and what people loved in that class. 45ft feels underwhelming, because WLs main identity was high mobility combined with burst to shut down casters fast (hence less utility and survivability than other mdps), it will affect small-scale/solo gameplay, where gap closer is more needed than in largescale. I believe new CS buff will be offset by following: 15/20 sec cooldown, which will result in less spam, leading to more careful approach to when to use pounce and tactic slot requirement, which will effectively lower WL dmg output by making flanking (or BE or TB) not usable (if we assume WL uses brute force, pack synergy and speed training). In addition WL can't pounce+kd or silence instantly, since they are tied to pet and only pounce and burst will kill no properly guarded rdps and of course no healer.

Given change by no means will return WL to overbuffed he was long time ago, since pounce can't crit (hence reduction in burst), -1 damage tactic slot (if we take flanking it's about 15% dmg loss) and pet dmg were nerfed from that time. But this change will do following- return class to the identity people loved and enjoyed, because 45ft pounce, while WE with it's already high mobility has 30ft pounce and choppa has 43 ft aoe pull, feels very underperforming.


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