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LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#41 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:16 pm

Will you guys move training dummies to class trainers instead of placing them in 30 seconds run time from them?
BG Kecis | Magus Zechariah | Chosen Kastul

Posts: 1

Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#42 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:28 pm

Any plans to do the xp event again you started last year?

many people started playing, but all my friends left when the event ended because leveling without it a really big chore atm and takes extremly long for new players to reach "endgame"

is it possible you restrict it to only unitl hitting level 40 and rr 40?

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#43 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:32 pm

Are skaven real?

Posts: 145

Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#44 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:43 pm

When rSH Big Shooting is reworked and does dmg?

Posts: 200

Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#45 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:55 pm

queueing for city as a premade is a total waste of time if the enemy is just going to give up or not stand a chance because they have zero coordination and simply queued to get bags.

are you going to change your position on grind hammer and focus more on actually enticing gameplay? it is not enjoyable to spent 1 hour afking because my team is just farming the enemy at their spawn point

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#46 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:47 pm

1- Can Altdorf siege receive some portals like IC siege has? (IC portals being the ones in Slaanesh Temple that teleports you "kind of" to Lyceum and the one in Khorne Warquarters that teleports you "kind of" to Temple of the Damned, there is no equivalent in Altdorf.)

2- More vault/backpack slots possible?

3- Increase the size of stacks to free up some storage? Stabilizers had their stack size increased years ago so why not have stacks consist of much higher ammounts of a certain item?

4- Fist of Khaine back to AP cost? Dok's snare cov has a % to snare, not a guaranteed snare on hit like WP's so a dok can spam the hell out of Fist of Khaine and never get a single snare proc before running out of Soul Essence.

5- Add more dyeable surface to gear? Magus comes to mind on this one, you can mostly dye the armour plate parts but the cloth part which is the majority of magus gear is undyeable.

6- Possibility for engi/mag, pet/turret stacks to carry-on to a newly summoned different turret/pet or maybe just 4 stacks as when a turret/pet dies? Example, ST pet/turret is out with 7 stacks, you decide to change to AOE pet/turret, instead of starting from 0 stacks, you get same stacks as previous turret/pet or maybe 4 stacks as when a pet dies and you insta-summon.

7- What is going to happen with appearance gear change that was recently surveyed?

8- AOE armour debuff Ability for Destruction in the near future?

9- Any plans for the r40 + Lairs that drop trash blue gear to be made more interesting, gear and fight-wise?

10- Resurrection potions, teleportation talismans, flame-breath, molotov, potions that increase crafting/gathering rank (temporarily) and any other crafting thingy that still does not work, any intentions on making them work?

11- Possible to make it so that armour potion and absorb potion do not share same cooldown?

12- Is it possible to keep repeatable dye quests repeatable instead of nuking them into worthlessness as it started happening some time ago? If not, why?

13- Container's price drop for the r200 ones purchasable with PQ coins? 400 coins is high if taken into consideration that the highest PQ chapter gold bag only awards 25 coins.

14- Banner tactics, will we ever get the higher level ones working? Only the low-level ones were implemented years and years ago, to test their effect ingame, maybe the higher levels can be added now.

15- How soon can we expect Tome tactics to be working and equipable?
Last edited by Goryak on Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#47 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:03 pm

Would it be possible to move some of the flags around in Altdorf to make it more interesting, for example moving the Library flag to the Temple of Sigmar, it is a really nice area of the city for fighting but never sees any use, it would also declutter the Altdorf instance some.
Mayhe SW - 82

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#48 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:12 pm

Can my Warrior Priest have hair? :C

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#49 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:15 pm

Is there a possibility of Chosen tactics Daemonclaw being reverted to previous state: str+ws+init buff on critical hit? It seems to allow more flexibility in builds, allowing cleave build be a real thing.

Is there any plans on implementing Lost Vale dungeon?

Is there a plan on removing a requirement for people to complete GB, then complete City Dungeons to wear Bastion sets? Or, for example, giving conq/vanq sets lesser ward so players of rr50-60 would not be forced to collect non actual sets for them?
BG Kecis | Magus Zechariah | Chosen Kastul

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#50 » Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:31 am

Is there any current ideas on how the future AM/Shammy rework will go. Is there a basic plan ie survivability or increase heal numbers? If so how far along are you guys? How much of a priority is it?
The King.

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