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rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Posts: 19

rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#1 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:40 pm

Hi all,

I was wondering, one big month after the changes that seem to be stabilized (only bug fixes last patch), how it impacted your gameplay.
What stuff do you favour, what tactics, your behavior (agressiveness? positioning?)?
What about about your role in warbands and smaller parties? Can you roam as you did --or not-- before?

Also, since squigs have become an essential part of the kit, how do you use them?
For example I do a rotation going like: Usually gas when moving through a relatively safe zone, Horned if encounters are at close range, and normal squig for guard when in a dangerous zone, that I usually keep on passive. That normal squig has really saved my ass a few times (usually after a "Taste like chicken" I'll always summon normal squig). I prefer the lone archer type so I had to learn managing squigs. It turned out to be a good thing, finally had to keybind all different squigs. I put them on passive and F1 for attack and F2 for follow, I found that's the best course of action.

Anyway, I4m interested in your experience, feel free to share

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Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#2 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:06 pm

The only difference is now I carry a dwarven stein to collect all the order tears. Each night, I take that stein home, change into my good furs, sit by the fire, drink the salty sweetness, and watch orc porn.


I have also accepted death more because of being closer to the fight. Its still "the game within the game" to escape, but I am not as successful while solo roaming.

When traversing the map, I'll toggle on defensive tactics and usually have tank squig out incase I get ganked. Tanky will take some damage and auto detaunt helps me survive the plethora of WHers.


I still focus on WLs as soon as I see them for all the months of guardian spec horror they inflicted upon me. Second are the WHs...damn sneaky bastards. Then enginerds because them shitters hurt. Next tanks...unless that tank happens to be Celegion, Mktew, Pottz, or Karisanna. If its one of those they immediately become top priority..bastages!! Then usually SWs or BWs...and finally healers...I usually don't mess with them too often though...I like order healers.
Stinkyweed SH.86
Prowl WE.85
Blob Chop.82
Babaganoush Sham.7x
Negative Creep Z.5x
Motley Crue WH.5x
Scratch WL.3x

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Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#3 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:01 am

At first I went Quick Shootin up to RTA for a couple of weeks. I love the utility and mobility but I felt like I was missing some burst oomph. I’ve recently swapped to a more Big Shootin build and found all the burst I was missing! I still have plenty of tools for mobile kiting etc but now I have a 2 second Poison Arrer that bypasses resists and a 1 sec Plink. I don’t know how I ever got along without em!

Posts: 145

Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#4 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:15 am

When you are 1sec in range of an E and he set ONE* DOT (flare) on you overall 8k dmg, you know, that is something wrong with Big shooting SH. Or with the E.
MY Poison Arrer use 2 Tacticslots (1 ignore armore, faster for 2 sec) and make 1400dmg in 2 seconds... ok can crit but its not really the great showdown :D

rHS BS must be buffed compare to other rDPS in this game. But the devs got afraid.

Posts: 17

Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#5 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:09 pm

Lol, Stinky you cracked me up with this:
“ I still focus on WLs as soon as I see them for all the months of guardian spec horror they inflicted upon me.”
I do the same thing. Tab to a WL, kill, laugh, next target.

Posts: 7

Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#6 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:40 pm

I quit playing my SH after the change, SH had quite poor ranged damage compared to other classes before the nerf. I now have the choice of good range with long cast times or poor range with small cast times with neither of the paths doing reasonable damage.

Posts: 132

Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#7 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:09 pm

Stinkyweed wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:06 pm The only difference is now I carry a dwarven stein to collect all the order tears. Each night, I take that stein home, change into my good furs, sit by the fire, drink the salty sweetness, and watch orc porn.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#8 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:01 pm

Range sucks, dmg is avarage but orders already complaining how 65ft 2s RKD ruining they play so guess we can call it success.
DoK RR80+, Chosen RR80+, Choppa RR70+, SH RR75+ WP RR65+

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Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#9 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:52 am

Jinxypie wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:01 pm Range sucks, dmg is avarage but orders already complaining how 65ft 2s RKD ruining they play so guess we can call it success.
65+15 = 80 and the SH already has more CC than any two classes combined.

Posts: 193

Re: rSquig herders - How did you adapt your playstyle after the change?

Post#10 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:43 am

teiloh wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:52 am
Jinxypie wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:01 pm Range sucks, dmg is avarage but orders already complaining how 65ft 2s RKD ruining they play so guess we can call it success.
65+15 = 80 and the SH already has more CC than any two classes combined.
Dude aren't you tired of writing same crap on every single thread about SH ? it is a damn lie and you yourself know it. Aren't you ashamed of explicitly insisting on a lie just because you are not happy about a class ?

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