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Greetings from TBD

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Posts: 1

Greetings from TBD

Post#1 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:25 am

I missed out on WAR during its retail days because I was heavily invested in Guild Wars. I mentioned to my friend that one of my regrets was never being able to play WAR and experience the PvP and well boy was I surprised to learn about RTR. I am a massive warhammer tabletop fan with an especially keen interest in bloodbowl. Online I've been pretty much a pure PVP player since UO. My preferred role is tanking and I am starting RTR with a Knight.

I had a lot of fun doing organized RvR in GW2 and I hope to do the same here. I am looking for people to play with in my timezone (UTC+8) that wouldn't mind helping me acclimitize to the game. Hopefully I see you all on the battlefield soon!


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