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Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

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Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#11 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:53 am

Sorry but right now with the campaign system that we actually have we need a umbalanced population...and we need xrealmers who join the winner side to push campaign to forts => city.

It is what it is....its fun fight vs equal numbers, but at the end of the day you need some progression.

Really its a system/game issue bot a players issue

Posts: 29

Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#12 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:55 am

Big guilds really dont care that much about zone bags, they care about fights. People join these guilds to play the game well, against at times overwhelming odds. I've never experienced an organised guild telling someone to log on the other side and bring a ram to them as they sit in keep. I'll give you one thing, you've got a vivid imagination!
Barbaphus - Chosen - TUP
Elhelion - White Lion - The Unlikely Plan

Posts: 31

Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#13 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:09 am

TreefAM wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:41 am What "effort" are you even talking about lmao
You mean afking in front of an empty keep hoping that nobody gets there in time to farm you?

A couple of days ago the warband I was with changed sides 3times in a single day.
We started as order since order had 60+ aao in the most populated zone (emp t3)
We were the only organized warband on order side while destro was running 2 organized pugs.
After farming them for a couple of hours and stopping their siege effort destro started leaving the lakes and order numbers shot up with more organized groups showing up (some guys 12man and Tsuburn started forming up about at that moment)
We switched to destro and started fighting the order wbs across Avelorn and TM.
After fighting a couple of hours, getting a jump on some of the wbs in the open and flanking the order siege zerg twice with 40% aao, order started to leave the lakes and destro zerged started to fire up.
And thats when we switched back to order for a few more hours.

How is this not healthy for the game, if you want to take zones, make a warband, organize yourself and push. We do it for the fights, not the bags or zone flips or city pushes, the fights.

But I guess it's easier for you zerglings just to afk farm empty zones and then cry the moment something rolls over you.
First time my name is mentionned :o !
Actually i am not really against crossrealm. I think most of the xrealmers are there to balanced pop and to get some good fights . Nevertheless there is some that are actually jsut trolling order side by poping ram and run into destro wb. (Saw that happen like 3 days ago)

This kind of players must be banned from the game. Order is the less popular side here,we struggle to have motivated players that want to play organised ( a bit). Actually i come back to the game like 1 months ago and seeing order get rekt like almost 75% of time on EU time with like almost none organised WB everyday. That's why i decided to try to organised WB and show them we can have fun and play together and defeat 1-2 wb, that we can defend keep on 3rd floor and take back the keep. Many players that joined my WB so far just discovered another game and that order can actually kills destro.
I am disappointed that destro just 5* lock that many zone and just dont want to fight ;). We saw this again yesterday with TM 5*. Many Destro WB were afk on each BO. Such a shame.

To conclude i think Xrealmers are mandatory IF it's for balancing pop and get some good fights and opposition. Otherwise they need to be banned imo.
Tsuburn RR81 BW

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Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#14 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:23 am

I think maybe 1hr of locking for realm is not enough, or do xrealmers using 2 different accounts?

Anyway xrealming have as much pros as cons. The main problem as I think, its when the ones side started sieging, but faced a very hard defense, cant siege - some xrealmers prefer to swap for the winning side. So instead of trying hard and keep pushing, until defensive side will give up or fails they just xrealm for easiest farm. Thats the problem.
Guilds that swaps just for fights are change balance sometimes too. I think if you log to the one side and start doing RVR you must stick with that side for some hours, without changing side even if the other is overpopulated.

On the other hand I have some order characters too. Now I am mainly playing on the destro, but sometimes Id like to level in pve or in lower tiers some of the order toons, and realm lock just piss off me
Last edited by quda on Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 676

Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#15 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:33 am

All this whining about xrealmers when you could just git gud

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Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#16 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:09 am

X-realmers arent balancing anything and they are not making for a "healthier" gameplay or whatever nonsense these x-realmer guilds always come up with to defend their behaviour. Their prime objective is lootgain by getting to city. If x-realmers truly were these honorable heroes that they like to portray themselves as, they would play order during EU primetime and destro during NA time. You dont need to switch back and forth 3 times a day to figure that out and therefor theres no reason to have a lockout shorter than 10 hours. The devs have talked about increasing the lockout in one of their twitch-talks so I guess we will see what happens.

Posts: 676

Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#17 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:15 am

Zhentarim wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:09 am X-realmers arent balancing anything and they are not making for a "healthier" gameplay or whatever nonsense these x-realmer guilds always come up with to defend their behaviour. Their prime objective is lootgain by getting to city. If x-realmers truly were these honorable heroes that they like to portray themselves as, they would play order during EU primetime and destro during NA time. You dont need to switch back and forth 3 times a day to figure that out and therefor theres no reason to have a lockout shorter than 10 hours. The devs have talked about increasing the lockout in one of their twitch-talks so I guess we will see what happens.
So when destro logs you should keep playing order even though it's vanguard vs warbands and siege empty keeps?
Sure lmao, just another zergling who wants easy bag rolls but can't put any effort into organizing and then whines about the famous xrealmer boogeyman

Posts: 143

Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#18 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:28 am

Big guild x-realm is also the reason for 70% of the zerg being clueless, basically x-realm is the course of all problem. They also cause classbalance issues.

All bugs in the game can be pinpointed to a big guild doing a x-realm.

Using x-realm as an excuse for your own incompetence is getting old.
Moonlapse and VII

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Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#19 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:46 am

TreefAM wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:15 am So when destro logs you should keep playing order even though it's vanguard vs warbands and siege empty keeps?
Sure lmao, just another zergling who wants easy bag rolls but can't put any effort into organizing and then whines about the famous xrealmer boogeyman
If I were a zergling I would be an x-realmer that after getting stomped engage in the mandatory /1 whine before switching over to the winning side. Destro logs at NA-time so thats when you can switch to destro if you want more AAO. Like I said in my post. Im glad youve learned how to quote now.

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Re: Question for the devs I would really like to see the answer to

Post#20 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:48 am

"They are X-Realmers, Captain, do NOT trust them, they are without honour."
-Lt. Worf

"Destro who wear black capes killing innocents, looting trade caravans whilst twirling their moustaches are easy to spot. However, these X-Realmers, who clothe themselves in virtue, pretending they do good deeds for the server are well camouflaged. Players like these will always be with us, waiting in the shadows for the right climate to flourish. Spreading unhappiness, treachery, dishonour and immorality, all for their own self gain in the name of Righteousness. The price we have to continually pay, is Vigilance."
-Cpt Jean-Luc Picard.

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