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Improved 2H Knight Suggestions

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Improved 2H Knight Suggestions

Post#1 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 6:29 pm

This is a redo of my initial balance suggestions posted here. I realise now that my original suggestions were a bit to close to complete reworks rather than balance suggestions.

The premise is the same:

Knight is an awesome snb tank. Yet it is still poorly represented on Order, a faction that is already struggling with tank population (as seen on the latest Q&A).

SnB is fine. Doesn’t need anything more: but even people that play utility roles like to have a viable dps spec to blow steam, and not everyone has time to invest in gearing up multiple characters. At the same time, the following suggestions are also meant to make 2H knight more fun to play. While the class's primary role will always be that of SnB tank (as it should), having a fun 2H spec will make more people chose to main this class; people who will, willingly or due to necessity, join warbands as SnB.

Here you can see an image of the proposed changes and below that you can read more about them in detail.
Myrmidia's Fury, damage increased by 20%. (A total of 114; from 570 to 684, based on Career Builder values)
This is to give the ability a reason to be chosen and casted. Currently, the only reason to pick MF over, say, using Precission Strike 3 times is the AP cost. 3xPS will do more damage than an entire MF channel as well as seemingly have a higher chance to do max damage (3 crits). MF translates to 6 quick hits, without armor penetration. In order to do max damage, all 6 would have to crit.
Raising the damage of MF by 20% is exactly enough to put it above 3xPS.
This would also address the 'special twist' issue: meaning that all tank channels have a twist to them, making them a bit special; all except MF, which is a basic physical attack. Increased damage could be it's twist. (For Clarity: IB has crit increase with grudge, SM does spirit, Chosen does spirit with tactic, BG returns hatred on crit, BO has shorter channel cast).
And since it would be a flat increase it can always be reverted if we find it to be too powerful.
Runefang switches to 11 point tactic in Path of Conquest.
This would greatly make 2H knight less clusmy; this alone would make it more fun. This tactic is clearly for two hand knight. It requires parry and increases Weapon Skill. To have it in the tree that uses Elemental Damage and Utility abilities is silly. It would have made sense if it buffed Strength, but it doesn't.
Moving Runefang to Conquest would make the 11 point tactic worth it; something that is the case for every 2H tank tree in the game. Currently, 2H knight's 11 point tactic makes you immune to detaunts. Knight. The lowest hitting tank in the game.
Focused Mending moved to 11 point tactic in Path of Glory.
Simply put, Focused Mending is among the best tactics in the game for group utility. Even after it's change from 30% to 15%, this tactic is one of the main reasons you would want a knight in your group.
Having it at 7 points and easily accessible to 2H knights should not be the case. Put simply, 2H knight already brings enough utility to a group. In fact, it brings more utility than an SnB knight, thanks to the AoE debuffs. This should never be the case.
Efficient Swings moved to 7 point Glory.
And lastly, Efficient Swings.

Phew! Made it through an entire knight balance proposal and didn't once mention Mighty Soul!
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG


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