100% New Player, few Questions

In this section, you will find some advices and basics to start quietly ingame. Question like " I'm lvl 1, what shall i do?", "What class shall i pick?", will find some answers in this place.
Posts: 1

100% New Player, few Questions

Post#1 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:19 pm

Hello everybody,

I try to read my way through the forum, but I also wanna start playing.

1) Character Creation
The pinned thread is a few years old, I believe. It basically says, go Empire or GS, cant do much wrong with it. Names a few carrers you shouldnt use.
In another, newer thread I read, that "every warband looks for swordmasters right now". So I wanted to create one.
By startup, Game tells me this one server needs Destruction assistance.

I do not have any preference, I would like to play what is needed right now, but it's hard for me to find out.
If some1 goes like: "We need Chaos Marauders, do it" im fine.

2) So, as far as I understood I do a bit pve but can start with pvp early, should get talismans in my gear for bolstering. ok. xd will do.

3) Addons. The "How to Warband" Thread says: You need to install this and this from your gamefiles - The 2nd comment talks about other addons, but maybe they are in the collection.
What is the current case, are there mandatory addons?
Main question: I was like "to get used to the UI, just use it from the start", else i mesmorize wrong hotkeys - Should I install addons first, or do you feel like me: "Dude stfu and just start / try out the game"?

edit: Thank you!

Edit2: I played WoW in early times, but actually Dota a lot. Honestly Im not used to playing MMORPG on such a level with pvp addons etc., but im willing to learn. Since I heff brain I think I will, but Dota has one of the best database / community people to, here I find it a bit harder.
Id be grateful for Help, and enjoy being a part.

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Re: 100% New Player, few Questions

Post#2 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:34 pm

Dilemma wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:19 pm Hello everybody,

I try to read my way through the forum, but I also wanna start playing.

1) Character Creation
The pinned thread is a few years old, I believe. It basically says, go Empire or GS, cant do much wrong with it. Names a few carrers you shouldnt use.
In another, newer thread I read, that "every warband looks for swordmasters right now". So I wanted to create one.
By startup, Game tells me this one server needs Destruction assistance.

I do not have any preference, I would like to play what is needed right now, but it's hard for me to find out.
If some1 goes like: "We need Chaos Marauders, do it" im fine.

2) So, as far as I understood I do a bit pve but can start with pvp early, should get talismans in my gear for bolstering. ok. xd will do.

3) Addons. The "How to Warband" Thread says: You need to install this and this from your gamefiles - The 2nd comment talks about other addons, but maybe they are in the collection.
What is the current case, are there mandatory addons?
Main question: I was like "to get used to the UI, just use it from the start", else i mesmorize wrong hotkeys - Should I install addons first, or do you feel like me: "Dude stfu and just start / try out the game"?

edit: Thank you!

Edit2: I played WoW in early times, but actually Dota a lot. Honestly Im not used to playing MMORPG on such a level with pvp addons etc., but im willing to learn. Since I heff brain I think I will, but Dota has one of the best database / community people to, here I find it a bit harder.
Id be grateful for Help, and enjoy being a part.
Hello, and welcome to RoR :)

1) Empire and Greenskins are some of the most popular classes still. Order as a realm used to have an overflow of Ranged damagedealers, and destro used to have a more healthy mix of archtypes with tanks, healers and damagedealers. but they used to be lacking a little bit on RDPS. Things are everchanging on RoR though, people come and go.
Right now I would say most of the archtypes are well covered on both sides, so you are better off picking a class based around what sort of content you want to play. Also dont be afraid of "wasting time" many of us are alt-o-holics on here and playing one class, only to roll an other later is just part of the learning curve to get a better idea of what each of the careers can do in this game.

2) You can pvp from level 1 in this game, and you get experience points from pvp kills. This alone shapes a heavy pvp focused playerbase. Some are good and experienced at it, others are new and learning. You will face both. Pve in this game involved killing monsters, doing public quests, questing in hubs, and later on there will be 6man dungeons and Beastlord pvp-zone pve bosses both realms can kill for a starting set of gear at max lvl.

3) Addons are not needed, but they are helping smooth out visual part of the game, get a better overview of what is going on, and where the battle is located.
different players will suggest different addons for new players. "Enemy" "buffhead" Stateofrealm" VinyUI" are some of the more common recommended addons or addon packs.

My general fist-timer advice is to get a feel for the game in Tier1 (lvl 1 - 15) bracket. You get very basic abilities, get a feel for the general playing of the game, exposed to your core archtype abilities around lvl 10 (stealthers get stealth at lvl 10, tanks gets Guard, Melee dps classes get Charge, Healers get a ressurrect etc)
Find out which classes you like, figure out the class mechanics they are different on all of them, and go have fun being in a new world with alot to explore and enjoy.
Ingame /Ad is advice chat. people are mostly helpful there.
RoR has an offical discord with alot of passionated people, where you can read patchnotes, guilds are recruiting, and people are posting videos of the game.
Youtube and Twitch both have a healthy ammount of content creators for this server, with daily activity.

Once again, welcoem to RoR hope you enjoy your time here.
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

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Re: 100% New Player, few Questions

Post#3 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:40 pm

Tier One is most relevant as a realm to test characters and find those you really like and wish to invest time in. If you level a toon to ten or eleven and don't really feel the magic junk it and try another. The inevitable outcome is you will be playing the class you most enjoy.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Posts: 53

Re: 100% New Player, few Questions

Post#4 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:22 pm

Dilemma wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:19 pm Hello everybody,

I try to read my way through the forum, but I also wanna start playing.

1) Character Creation
The pinned thread is a few years old, I believe. It basically says, go Empire or GS, cant do much wrong with it. Names a few carrers you shouldnt use.
In another, newer thread I read, that "every warband looks for swordmasters right now". So I wanted to create one.
By startup, Game tells me this one server needs Destruction assistance.

I do not have any preference, I would like to play what is needed right now, but it's hard for me to find out.
If some1 goes like: "We need Chaos Marauders, do it" im fine.

2) So, as far as I understood I do a bit pve but can start with pvp early, should get talismans in my gear for bolstering. ok. xd will do.

3) Addons. The "How to Warband" Thread says: You need to install this and this from your gamefiles - The 2nd comment talks about other addons, but maybe they are in the collection.
What is the current case, are there mandatory addons?
Main question: I was like "to get used to the UI, just use it from the start", else i mesmorize wrong hotkeys - Should I install addons first, or do you feel like me: "Dude stfu and just start / try out the game"?

edit: Thank you!

Edit2: I played WoW in early times, but actually Dota a lot. Honestly Im not used to playing MMORPG on such a level with pvp addons etc., but im willing to learn. Since I heff brain I think I will, but Dota has one of the best database / community people to, here I find it a bit harder.
Id be grateful for Help, and enjoy being a part.
To start rvr right away, you can use the War Report to teleport to the action. It's the map icon by your minimap. Sometimes, it doesn't show up in which case you can find it in keybindings (set one). You can also queue for scenarios (instanced battlegrounds) with the war icon, also by the minimap. In the launcher, you'll see that each weekend, one scenario is designated as the 'weekend warfront' giving bonus xp/rp. There is also a weekly pug scenario (meaning only solo or duos can queue for it - no 6-mans). You can see which scenario is the pug with .pug command.

Note - rvr gives medallions whereas scenarios give emblems. These currencies are used for different gear sets and weapons. See them all in the city - War Quarters or Undercroft. Also, visit these locations for renown gear merchants as you level up.

Don't let your rr fall behind your career rank. The weekend warfront also gives rewards, importantly, a potion of acclaim that you can use to boost your rp gain (at r16+). As you level your career, you get career points, and as you level your renown, you get renown points. Spend them at the trainers in t1 or in the city.

There's a pretty good distribution of classes, so play what you want (or play more than one class!). Tanks and healers will always be in demand.

Some addons I strongly recommend from the start: RoR_SoR, Swift Assist, Buffhead, Enemy, GuardPack (if going tank)
Hamskull, Hamdisc, Hamblek, Hamball, Hambean, Hambeam, etc

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