Best trade skills for main?

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Posts: 1

Best trade skills for main?

Post#1 » Fri May 14, 2021 4:49 pm

Title really. Just wondering what the most efficient tradeskill is for your main character, and what's best to stick on an alt?

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Re: Best trade skills for main?

Post#2 » Fri May 14, 2021 5:49 pm

depends how long you wanna wait for +24 talis because of the event reward being a non-transferable masters box. if you wanna make your own then you want tali making on your main to make use of them. if you don't mind running meh talis for a while then apo + cult lets you make your own heal, ap and main stat pots and it requires no farming. you need butchering for armour pots but they're not that expensive you can easily maintain them from kill quest and sc rewards. salvaging is best done on a good pve farming alt

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