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[Am/Sham] Unique Healing Changes

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Posts: 452

[Am/Sham] Unique Healing Changes

Post#1 » Sun May 23, 2021 12:42 pm

Homogenisation destroys flavour and dilutes "concetrated coolness" to pinch a Greg Street term. The game needs more rampage vs gtdc coolness that make you want to play each class, rather than total mirrors.

What's unique currently about AM/Sham that could become iconic abilities?

Sham has the extra HoT, AM has Funnel Essence.


- Do Sumfin Useful now applies it's effect to the 6 lowest hp targets 40 feet in front of you. CD increased to 20s.
- Funnel Essence now applies its effect to the 6 lowest hp targets 40 feet in front of you. CD increased to 20s.

The core of these abilities provides more aoe healing which is something AM/Sham need to compete with the other heals.
These changes also provide 2 knobs that could be used to tweak/refine the balance i.e. how many low hp targets they hit and the CD.
Defraz rr81 Magus
Defrack rr81 Mara
Induce rr77 Shaman
rr7x AM, Choppa, WL, WH, WE, BG


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