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Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

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Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#31 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:23 pm

Thank you for doing this Q&A session.

1-Can we expect any system to fights against organised WB with (almost) same MMR in Cities?
2-Can we expect any system that "buff" for example destro side when ALTDORF got 5* and not been attacked for 2weeks/1month/2months? (Destro need some love atm !!)
3-Any idea how to help streamers to advertise about the game?
4-Can we expect to get "Annihilate" buffed and usable while moving 8-) ?

Thank you for all the work you did on your free time to make this game live again !

Last edited by Tsuna92 on Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#32 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:35 pm

1, Any plans to merge the ward/unlocks from PvE and ORvR similar to Live, eventually?

2, Are there any other Add-ons or aspects of an add-on that the team considers broken? Enemy markers/click-casting, Buff head, tether, etc. Any plans to alter/break any aspects of them?

3, long term solution to conditional based macros/Add-ons? Will there be a punishment for using a "workable" version of an add-on that performs conditionals or efficient hotkey stacking?

4, Does the current Dev team have any plans for CW/RD?

5, Any plans to make the true endgame gear BiS? IE Adjusting Sov piece bonus' or individual stats to make running full Sov more "endgame"? Or will mix/match remain viable to provide incentive to run other content?

6, with the increase in Shard drop rate, will the team consider adding boots/gloves to kill drops and making them BoE like Live?

7, any chance of a transcript for the QnA? I know it would be a pain to setup. But I also know a lot of us would seriously appreciate it.

Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

Posts: 20

Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#33 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:41 pm

Both outer postern doors at Thickmuck Pit (keep in Badlands) are facing order wc making easy access for order. Can we have an outer postern facing destro wc at Thickmuck? If not, how come?

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Posts: 25

Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#34 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:06 pm

Q: Will there be a merchant made available to trade Sovereign gear sets from Offensive to Defensive like on live

Q:Will we ever see Lost Vale and TotVL?
Spiritualvoid Chosen RR82
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Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#35 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:45 pm

How does the team see the effect of patches and population, this question arises as sometimes there appear to be retoric dissociating player behavioiur with the environment the players are placed in.
Last edited by Acidic on Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 783

Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#36 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:04 am

The big lingering question is there new scenario gear coming? ty
great job

Posts: 28

Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#37 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:51 am

Q: When can we expect to see Tome Tactics available for use? You did mention the possibility last Q&A.

Q: You mentioned that Renown Tactics would not make a comeback. But why? I pulled up some of the old ones from live. Increased RR on dwarf kills doesn't sound to impactful to game balance.

Q: What future content are you working on?

Q: Why is there no influence tied to Hunter's Vale like in the other dungeons? It is fun though so great job!

Q: The duelling zone is never used, are there plans to make this an exciting and tempting part of the game?

Q: Can we please add dungeon Maps for the newbie players quality of life? (more than just the minimap, big maps when you open up the main map)

Q: While in split maps oRvR zones can we have a combined main map so we don't have to switch between both.

Q: Can we treat T1 oRvR zones like we do for lower players entering T2/3/4 zones by debuffing lvl40 characters and allowing them play? Maybe lockout the skills to only the skills they would have at that T1 lvl and stat/rr decrease to make it consummate with the T1 lvls.

Q: Any future lvl 22 PQs in work?

Q: Any ideas about expanding the crafting skills or adding new ones? New craftable talis, potions? Or maybe Cooking that could be used with meats from butchering and perhaps herbs from cultivating, have it as an additional skill anyone could use, recipes are rare mob drops. Crafted with fire, 30 sec eat time, only one food buff can be active, 30-60 minute buff. Different from potions: X% run speed increase, X% mount speed increase, block buff, parry buff, disrupt buff, periodically burp fire, periodically vomit acid, attack speed buff, cast speed buff, invisible outside 20 feet buff, knock down resistance (time decrease), knock back resistance (distance decrease), stagger/stun resistance (time decrease), attack range buff, cast range buff, ect.

Q: Now I'm really jumping off the deep end! What are the possibilities of an instanced sandbox zone, where players are giving in game tooltips to create worlds like scenarios or dungeons and once finished, "publish" them and other players can play and rate the zones. If the zones are popular and follow lore then maybe the devs could incorporate them permanently into the game with loot tables, influence, rewards, quests. Maybe include quest design in this and armor/weapon design.

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Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#38 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:53 am

Any plans to buff slayer ? ^^

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Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#39 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:44 am

-news on armor craft?
-can we expect a bis def rvr 2h set for tank in tyrant or dark promise?
-any plan to fix rvr considering how flag system failed in past? aka one mono timer on all flag to spread the fight , keep flag system separate from keep, change keep system to allow more steps flexibility in build (aka put flags on outer wall which change the siege ram dmg or block dmg at all if defenders hold it)
-why choppa must suck this much, when choppa will have something in place of "keep on chopping" that is op as much rampage is?
-any plan to nerf rampage ? not because is diff from live, but because is the most op stuff in game right now
-why am m2 "blinding light" cast time increase work on whole wb "istant cast skills" differently from live where it only worked on cast time skills?

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Re: Submit Your Questions: Live Q&A July 3rd

Post#40 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:00 pm

LIttle intro:
DoK and WP start as 2h weapon user or dual wield sword, which implicates that its their default gear setup. Of course its not, cause they are healers and default gear setup is book/chalice.
To avoid this tier 1 mindset of WP/DoK being "hit to heal" class:
Q: can they start with 1h weapon + book/chalice at rank 1?

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