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Controversial opinion - Xrealming

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Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#1 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:25 pm

Here it is, plain and simple: I think Cross-realming should not have been allowed, and should be forbidden in the future (or, the penalty for changing realm should last several days)

I could see why was implemented in the past. As things stand, however, it is really against the original spirit of the game, and is only creating much more inbalance in the server. as such, abolishment or more severe limitations should be impelmented.

here are some counter-arguments that people could pose to this, and my answer to them

CA1: "But I like to play both my Order and Destro Toons" (or worst: "But I like to jump to the bandwagon of the winning side for easy wins!")

Sorry, you will have to make choice. plead allegiance to one of the 2 sides, and actially make an effort if your side is losing RvR

CA2: "But I like to play my enemy's characters so i can learn their mechanics, to fight them better"

fair point. To solve this issue I would just generate a special server with no side limtation: each new character spawns at lvl 40, with 1000 gold and 10000 of each currency. no PvP and RvR enabled, so that people can only use this server for testing purposes. makes it much more useful than allowing Cross-realming, with all the issues deriving from it.

CA3: "Cross-realming can help balance out population issues"

That has not been the case. if anything, it has made the issues worst, with people bandwagoning on the winning side.

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Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#2 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:43 pm

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Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#3 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:49 pm

Grasthard wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:25 pm
CA3: "Cross-realming can help balance out population issues"

That has not been the case. if anything, it has made the issues worst, with people bandwagoning on the winning side.
How has it made the issues worst ? On what data do you rely to say that ?

And how do you block xrealm with two accounts ?

Posts: 65

Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#4 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:52 pm

Ehh and there it is ... 9845 thread about imaginary impact of xrealimng on meaningless PUG campaign.

So once again xrealmers who switch side becouse some side wining are irrelevant. Most players when one of realm dominate and there is no way to enjoy PUG RvR will just log off, go for scenarios or pve not switch sides.

Winning realm same time grow in numbers as more and more players stay on lakes for easy reward.

There is solution where all you anti xrealm zealots and whiners can make change, create guilds, make alliances, start leading open warbands face enemy instead cry on forums about balance. Is up to you to make changes take this challenge as underdog or chose to be another but hurt quitter.
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Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#5 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:57 pm

Me is thinking ppl xrealm to push for city, but sure create a guild and make alliances great again .

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Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#6 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:34 pm

Before going into the whole debate about what Crossrealming promotes or prevents, we should probably look at if crossrealming could ever realisticly be not allowed.
The way i see the situation:

This server is a Free to play server, meaning players can make accounts for free. No cost, only timeinvestment in creating an account.
Since players can make free accounts, we could have players with two accounts - One order, one Destro. And they would bypass any realm-lockouts that way.

But then the server could just not allow several accounts (like the DaoC freeshard Phoenix doesnt allow it) Sure. But from what I heard this server have more careers than there are char-slots on one account, so that would be the original arguement of why several accounts could be allowed on RoR. Also it must be quite a bit of admin work to start tracking who has several accounts in the age of VPNs.

As for crossrealming/winnerjoining issue. Two very different things that often get merged into the topic of crossrealming when people meant to say winnerjoining.
If the lockout is 5min, 2hours, 12hours does it really matter too much? I personally think the idea of having one realm dominating and the underdog realm rallying and putting in more organization between their alliances and guilds to push back in the capaign, is an outdated dream :roll:
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Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#7 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:39 pm

Even if it permalock to a side was practicably feasible (and it is not), it is not the root of the problem. It is incentives.

1) Most relevant rewards for any character Invader or higher are due to bags from zone flips, Fort and City. And for sub-Invader the zone flips are even more productive.
2) The zone flips occur (mostly) due to population imbalances as opposed to strategy
3) Xrealming helps create population imbalances
4) Which means there is a a direct incentive to load one side over the other to maximize return on time played

I'm not even including the other benefits of zerging (i.e. renown rewards that far outstrip the relative risks, not having to deal dodging multiple warbands, etc).

TL;DR Loading a side (and xrealming) is a feature not a defect.

Posts: 676

Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#8 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:18 pm

You've no idea how much more rr/emblems and bags you get if you play the underdog side and farm the zerglings than if you ride the zerg for a 2k renown tick for a zone lock because the keep was empty.
People who xrealm to the winning side are clueless, and people who play oneside while that side is winning and switching over in the same zone lose all contribution they had so it's pointless.

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Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#9 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:38 pm

TreefAM wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:18 pm You've no idea how much more rr/emblems and bags you get if you play the underdog side and farm the zerglings than if you ride the zerg for a 2k renown tick for a zone lock because the keep was empty.
People who xrealm to the winning side are clueless, and people who play oneside while that side is winning and switching over in the same zone lose all contribution they had so it's pointless.
Depends on the AAO levels. But lets assume it is high AAO (80% plus) then:

IF you have a high RR dps (or two) or a decent 6-man you *CAN* make a lot of kills or get a lot of renown/shards. You can also get zerged down then have your group quit b/c they can't handle getting wiped over and over. Otherwise you spend most of your time dodging and looking for an opportune time to strike and maybe get that kill if someone else doesn't come along to mess it up.

OTOH if you run the zerging side you pile on a couple of random kills, run a box and make sure to hit the lord before he dies and you get 2-3k renown and still get a bag roll for almost no effort.

Posts: 631

Re: Controversial opinion - Xrealming

Post#10 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:06 pm

I hope not, I think both order and destro have nice characters, and I hope there is less mirroring so playing on each side is a fresh experience.

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