Daoc players and what they might notice

In this section, you will find some advices and basics to start quietly ingame. Question like " I'm lvl 1, what shall i do?", "What class shall i pick?", will find some answers in this place.
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Daoc players and what they might notice

Post#1 » Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:53 pm

Hello and welcome to any Dark Age of Camelot longtime players.

Warhammer Online was the next game Mark Jacobs worked on after the daoc succes, and while some things were better in DarkAge, some things have improced and changed since then. And I will try to go over some of them to help you get a better foothold in this "newer" game.

Compas and navigation
First of all, you might have noticed there is no Compas. Navigating around and coordinating a pull/kite direction is mostly done on here via the minimap and useing landmarks.
For example if you are fighting in the open people will use the terms like "kite the way we came from" or something like "go left around the big stone" etc.

Crowdcontrol and CC breaking, is very different on here. There are no big opening blanket mezzes in this game. Also you dont have to worry about tanks with DET getting out of CC before other classes (the dwarfs do have a racial tactic allowing CC to be 50% less impactful on them though, but all classes have different racial tactic advantages)

Crowdcontrol and immunities:
The crowcontrol work on two different immunity schools in this game. So if one type of CC is applied to a target, they get the immunitytimer based on the length of the CC duration:
- Staggers(mezz)
- Knockdown
- Silence
- disarm

- Pull
- Punt/kick
- Root

the rule of thumb is that a CC ability will give 10sec immnuty after applied, for each 1second duration of crowdcontrol. With some exceptions mostly on Morale abilities.
Example: a stealther doing a knockdown on an other player for 3 seconds, will give a 30seconds immunity to school1. but a 4sec disarm will give 40sec immunity. Both share the same school of immunities and therefor can only one of them be applied or the target will be immunune to the second cc.

Abilities, interrupts and collision
This game does have melee styles and rotations to some extent but its far more forgiving. Performing melee attacks with a "possitional requirement" should be easy to perform for most of you if you are used to it from daoc. Just keep in mind this game has collision and you cant walk through enemies. Strafing works in combat, and casters are only getting a sorft-interrupt and not a hardinterrupt as you know from Daoc.

There is no difference between movementspeed here. No suchthing as speed 5 vs speed6, casterspeed.
lvl 16 mounts give 50% movementspeed and lvl 38 mount for 100gold gives 60% movementspeed. Mounted movement is the main way of traveling in pvp here. Melee classes do get a Charge ability to gabclose, and instead of sprinting all classes have their Flee ability which drop your Actionpoints and Morale to 0.

RvR campaign and maps
Coming from daoc you might be used to roaming and going into whatever map you want to, but in this game we follow a campaign where each map depending on who wins it, will push the campaign back and forth. There are no relics and when one realm's capital has been besieged the campaign starts over with no real pvp impact for you in the lake, so dont worry about who is dominating it will not affect your stats.

Renown ranks and progression
In Daoc you might be used to RR being the biggest progression you gain after you have gotten your gear templated. On here renown ranks are giving you renown skillpoints, but mainly it unlocks requirements for better and stronger itemlevel pvp gear from vendors and warcrests. You will take a moment to get used to how progression is tied to gear in this game and no so much to renown ranks.

There are probably more areas that will have some cultural shocks, but these are the big ones that I could think of on top of my head. Welcome to any Daoc player who wanted to test and try RoR.
Last edited by wonshot on Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bombling 92BW
<Reign Of Fire> An Empire-only EU guild. For The Challenge of racial restricted RvR & for the Empire!

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Re: Daoc players and what they might notice

Post#2 » Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:41 pm

Great write up, only thing I would add is the difference of siege system. Here you don’t need to worry about knocking down walls, scaling buildings, building towers, or buying wood to repair doors and have wood working skill on top of that.
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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Re: Daoc players and what they might notice

Post#3 » Sun Oct 10, 2021 9:25 pm

Thank you. Played DAoC for close to 12 years. I gave this a shot at launch and went back. I remember enjoying DK and WP.

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Re: Daoc players and what they might notice

Post#4 » Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:22 pm

Shameless bump and a warm welcome to Peon wave 2.0
Bombling 92BW
<Reign Of Fire> An Empire-only EU guild. For The Challenge of racial restricted RvR & for the Empire!

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