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Questions from a new Player :)

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Posts: 1

Questions from a new Player :)

Post#1 » Sat Aug 28, 2021 10:18 pm

Hey @all,
i was looking for a Warhammer pserver and found Return of Reckoning. My first question was mhmh how many players are playing? I can see Tier 1 and Tier 2+ but what does it mean? Also is it beginner friendly? I remember when i startet Warhammer back in the days i had a hard time to catch up Pvp ranks cuz the players still playing are pretty high and hard to defeat as a low rank player, so is it as hard as Warhammer back in the days to catch up or less hard btw srry for my englisch :)

Im realy excited to play :D Well gonna download now and try to join.

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Re: Questions from a new Player :)

Post#2 » Sun Aug 29, 2021 7:28 am

daged wrote: Sat Aug 28, 2021 10:18 pm Hey @all,
i was looking for a Warhammer pserver and found Return of Reckoning. My first question was mhmh how many players are playing? I can see Tier 1 and Tier 2+ but what does it mean? Also is it beginner friendly? I remember when i startet Warhammer back in the days i had a hard time to catch up Pvp ranks cuz the players still playing are pretty high and hard to defeat as a low rank player, so is it as hard as Warhammer back in the days to catch up or less hard btw srry for my englisch :)

Im realy excited to play :D Well gonna download now and try to join.
Hello and Welcome.
The amount of players varies from the timezone and day/month. Usually around 1000 players during EU primetime on weekdays. ~400 offhours

Tier 1 is lvl1-15 players. So you are matched with other newer players mostly or with those who are rolling alts.
Tier 2+ is lvl16 to 40 players (exception being scenarios have 16-39 bracket for mid tier matchmaking) At lvl16 you get stat boosts when you enter the openRvR to compensate your low level and gear. However you are still missing a lot of abilities. Leveling up here is i would say about twice faster as it was on official, so if you stick to open warbands and roll with people you will catch up pretty fast.

as for installation. Make sure to follow the installation guide: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=31241

See you on the Battlefield!
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