How to get ROR population up.

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Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#41 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:08 am

Hello, I played this game a while ago and quit after I started doing a couple of cities. Here is my reason why I stopped playing.

Leveling is fine. I do not think there is a big problem leveling in the game. Yes it does depend on which faction is winning so sometimes you get unlucky and sometimes you get lucky. I really don't know how you can really fix leveling near perfect balanced way. You really cannot.

So when I eventually reached max level I got into a guild. I didn't have great gear but I was a KOTBS and those are very useful in warbands. I got into cities! Guild was nice but what really bothered me was that it wasn't that encouraging to actually join cities because there was a clear gear gap between me and people with full sovereign gear. I felt like a burden. People said join the cities warband but I knew they really didn't want me because my gear sucked ass. I clearly was holding them back.

I kept thinking, who would want me in the group when there are so many other better geared kotbs players. The grind doesn't really help either. Its like constantly fighting an uphill battle. It takes a long ass time to even get to the same level as those players. This further discouraged me like a vicious cycle. I felt worthless. Nothing I did mattered cuz my gear sucked ass except the buffs I provided. The amount of gear sets I need to get first before even reaching the max one is just too much. This led me to not playing that much and eventually quitting the game.

Look I do not know if this was the intention of the game or not being a pretty grindy game compared to for example World of Warcraft (PvP) , but I hope this experience may give insight on a few new players alike and how we felt playing the game.

Posts: 6

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#42 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:45 am

Saligia wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:31 am I thought I was a quite reasonable person that tries to find at least one common ground with people that has different ideas but I am completely against all your ideas. I believe this is a side effect of getting older.
This seems to be one of the core problems imo. Dont get me wrong, ive tried to be nice. But it has gotten to a point that i just gave up. I think most of the player base is older people who are really cranky judging by discord and theyre attitudes. Always blaming mistakes that are made ingame on kids is a big turn off for me. Cause im not old. And some of the most immature players that i have seen are adults. However i have not made a scene ingame or called anyone else names or blamed mistakes on someones age. I just dont play this game anymore unless im really bored i havent played in like 2 or 3 months. Not everyone, but there are alot of toxic players in this game and they cant control themselves ingame

Posts: 71

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#43 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:44 pm

Just stop devteam to make wrong choices.

They just focused on pve stuff, and the big majority of players who made the game alive was left behind. No rvr changes, no classes balancing, no Lost Vale, no LotD.

The idea of classes balancing every 3 months or so was the dumbest idea this team could ever had. Its a too long gap, and together with all this inactivity on rvr lake, and add here the inumerous bugs that aren't being fixed, made the game less interesting. Many people left tha game instead get angry with it's situation.

Warhammer is rvr and class changing. Instead waste time on a ranked, make rvr more interesting. All they did was nerf renown. And this was another wrong decision.
Classes can't be balanced if you think well, so change them from time to time. Not after 3,4,5 months, but every 2 months, imo. We have wh/we stupidly buffed atm, they just became a cancer in this game, why not change it and give other classes the chance to shine as well?

And no, it's not because of NW, if you take what the old streamers said, game got boring because there is no news, and what is called new isn't interesting enough to bring people back. From a base of 40 friends who used to play warhammer ror, only 11 went to NW. The rest, 5 still playing ror casually and the rest went to other games like CS or Conan Exiles.

Posts: 480

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#44 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 3:30 pm

Satirico wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:44 pm Just stop devteam to make wrong choices.

They just focused on pve stuff, and the big majority of players who made the game alive was left behind. No rvr changes, no classes balancing, no Lost Vale, no LotD.

The idea of classes balancing every 3 months or so was the dumbest idea this team could ever had. Its a too long gap, and together with all this inactivity on rvr lake, and add here the inumerous bugs that aren't being fixed, made the game less interesting. Many people left tha game instead get angry with it's situation.

Warhammer is rvr and class changing. Instead waste time on a ranked, make rvr more interesting. All they did was nerf renown. And this was another wrong decision.
Classes can't be balanced if you think well, so change them from time to time. Not after 3,4,5 months, but every 2 months, imo. We have wh/we stupidly buffed atm, they just became a cancer in this game, why not change it and give other classes the chance to shine as well?

And no, it's not because of NW, if you take what the old streamers said, game got boring because there is no news, and what is called new isn't interesting enough to bring people back. From a base of 40 friends who used to play warhammer ror, only 11 went to NW. The rest, 5 still playing ror casually and the rest went to other games like CS or Conan Exiles.
are you want kidding me dude, please use your brain, if you have brain cells. why you you want all fast fast fast???? have you no paticence. the devs do a great job,you and many other players forget, the devs are volunteers and they do this here in there freetime. if you have a problem, you can download the emulator and the other things and can start a own server. you must know about programming and that need time. time is the key word. all things what the devs are do, are right, balanceing need time. if you have no patience please go away and play another game. if you dont know how hard is the work behind the scences, then shut up.

it is so easy to say WoW do a better job, many forget blittard is a big company and here the devs are volunteers. the player must learn to play and this game is caual friendly and this game is a group play and not soloing. if the players want play solo, then play a singleplayer game and not a old school mmorpg. as group you are stronger and not as just solo players, communication is very very important

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Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#45 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:58 pm

rorfatihm2k wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:08 am
Hello, I played this game a while ago and quit after I started doing a couple of cities. Here is my reason why I stopped playing.

Leveling is fine. I do not think there is a big problem leveling in the game. Yes it does depend on which faction is winning so sometimes you get unlucky and sometimes you get lucky. I really don't know how you can really fix leveling near perfect balanced way. You really cannot.

So when I eventually reached max level I got into a guild. I didn't have great gear but I was a KOTBS and those are very useful in warbands. I got into cities! Guild was nice but what really bothered me was that it wasn't that encouraging to actually join cities because there was a clear gear gap between me and people with full sovereign gear. I felt like a burden. People said join the cities warband but I knew they really didn't want me because my gear sucked ass. I clearly was holding them back.

I kept thinking, who would want me in the group when there are so many other better geared kotbs players. The grind doesn't really help either. Its like constantly fighting an uphill battle. It takes a long ass time to even get to the same level as those players. This further discouraged me like a vicious cycle. I felt worthless. Nothing I did mattered cuz my gear sucked ass except the buffs I provided. The amount of gear sets I need to get first before even reaching the max one is just too much. This led me to not playing that much and eventually quitting the game.

Look I do not know if this was the intention of the game or not being a pretty grindy game compared to for example World of Warcraft (PvP) , but I hope this experience may give insight on a few new players alike and how we felt playing the game.
The grindiness is intentional, gear-wise probably close to vanilla WoW, I think it's a bit much too and needs to switch to Orvr as a main source instead of city... but...
As a kotbs you should be pulling your weight even as fresh 40, assuming you have lvl+35 gear. Any mix of Redeye/ruin/anni/conq/vanq is fine coupled with some of the gunbad parry/block rings.
And a build like this - Knight of the Blazing Sun

You just turn on auras, challenge, bellow, guard, knockdown and punt, while trying not to take too much dmg and you've done 95% of your job as good as you could in sov.
And if you still lose hard that's the pug life..
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

Posts: 3

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#46 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:17 pm

Turn the Solo Ranked currency into +60rr scenario currency. The natural progression from Oppressor. Alot of NA/Oceanic players will never get the chance to queue for Solo Ranked and it will give another 2 sets of gear to aim for.Keep the Leaderboards and Live Events for Solo Ranked to allow those that want to compete at the highest level to get recognition for said play.

Posts: 485

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#47 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:14 pm

Buff 2h Slayer/choppa and give Dps WPs a buff and people will come back! Class diversity makes this game.

And make ranked que everyone against everyone, no mmr while pop is so low. it shouldn´t be a safespace for casual players.

Maybe a open disscusion about how the RvR could be made better. After seeing the 2 citys im convinced the devs will do a great patch.

Posts: 107

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#48 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:16 pm

eldriyth wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:42 am
Saligia wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:31 am I thought I was a quite reasonable person that tries to find at least one common ground with people that has different ideas but I am completely against all your ideas. I believe this is a side effect of getting older.

The game doesn't need a solo player doing solo PvE. It will just arbitrarily increase the population and have no other benefit.

Developer time spent on PvE content is useless as you can't possibly provide better PvE content compared to all these new MMOs that offer PvE. Also MMO history taught us balancing classes for PvE content will mess up PvP balance and vice versa. Developers have very limited resources and these resources should be directed to what this game excels at, which is open world large scale PvP and city sieges. For example, Destroying siege weapons reset the siege timer. I mean why do we still have this bug?

We also do not need more rewards or faster leveling/gearing for RvR because it will take away getting the BiS gear pleasure if it is easily obtainable.

Developers need to reach out to a few organized guilds still running regular events and work with them to implement class balances for RvR and 24v24 fights. There are a couple of obvious things that can be addressed very easily and there are some other more complicated things that need to be reviewed in detail.

The balance is in a way better situation than the original game and for that, I am quite grateful to devs. But in this current state, there is still a lot of room for improvement and it needs to be addressed.

That's why there is 240/3500 people online right now? You ignored everything I posted so you can just batter up your friends and guild members. The game is dying at a rapid rate and this attitude is why. Take some pages out of the world of warcraft book or final fantasy 14. Shitting on solo players will end up with your game in ruins. That's why those 2 games (more so final fantasy 14) lets a player enjoy themselves without guild bullshit if they so choose to. This join a guild or don't play and get anywhere mentality needs to end and fast. And have you ever thought that if a soloer could get some great gear they might be more inclined to join a guild and try group content? I can tell you right now somebody who is nicely geared up whether it's from themselves or groups is a person who will want to experience raids and such. It gives the player a feeling of freedom and will keep them playing your game.
Pop right now 7:05 p.m. EST USA is 406/3500.

The game is dying and pop keeps going down sadly :( And population is critical in any group-oriented mmorpg, absolutely 100% critical as you need other people to do stuff, especially for any meaningful pve content, pvp not so much imo.

100% honesty the pop dropped 1/3 right when nerfed buttons was removed, then all the fanboys said, 'oh no, it's just the slow summer months, pop will return.' well, we all know that didn't happen. and then the fanboys blamed pop on amazon's new world. that's my take on it. and i'm not asking for nerfed buttons to return. it's not my game and I'm not in charge, so no reason being a pest asking. that's the GMs design decision and there are other games for me to play.

i played pretty consistently for 5+ years and when nerfed buttons was removed i quickly lost interest. why? nerfbuttons makes gameplay so relaxing and easy. i can just focus on strategy and having fun. With nerfed buttons I don't have to frantically octopus style use abilities (i'm classic WADS+mouse player). Can i play without nerfed buttons? yes, 100% but it's too much work and after 45 min exhausting, at least for me. maybe i'm too old? maybe. lol. nerfed buttons for me was always a quality of life add on so I could play for many hours without the hardship of managing 20+ abilities doing keyboard contortions. Maybe if they could figure out a way to disable nerfed buttons for ranked play that would be great, then for pve and rvr and non-ranked scenarios nerfed buttons would work. in some ways, i'm actually slightly better in pvp without nerfed buttons, but it's too much energy to keep up over hours of play.

Posts: 107

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#49 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:23 pm

Alubert wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:58 pm 1) It is obvious to me that the biggest drop in population was after NB was blocked. This is not subject to any discussion. This is evidenced by the numbers and my experience. I warned that this would happen. The numbers speak for themselves.Only in my guild more than half of players left RoR (they didn't come back till now). And I know many more who left RoR.
Lots of players warned against this wrong decision. But you listened to a few crying players who could use NB like everyone else.
So far I am not convinced by any argument for blocking NB.

2. the emergence of new MMOs has of course also contributed to the decline in player numbers.

3. one more reason why players leave (it happens slowly over time) is the lack of motivation (rewards) for continuing to play.
Allow the spending of "renown points" to 100 or even above. Let it be even one point to spend for every 2 renown levels but let it be.
Give high level armor/weapons. Let them be only slightly different from sov gear but let them be.
Armor/weapons/mounts skins.

This is an MMO. Grind is an integral part of this type of game and it has to be related to the purpose of the game.

Give people a purpose and see how it positively affects the population.
excellent post. you nailed the issues 100%.

Posts: 551

Re: How to get ROR population up.

Post#50 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 5:07 am

xoonerfree wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:16 pm
Pop right now 7:05 p.m. EST USA is 406/3500.

The game is dying and pop keeps going down sadly :( And population is critical in any group-oriented mmorpg, absolutely 100% critical as you need other people to do stuff
Quoting GM from another thread:
We know we lost a few people, that was expected.

Nothing else to say. Shooting own foot became global sport.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

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