[Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Posts: 1391

[Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#1 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:24 pm

I've put this together as there are a lot of bugs with the Zealot, many of which are unknown to the playerbase (such as Harbinger of Doom sometimes not converting stats). Hopefully you find it useful. If you spot anything that is incorrect or missing then please reply with the details and I will update the OP. Links to tickets on the bug tracker are VERY appreciated.

Core: Abilities

Breath of Tzeentch
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19115
    Classified as a "Hex", but it doesn't apply a hex.
Chaotic Blur
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18223
    General detaunt bug. Existing DoTs don't go back to 100% damage once the detaunt is broken.
Embrace the Warp
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19120
    Tooltips are reduced by 25 AP instead of 25% of AP.
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19121
    Unable to cancel the ability early as per tooltip.
Harbinger of Doom
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15181
    Stat conversion fails to occur server-side in some instances (this is NOT just a character sheet bug, although it often displays the wrong values on the character sheet too). Typically need to toggle HoD on/off after changing areas to make it work
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15181
    Stat conversion fails to update tooltips correctly. Makes it impossible to determine the correct damage and healing for abilities.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19610
    Tooltip lists 150ft range for Harbinger of Doom but it is a self-buff.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19611
    Harbinger of Doom's activation delay can cause abilities cast just after it to use the old stats.
  5. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19690
    Equipment vanishes and stats from equipment (not just willpower/intelligence, but also wounds and maybe others) not granted correctly if you try to change equipment while Harbinger of Doom is active. Additionally, it seems to be overwriting/deleting items?
  6. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19927 (no longer applicable)
    Equipping and unequipping gear after using Harbinger of Doom a few times can remove all of your stats and even give you stat penalties. Turns out this is a generic bug affecting all characters equipping gear direct from the bank.
Mark of Remaking
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/8138
    Incorrect values being used for toughness duration, self-res duration and res-accept timer.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19125
    Adds a random granted ability named "Remaking".
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19126
    Will activate even if the deceased player is affected by Terror.
Tzeentch's Cordial
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/14716
    Actual healing doesn't match tooltip.
Tzeentch Shall Remake You
  • No known issues.
Core: Morales

Alter Fate
  • No known issues.
Divine Favor
  • No known issues.
Divine Protection
  • No known issues.
Eye of Sheerian
  • No known issues.
Focused Mind
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/2204
    Sometimes the buff instantly ends. Can be triggered by certain PvE bosses.
Rampaging Siphon
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18824
    Sometimes just fails to do anything.
Steal Life
  • No known issues.
Suppressing The Fragile Unbelievers
  • No known issues. Note: recently a duration of 3 seconds was thought to have been applied instead of 7, but this has not been reproduced with testing.
Tzeentch's Talon
  • No known issues.
Core: Tactics

  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19622
    Backlash breaks detaunt if it triggers.
Blessing of Chaos
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Can be procced by Ritual of Lunacy (this is technically a bug with Ritual of Lunacy)
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15499
    Tooltip says it procs from critical heals, but it actually procs only from critical direct heals.
By Tzeentch's Will!
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Can be procced by Ritual of Lunacy (this is technically a bug with Ritual of Lunacy)
  • No known issues.
Divine Fury
  • No known issues.
Drink Deeply
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15747
    Healing done doesn't match tooltip.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19133
    Scales with willpower (procs generally do not scale at all except based on rank).
Empowered Alteration
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18353
    Only grants 24 AP instead of 48 AP.
Endless Gifts
  • No known issues. At the time I'm writing this all CD reducing effects were broken in a recent patch but a global fix is pending.
Restorative Burst
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Can be procced by Ritual of Lunacy (this is technically a bug with Ritual of Lunacy)
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19134
    Lasts for 3 seconds instead of 3.
Scourged Warping
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11162
    The proc from "Scourged Warping" is removed even if the attempt to cast Scourge fails due to angles/facing.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16805
    Also triggers when Warp Reality is cast instead of just when Warp Reality does damage.
  • No known issues.
Tzeentch's Warding
  • No known issues.
Warped Flesh
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19136
    Duration missing from the tooltip.
Warping The Spirit
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15652
    Can also trigger when Tzeentch's Cordial is cast and not just when it actually heals.
Waves of Chaos
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11383
    Radius less than expected.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12454
    Unclear damage scaling.
Path of Alchemy: Abilities

Aethyric Shock
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19615
    Does physical damage.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16901 (maybe)
    Can apparently go through Shroud of Magnus. This could just be the Zealot having disrupt strikethrough though.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18727
    The stagger can sometimes fail to trigger if the damage is absorbed.
Boon of Tzeentch
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19143
    Damage type missing from the tooltip (it does corporeal damage).
Daemonic Fortitude
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19612
    The wounds buff is sometimes reduced based on the rank of the target.
Elixir of Dark Blessings
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/14716
    Tooltip doesn't match actual amount healed.
Flash of Chaos
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/14716
    Tooltip doesn't match actual amount healed.
Mark of Daemonic Fury
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19124
    General mark bug. When an ally uses a granted ability, the damage is not increased by the Zealot's mastery rank.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/9792
    General mark bug. If attempting to give a player a mark they already have, only the first mark is used rather than the best mark (the stats vary based on rank).
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/20087
    General bug. Marks are not cleared from allies when you respec, allowing you to hand out maxed out buffs to different people regardless of your current spec.
Ritual of Innervation
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15868
    General ritual bug. They share a cooldown but cooldown modification effects are only applied to the ritual used.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19616
    General ritual bug. Client incorrectly uses distance to hostile target when displaying "usability" status on the hotbars.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/17610
    General ritual bug. Can be placed in undesired locations if target spot is out of range.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19655
    General bug. Ground-targeted visual effects are currently broken.
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19158
    Visual effects fail to be removed if spammed.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11162
    Will remove the proc from the "Scourged Warping" tactic that reduces the cast time to zero even if the ability could not be cast due to facing the wrong way.
Tzeentch's Cry
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19129
    The visual effect and the time when the ability does damage do not match.
Path of Alchemy: Morales

Tzeentch's Shielding
  • No known issues.
Path of Alchemy: Tactics

Changer's Touch
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19148
    Triggers from auto-attack, but another tactic that also procs on direct crits does not. Unsure which is correct.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19149
    Will trigger on the main target of Chaotic Agitation even though that is an AoE ability.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19618
    The tooltip(s) and text all say a different effect type (healing/debuff/hex).
Chaotic Force
  • No known issues. Note that it is virtually impossible to test this tactic.
  • No known issues. Note that I do not have the facility to confirm what type of damage this does as setting up a test for this is very difficult.
Path of Witchcraft: Abilities

Dark Medicine
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19118
    Classified as "Healing" rather than "Blessing".
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/14716
    Amount actually healed doesn't match tooltip.
Mark of the Spell Destroyer
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19124
    General mark bug. When an ally uses a granted ability, the damage is not increased by the Zealot's mastery rank.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/9792
    General mark bug. If attempting to give a player a mark they already have, only the first mark is used rather than the best mark (the stats vary based on rank).
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19630
    Combat log says you are disabled by Mark of the Spell Destroyer.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/20087
    General bug. Marks are not cleared from allies when you respec, allowing you to hand out maxed out buffs to different people regardless of your current spec.
Mirror of Madness
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19123
    Shared an icon with Mark fo the Vortex.
Ritual of Superiority
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15868
    General ritual bug. They share a cooldown but cooldown modification effects are only applied to the ritual used.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19616
    General ritual bug. Client incorrectly uses distance to hostile target when displaying "usability" status on the hotbars.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/17610
    General ritual bug. Can be placed in undesired locations if target spot is out of range.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19655
    General bug. Ground-targeted visual effects are currently broken.
  5. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19195
    Missing radius distance on tooltip.
  6. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18936
    Cannot be used when bolstered in scenarios.
Storm of Ravens
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/13936 and https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16381
    Doing approximately 40% less damage than intended. Seems to have the damage for 7 damage ticks but it only ticks 4 times.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19145
    First tick of damage doesn't cost any AP.
Tzeentch's Lash
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12444
    Damage doesn't match tooltip.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19130
    Visual effect doesn't end.
Veil of Chaos
  • No known issues.
Warp Reality
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16805
    Can also proc the Scourged Warping tactic when cast instead of just when Warp Reality does damage.
Path of Witchcraft: Morales

Tzeentch's Scream
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19144
    Tooltip says is grants 25 AP every second. It actually grants 75 AP every 3 seconds.
Path of Witchcraft: Tactics

Lashing Waves
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19146
    Visual effect not applied correctly on targets caught in the AOE.
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/9887
    Also works when Harbinger of Doom is turned off.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12078
    Some NPCs caused it to heal for less than expected.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19147
    10% bonus disrupt strikethrough missing from tooltip.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19148
    Does not trigger from auto-attack, but another tactic that also procs on direct crits does. Unsure which is correct.
Tzeentch's Refreshment
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Likely procced by Ritual of Lunacy (technically a bug with the ritual).
Path of Dark Rites: Abilities

Chaotic Agitation
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11384
    AoE targets won't be hit if the main target disrupts a tick.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19145
    First tick of damage doesn't cost any AP.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19149
    Can proc Changer's Touch on the main target.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19153
    Incorrect damage type on tooltip (it is actually corporeal).
  5. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19153
    Cast time is set to 60 seconds on the tooltip instead of 6.
Demon Spittle
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19117
    Damage doesn't match tooltip.
Dust of Pandemonium
  • No known issues.
Leaping Alteration
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19123
    Shares an icon with Mark of the Vortex's granted ability.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/17607
    Sometimes lasts for 12 seconds instead of 9.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/14716
    Healing done doesn't match tooltip.
Mark of the Vortex
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19124
    General mark bug. When an ally uses a granted ability, the damage is not increased by the Zealot's mastery rank.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/9792
    General mark bug. If attempting to give a player a mark they already have, only the first mark is used rather than the best mark (the stats vary based on rank).
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19123
    The granted ability shares an icon with Leaping Alteration.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19127
    The DoT applied by the granted ability is a blessing instead of a hex.
  5. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/20087
    General bug. Marks are not cleared from allies when you respec, allowing you to hand out maxed out buffs to different people regardless of your current spec.
Rite of Agony
  • No known issues.
Ritual of Lunacy
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15868
    General ritual bug. They share a cooldown but cooldown modification effects are only applied to the ritual used.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19616
    General ritual bug. Client incorrectly uses distance to hostile target when displaying "usability" status on the hotbars.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/17610
    General ritual bug. Can be placed in undesired locations if target spot is out of range.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19655
    General bug. Ground-targeted visual effects are currently broken.
  5. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Ritual of Lunacy is set as a direct heal so it triggers all direct heal and on direct heal effects/procs.
Wind of Insanity
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19154
    Tooltip, patch notes and actual implementation disagree on how this ability is supposed to work now.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19155
    Damage type (corporeal) missing from tooltip.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19145
    First tick doesn't cost any AP.
  4. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19131
    Part of the visual effect is applied to the friendly target instead of yourself.
  5. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11554 (maybe)
    Zealot is immune to being punted while WoI is up. I think this was fixed already though...
Path of Dark Rites: Morales

  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19620
    Range on the tooltip is 100ft instead of self. Ability works correctly.
Path of Dark Rites: Tactics

Sweeping Disgorgement
  • No known issues.
Swirling Vortex
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12418
    The tactic hasn't actually been implemented yet.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12219
    The tooltip says is changes the radius to 30ft. The radius is already 30ft.
Tzeentch's Grip
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Can be procced by Ritual of Lunacy (this is technically a bug with Ritual of Lunacy)
Equipment: Abilities/Procs

Aid (proc on some Zealot weapons)
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19623
    The proc can crit.
Favor of Tzeentch (Sovereign granted ability)
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16273
    Tooltip error. It actually boosts crit heal and crit damage chance.
Pilfer (proc on some Zealot weapons)
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19624
    Some tooltips say 130 damage when it does 150. Other tooltips correctly say 150 damage.
Preservation (proc on some Zealot weapons)
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18620
    Tooltop says 110 wounds but it only increases by 80.
Equipment: Appearance

Raven Seer Waistrap
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18050
    Has Witch Elf appearance
Wingmantle of Violent Rituals
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18052
    Has Witch Elf appearance.
Equipment: Rewards

Bloodwrought Enclave
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15996
    Random blue belt shows up in weapon reward list in the Tome of Knowledge.
Mount Gunbad
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12932
    Tier 2 rewards are missing.
Equipment: Stats

Bastion Stair
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16001
    All 3 weapons have identical stats and bonuses. One dagger has slightly lower DPS.
Sovereign Fatemaker/DPS set
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15681
    The stats of 7/8 pieces are identical to the healing set.
Last edited by Omegus on Wed May 11, 2022 3:55 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#2 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:25 pm

(reserved just in case it is needed)
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 221

Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#3 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:29 pm


you made very comprehensive list indeed. I can confirm that harbringer of doom "behave" very... lets say differently. Sometimes it looks like it does not work properly but I have no data. I did not make any sufficient testing. I should have +129 magic power from items! + 1 2 9. I think it is enough to be noticeable on dmg (at least). When I am Harbringer of doom (harbringer of doom toggled on) I should have 129 magic power from items only. I have - 2xgenesis aspect (+36 healing power and +36 magic power), Invader head (+27 healing power), Invader hands (+15 healing power), Off-hand - Apostle´s Focus of Vehemence (+15 healing power). When I write .get stats sometims I see 36 magic power only, sometimes I see 129.

There must be something bugged for the whole zealot. I have 952 intel (with Mark of daemonic fury) + 129 magic power and the dmg is very low. I think that the magic power does not work at all... it looks so at least.

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Posts: 1391

Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#4 » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:09 am

Updated with a bug where the combat log says you are disabled by Mark of the Spell Destroyer. That ability has no disabiling effects, and it shouldn't be disabling the Zealot!
Jastojan wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:29 pmThere must be something bugged for the whole zealot. I have 952 intel (with Mark of daemonic fury) + 129 magic power and the dmg is very low. I think that the magic power does not work at all... it looks so at least.
Every time you change zone/map you need to toggle Harbinger of Doom on/off (or off/on) to get it to recalculate the stats correctly, otherwise it fails to properly update. Currently it definitely fails at converting magic crit to heal crit when changing zone/area, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was failing to convert other stats again too. Many attempts have been made to patch/fix the stat conversion since ROR began but none of them have worked reliably.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#5 » Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:39 am

Hi, great post! :D

I went through to better understand Zealot, I've quoted below but removed all tooltip bugs (e.g. power stats not being used for scaling with happens on all classes, though yes Zealot mechanic makes it worse), generic bugs (impacting more than zealot, e.g. Flee!), the ones with channels not costing AP on first tick (since it's AP/sec and first tick is at 0 sec), and the extended buff duration (e.g. Leaping Alteration, etc.) as that's intentional, just to get a clearer picture of "gameplay impacting" bugs.

And added a couple of comments in red, for stuff I left in but don't actually think are bugs :)
Omegus wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:24 pm

Harbinger of Doom
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15181
    Stat conversion fails to occur server-side in some instances (this is NOT just a character sheet bug, although it often displays the wrong values on the character sheet too). Typically need to toggle HoD on/off after changing areas to make it work
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19611
    Harbinger of Doom's activation delay can cause abilities cast just after it to use the old stats.
Mark of Remaking
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/8138
    Incorrect values being used for toughness duration, self-res duration and res-accept timer.
Drink Deeply
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19133
    Scales with willpower (procs generally do not scale at all except based on rank).
    Don't think this is true, maybe for procs not linked to a specifc ability, but this is. AM/Sham HoT cleanse tactic has a 0.9 willpower to HP scaling.
Empowered Alteration
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18353
    Only grants 24 AP instead of 48 AP.
Scourged Warping
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11162
    The proc from "Scourged Warping" is removed even if the attempt to cast Scourge fails due to angles/facing.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16805
    Also triggers when Warp Reality is cast instead of just when Warp Reality does damage.
Warping The Spirit
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15652
    Can also trigger when Tzeentch's Cordial is cast and not just when it actually heals.
Waves of Chaos
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11383
    Radius less than expected.
    10f is very short and it's hard to tell where it's supposed to start from, but they could certainly increase it by 10f more.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12454
    Unclear damage scaling.
    It's based on the mastery points in the tree of the ritual cast
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19124
    General mark bug. When an ally uses a granted ability, the damage is not increased by the Zealot's mastery rank.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/9792
    General mark bug. If attempting to give a player a mark they already have, only the first mark is used rather than the best mark (the stats vary based on rank).
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15868
    General ritual bug. They share a cooldown but cooldown modification effects are only applied to the ritual used.
    It's probably intentional as otherwise you'd be able to have two rituals at the same time. They should just make them not impacted by cooldown reducers.
  2. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19616
    General ritual bug. Client incorrectly uses distance to hostile target when displaying "usability" status on the hotbars.
  3. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/17610
    General ritual bug. Can be placed in undesired locations if target spot is out of range.
Mastery Trees
Path of Alchemy

Aethyric Shock
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18727
    The stagger can sometimes fail to trigger if the damage is absorbed.
Changer's Touch
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19149
    Will trigger on the main target of Chaotic Agitation even though that is an AoE ability.
Path of Witchcraft
Ritual of Superiority
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18936
    Cannot be used when bolstered in scenarios.
    Tester was 19, skill is lvl 21
Storm of Ravens
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/13936 and https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16381
    Doing approximately 40% less damage than intended. Seems to have the damage for 7 damage ticks but it only ticks 4 times.
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/9887
    Also works when Harbinger of Doom is turned off.
Path of Dark Rites
Chaotic Agitation
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/11384
    AoE targets won't be hit if the main target disrupts a tick.
    Weird behavior but lot of AoEs work like that.
Ritual of Lunacy
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Ritual of Lunacy is set as a direct heal so it triggers all direct heal and on direct heal effects/procs.

    Will be a massive MASSIVE nerf if they actually change this to indirect heal, to a point where they should allow 2 rituals to run at the same time if they do "fix" it.
Swirling Vortex
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/12418
    The tactic hasn't actually been implemented yet.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#6 » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:22 am

No1 play dps zealot. Waste of time to fix it.

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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#7 » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:27 am

wachlarz wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:22 am No1 play dps zealot. Waste of time to fix it.
I'm sure people would play it, if it was fixed :lol:
Also only 1 bug impacting DPS zealot, which would be very easy to fix, but even so it would barely make DPS zealot viable :P
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#8 » Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:02 pm

Thanks for replying. A few comments on your comments :)
BluIzLucky wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:39 am
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/15868
    General ritual bug. They share a cooldown but cooldown modification effects are only applied to the ritual used.
    It's probably intentional as otherwise you'd be able to have two rituals at the same time. They should just make them not impacted by cooldown reducers.
Nono, the bug is that if you are affected by something like Chop Fasta and use - for example - Ritual of Lunacy, then Ritual of Lunacy correctly goes on a 25 second cooldown, but any other rituals you have specced for go on the full 30 second cooldown even though it's a "shared" cooldown.
BluIzLucky wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:39 am Ritual of Superiority
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/18936
    Cannot be used when bolstered in scenarios.
    Tester was 19, skill is lvl 21
Why would that only be an issue in scenarios? Sounds like they were able to spec for it fine (level 19 plus something that adds +1 mastery), so it should be usable.
BluIzLucky wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:39 am Ritual of Lunacy
  1. https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/16402
    Ritual of Lunacy is set as a direct heal so it triggers all direct heal and on direct heal effects/procs.

    Will be a massive MASSIVE nerf if they actually change this to indirect heal, to a point where they should allow 2 rituals to run at the same time if they do "fix" it.
Not a nerf, a bug fix ;). Prior to April 2020 it was working correctly and didn't proc secondary effects anyway. It was just the change that let it crit also accidentally turned it into a direct heal too. Granted, prior to April 2020 most people just used AP ritual and ignored the other two completely...

Also, Wind of Insanity is a lot more than just a tooltip bug. The entire implementation including rooting you is stuck between the old toggle compared to how channels works, and the new implementation which was just to make it stoppable with pure interupts isn't close to what changes were actually made to the skill.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#9 » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:11 am

So.. Just a couple comments on your comments to my comments :lol:

I get the ritual thing, but given that there then would be a 5 second window where you could have 2 rituals at the same time (unless they add code to end existing rituals when a 2nd is cast after 25sec), my guess is that it's more of a code implementation choice even if it comes across as buggy.

Ritual of supremacy: Bolster lvl is not character level (my guess is it wont work in orvr too, but could be wrong). Maybe by design back when t3 was a thing and it rituals was deemed too strong for t2, anyway they should just lower clvl reqs to 19.

Ritual of lunacy: ooh really haha.. :lol:
Was gonna make a post on previous patch notes about how if you leave certain types of bugs (RoL, WoI, SoR, etc.) in the game too long, they become part of the balance.
Case in point I've level my zealot from 1 to +70 and could have been +80 in BIS if I focused, and all those have to me "always" behaved that way.

So to me it would be a huge nerf if they changed RoL to be indirect..
No more 100% uptime on group for BoC.
No more 100% uptime on group for TG.
No more "free" group AP pump with TR.
No more "free" self-AP pump with Restorative Burst.

It's essentially equivalent to spamming group heal and seems to me the only reason zealot is keeping up with other healers on a WB scale.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Re: [Zealot] Comprehensive bug list

Post#10 » Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:57 pm

Updated with the new Harbinger of Doom bug:
  • https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/19690
    Equipment vanishes and stats from equipment (not just willpower/intelligence, but also wounds and maybe others) not granted correctly if you try to change equipment while Harbinger of Doom is active.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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