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Patch Notes 28/01/2022

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#91 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:42 pm

So, i got 3 surveys yesterday on different toons. These questions make me wonder, who is going to answer them truthfully? I mean really does your guild ask you to swap; if they are asking them to swap most people will still answer no. Me getting three surveys skews the numbers so will all the false answers.

I can see in region chat all the hate spewed at Rowan, TUP, and others everyday about when they are going to switch sides and then see them switch sides enough to know myself I do not need a survey that will have no bearing on the truth. Do a 24 hour lockout timer, it makes sense. I would however say that to be fair their does need to be a "grace period" of lets say 30 minutes where they can flag up run around see that their friends are on the other side; decide they'd rather play one side or the other. Then after that 30 min grace period they are stuck to one side for the remaining 24 hrs.
Last edited by Emissary on Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#92 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:48 pm

p sure it was 1 response per account last time. so if you spent a bunch of time answering on 24 characters, creating slightly diff response each time in order to weigh things to your viewpoint you're just overwriting your previous response and wasting your own time

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#93 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:58 pm

Seems like another one of those changes that the RoR team thinks is gonna be good only to end up losing more players like recent history of changes has shown. Rather than listening and consulting with truly experienced players like Wam, Ybilla, Evilspinnre and others who have lead or are leading actual organized groups in all forms of content on both sides whether it be rvr, cities, scs and ranked you seem to take to consideration more the opinions of people who just complain and whine constantly RoR discord, forums and ingame chat which the GMs usually have to moderate. Just reading through these recent forums i am kinda surprised some of these aren't just outright closed immediately but are allowed to fester and spread misinformation about the game in all aspects. I will list the changes that were made recently in my memories at least that hurt the population of the server in hopes that you will open your eyes and see what the results of trying to cater to the so called "majority" has ended up with.

1)The T1 debolster event during Peonwave :- It should be obvious that putting lvl40s in T1 zones just as a whole host of new players were entering the game is a bad idea. The whole debolster wasnt working properly at the moment and people had access to full renown. i am fairly certain atm there are few to none of the players who are still playing from that whole wave.

2)The recent T1 event :- Once again putting 40s in T1 zone who were still able to use their proc weapons with 800 armor debuff or 88 wounds on being hit or with all the regen items against fresh/newbies was a bad idea. I remember so many new players just leaving the game after that experience.

3)The Fort lockouts:- Added in because NA players crying they don't have anything to fight. This was during the time when NA had some 2-3 premade organized wbs in rvr. Same NA players now wait and queue late with full 24man wbs for cities after being farmed by 6/12/24 mans. Resulted in less city instances and more players who consistently didnt get pops cause of the massive imbalance in the timezone with small population leave the game.

4) The first big realm champ patch :- It was so obviously one sided with the buffs to Order and nerfs to Destro that most were surprised it was pushed through. A lot of people on Destro straight up stopped playing after this.

5)Removal of NB :- An addon that existed on live and on this server for years gets removed because people blaming their losses on the addon. It was open and freely available to anyone. The impact on pop was so big ,the team had to rush out the so called "Sequencer" addon for damage control which didn't even work at the time. Now i see these addons like Wartriage and Ezguard being allowed. Seems like double standards to anyone with common sense.

The team had made change to scs becoming balanced 2/2/2 because solo queuers blame their losses on not having 2/2/2 setup against people who group up. Then these same people whined about how scs pops became slow as there simply isn't enough playerbase to support this structure and that change had to reverted again.
These people just get their gear and leave the game never to be seen again. Seen so many people just stop playing after getting their BiS gear its not a joke.
The lockout system is bugged as is. You can get randomly locked for hitting a dummy in city, doing a sc, going to dwarf/orc cities, doing pve dungeons.

Cross faction teams were allowed for solo ranked to keep the game mode active which was a good change. It definitely improved the experience and a lot of people really liked it. It allowed for more games and in turn more action and overall more fun imo.
Like one the posts in this thread suggested giving incentive to players to play one realm for long time period would be a better option. Giving rewards like more rr gain and a bonus to bag rolls or even straight up more tokens from bags or unique dyes,capes,trophies,pocket items,weapon and gear skins would be way better.
I genuinely hope that the team can see the bigger picture and take decision accordingly. Being locked out and unable to play with your friends and guild is one of the worse feelings one can have while playing this game. I can already foresee a lot of people refusing to play the game while their friends and guild are not playing in fear of getting locked for whole day which will result in less action in the lakes, less scs popping, less people looking for dungeon groups, less cities instances popping.

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#94 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:29 pm

Ozriel wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:58 pm Seems like another one of those changes that the RoR team thinks is gonna be good only to end up losing more players like recent history of changes has shown. Rather than listening and consulting with truly experienced players like Wam, Ybilla, Evilspinnre and others who have lead or are leading actual organized groups in all forms of content on both sides whether it be rvr, cities, scs and ranked you seem to take to consideration more the opinions of people who just complain and whine constantly RoR discord, forums and ingame chat which the GMs usually have to moderate. Just reading through these recent forums i am kinda surprised some of these aren't just outright closed immediately but are allowed to fester and spread misinformation about the game in all aspects. I will list the changes that were made recently in my memories at least that hurt the population of the server in hopes that you will open your eyes and see what the results of trying to cater to the so called "majority" has ended up with.
1)The T1 debolster event during Peonwave :- It should be obvious that putting lvl40s in T1 zones just as a whole host of new players were entering the game is a bad idea. The whole debolster wasnt working properly at the moment and people had access to full renown. i am fairly certain atm there are few to none of the players who are still playing from that whole wave.

2)The recent T1 event :- Once again putting 40s in T1 zone who were still able to use their proc weapons with 800 armor debuff or 88 wounds on being hit or with all the regen items against fresh/newbies was a bad idea. I remember so many new players just leaving the game after that experience.

3)The Fort lockouts:- Added in because NA players crying they don't have anything to fight. This was during the time when NA had some 2-3 premade organized wbs in rvr. Same NA players now wait and queue late with full 24man wbs for cities after being farmed by 6/12/24 mans. Resulted in less city instances and more players who consistently didnt get pops cause of the massive imbalance in the timezone with small population leave the game.

4) The first big realm champ patch :- It was so obviously one sided with the buffs to Order and nerfs to Destro that most were surprised it was pushed through. A lot of people on Destro straight up stopped playing after this.

5)Removal of NB :- An addon that existed on live and on this server for years gets removed because people blaming their losses on the addon. It was open and freely available to anyone. The impact on pop was so big ,the team had to rush out the so called "Sequencer" addon for damage control which didn't even work at the time. Now i see these addons like Wartriage and Ezguard being allowed. Seems like double standards to anyone with common sense.

The team had made change to scs becoming balanced 2/2/2 because solo queuers blame their losses on not having 2/2/2 setup against people who group up. Then these same people whined about how scs pops became slow as there simply isn't enough playerbase to support this structure and that change had to reverted again.
These people just get their gear and leave the game never to be seen again. Seen so many people just stop playing after getting their BiS gear its not a joke.
The lockout system is bugged as is. You can get randomly locked for hitting a dummy in city, doing a sc, going to dwarf/orc cities, doing pve dungeons.

Cross faction teams were allowed for solo ranked to keep the game mode active which was a good change. It definitely improved the experience and a lot of people really liked it. It allowed for more games and in turn more action and overall more fun imo.
Like one the posts in this thread suggested giving incentive to players to play one realm for long time period would be a better option. Giving rewards like more rr gain and a bonus to bag rolls or even straight up more tokens from bags or unique dyes,capes,trophies,pocket items,weapon and gear skins would be way better.
I genuinely hope that the team can see the bigger picture and take decision accordingly. Being locked out and unable to play with your friends and guild is one of the worse feelings one can have while playing this game. I can already foresee a lot of people refusing to play the game while their friends and guild are not playing in fear of getting locked for whole day which will result in less action in the lakes, less scs popping, less people looking for dungeon groups, less cities instances popping.
The points that you mentioned regarding the majority vs the expertise of players who lead on the battlefield is already taken into consideration and part of the plan. There is already a focus group that includes the people that you mentioned (and more). The survey will give us the data and the next step relies on proper discussions. No matter what decision has been taken after the several discussions, I'll make sure to write a proper statement that reflects whichever option we went with.

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#95 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:17 pm

Nekkma wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:51 pm On live you could not even make characters of both realms on the same server for the longest time. Only a small fraction of players crossrealmed then because you had to pay for an additional sub. Where these servers a wonderland of population balance? Did population never swing after a failed keep or fort? Did pvdoor never happen? The answer is of course that pop balance was not that good, population swung alot with failed keeps and based on king lockout and pvdoor happened all the time. We even had scheduled pvdoor on sunday mornings to ensure city win and sov loot from king instance. Those sundays basically many hundreds of destro capped completely empty zones, sitting for hours and doing nothing while waiting for domination timer. We already know that a crossrealm ban do not solve any of the issues whined about because they where all present on live with a ban on crossrealm for the regular player.
The pop balance was quite terrible at times on some servers. Far worse than here. On this server it swings sometimes towards order, sometimes towards destro. On live I was on a server who developed overtime a 75%vs25% balance. I could only escaped this hellhole by forcing a character transfer. The server died shortly after.
What makes the advocates of long lockout timers or permanent faction locks so certain that roughly the same amount of ppl on this server want to play destro or order?
I agree with bombling that the AAO might not be enough incentive to switch to the underdog side, so maybe tie medallion drops to AAO: with 60% AAO a 60% chance that a second medallion drops after player kill. With 200% AAO 2 extra medallions after a player kill.

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#96 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:12 pm

Will the % of each vote be displayed with the community, just out of curioucity.
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#97 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:21 pm

wonshot wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:12 pm Will the % of each vote be displayed with the community, just out of curioucity.
We will see next week. It may not be shared with the whole community as I tend to take the survey and its results to the RvR focus group for discussion, rather than rush the implementation of a new lockout system.

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#98 » Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:05 am

I vote for bringing back moralebombing, it will help scatter bigger grps, atm the mass amount of ppl stacking is rewarding and the best way to plow through lesser numbers.

Lockouts dont solve ****.

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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#99 » Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:42 am

Nekkma wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:43 pm
Xirucio wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:26 am
Bozzax wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:02 am Lol at trying to fix a zerg by design rvr campaign with lookouts
The lockouts will stabilize the server population in time, just like in any other game that locks you to a faction or server, or server&faction or whatever.
People will join a faction that it resonates more with their history as a Rpg - Mmorpg gamer and stick to it. Just like in any other game that locks you from the beginning.
It's actually...normal.
Yeah, we already tried that on live servers and the realm balance popwise was in no way better back then.
Yeah i think people forgot on live it was 8 hours and did nothing to fix pop imbalance.
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Re: Patch Notes 28/01/2022

Post#100 » Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:38 am

Are we really gonna pretend that people who xrealm wont (or already) use different accounts?

What is this going to accomplish at all?

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