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Patch Notes 09/03/2022

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#151 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:26 pm

I also have a suggestion.

Please review the impact the quest timer for orvr quests is having on low level characters.

It used to be that I would grab these kill/explore quests, and finish them at my leisure.

For the kill quests, depending on how soon or late I'm able to join a wb, I might or I might not be able to collect enough heads to complete the quest, as a low level character, I simply CANNOT just go roaming, I'm a free kill everywhere, this is only possible to complete in a warband.

For the exploration quest, this is a huge time sink that was entirely not needed. Say my wb is running around between 3 points..for example in Eataine..then once the zone locks they head over to fort.. but lo and behold.. we never went all the way west and I wasnt able to explore manor.. what do I do? Do I follow my wb on the way to the fort or do I break loose, PRAY there are no gankers around looking for an easy kill and ride all way to the other end of the map to scout that point.. then what? ride again east to the other end of the map to get into the fort? not likely.

Having a timer on orvr quests is counterproductive and just another option to collect a little cash and more importantly XP for my low level toon gone.

Please consider and revisit this change. It only affects pre-40 players the most and it feels like all these changes were made for players at 40 mostly. The most negatively impacted by these changes are players who are below 40 atm.

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#152 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:26 pm

dalen wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:42 am So, you went from not being able to buy a single piece to being able to buy a full sovereign set. But somehow think you should have been entitled to even more?

No, I had 7 of 8 sovereign pieces already. I needed the gem which cost 75 royals - which I had 65 of before the change. And after the change it cost 20% of EVERYTHING to get that single piece.

The best part though is that I've earned 2 gold bags, a blue, a purple and a white fort bag since the patch, which would have given enough royals to buy the gem without losing any of the other medals. The war crests from those bags should have been enough to replace what I spent, since everything should even out after the change. But guess what? I'm nowhere near to having the same amount of war crests that I started out with before I bought the gem.

So yea, not only is the drop rate of crests down comparatively, the bags don't give anywhere near the same rewards they did before. I've not only lost out due to the screwed up conversion rate, I also now have to be very careful regarding potion buying and use, otherwise I'll run out crests to purchase them, where before I had enough medals to NEVER have to worry or even think about it.

-edit add -

Look, I'm not saying that the currency change was a bad idea, only that your implementation of it wasn't very good. You guys looked at the numbers, decided that players were getting gear to fast, and came up with a way to slow it down. The problem is that you went too far in increasing prices for gear and NEVER should have included potions in that price increase. You should have done it the same way that you did when you flattened the damage power curve back when Warlord/Sovereign gear was introduced. You slightly lowered the stats on the previous gear, and made the stats on the new endgame gear only slightly higher than what the previous tier gear was. It basically made it so there was no real power creep with the new gear and 99% of the players never really even noticed. It was an elegant way to deal with a real problem.

If you guys had gone with subtle, rather than worrying about some theoretical way that players were going to game the system (and the only ones that actually could game it would be those with intimate knowledge of the changes, i.e. dev team members and their friends in the know) you wouldn't be seeing the outcry you are now.

-end edit-

dalen wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:42 am Works exactly the same as before patch in regards to who get loot when there's multiple attackers.

I never implied that it didn't, only that there was something odd going on with the killing blow credit.

dalen wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:42 am 2 war crests is more than price for one officer pot btw, they cost 5 for a pack of 5.

Oooh, what generous pricing. :roll: Before the change a Vanquisher medal could be broken down to get what, 25 of them?

dalen wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:42 am You have 3 options for the final reward. Feel free to pick one of the other ones.

Gold is useless in late endgame and the war crest reward is too low for the prices you have set. Give a reward that actually is usable by someone who ONLY does RvR.

dalen wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:42 am Population in NA prime time isn't 0, so obviously the chance isn't 0.

I hope you're right, but time will tell.

Edit: added a bit to the first quote response.
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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#153 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:56 pm

So glad to see you move in this direction and to see you incorporate so many community requests!

I finally feel like I can play character regardless of their progress, before I would log those needing vanq and below when no city or fort, those that needed invader for fort and sov for city.
I'm excited to see how this new "kill over objectives" meta will do once people settle in, I haven't played enough to comment much on if the time to get gear is the same, so will get back to you on that.

Regardless.. here's my initial post-patch notes thoughts..
1. potions prices (your updates are appreciated but not enough):
Officer's and below: 1 crest for 10 pots.
Officer Rejuv: 1 for 5
Conq: 1 for 3
vanq: 1 for 1

This should reflect the negligible cost of officer's (and vanq pre-unification) taking into account the new gain/spend rates. Gear cost is already up to cover new gain rates so consumables can stay lowered and crests are now always needed for gear.
Unless this is intentional change to make pots WAY more expensive.

2. Genesis Currency
not sure what the point of keeping these as a separate currency is, just use War Crests especially since you already are for lower tier jewels.. These are supposed to be "welcome to T4" catch-up items.

25-75 crests per item (0.5x for Subjugator 1H), personally would go for just 50 crests, I got all mine from single bags, some which would just have given me useless conq medals, I appreciate there needs to be a cost for removing the randomness, but you'd have to be extremely unlucky to not fairly fast get the ones you need and the point was to remove that aspect, not to make genesis suddenly something you'd have to grind for.

3. Please make every kill 100% chance to drop crest.
Including SC kills, oppressor drop-rate is very low.
And with the increased emphasis on loot from killing, please make drops from any party in warband split across all parties, so weak parties still get decent progress.

4. I like the city queue changes, very very much! Not sure I like how the campaign/city changes will pan out, but let's see, I =will see a lot less cities, but hopefully others will see much more. I think with a decreased emphasis on sov from cities you could have left it as is, so people still have a proper feeling campaign cycle. with LotD released you could have started with just scheduling those.

5. Vanq's time to completion seem to have gone up from 8-12 hours of game time to 16-60 hours

6. Warlord price has gone up 15% more relative to sov, from 66% to 75% of the price of sov, an extra 1k crests over expected. I don’t think War is 33% (or 25%) worse than sov, it was just nice to have a cheap entry to your first sov pieces, and it doesn't feel much like that now.

7. SC dominator weapons should be 120 crests (2x60), these are also catch-up items

8. Nice to see the weekly RvR rewards, obviously having another source of Soul stone in the main content is great, even if no ring from orvr slots them. Personally probably won't ever go beyond basic and a few times advanced, so hope the crest from them are factored into the new gain rates.

9. Dungeon changes are huge, you can now get to full sent+bloodlord in a week, hopefully the lost soulstone repeat runners will be replaced and sustained by players that now find it worth their time. I suggest you add soul stone quest to GB and HV, if you are concerned with the 10 extra stones, make the available after Ward unlock, so any dungeon can now be run for repeaters increasing the pool of PvErs.

10. Ranked: not sure of the point, if anything this will probably reduce ranked participation.
Better remove triumphs entirely, make ranked ultimate source of crests; 50 for win, 25 for loss, 35 draw, 12 per kill.
And I know I've brought this up a lot, but please remove insignias or change requirements for them.
These two will drive people to ranked.
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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#154 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:57 pm

Just found out in game that the genesis tickets in old bags converts into 1 genesis crest. I was holding bags until I get all 5 different genesis pieces or conq/vanq pieces but I was never lucky and never got remnant so I kept the bags. Now I found out my 4 genesis pieces turned into 4 genesis crests why genesis shard/cloak/aspect etc. tickets suddenly lost 10x value ? I dont know if this is intentional or not but I think many players also kept their bags as it is since you can always get dublicate pieces in them. Please let us trade ''one genesis piece'' in old gold/purple/blue bags into "one genesis piece" like it used to be
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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#155 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:17 am

Did anyone else lose all their tokens? My war crests all converted properly, but I lost all my guild coins, beastial tokens, sulfer crystals, etc... How do I get these back?
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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#156 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:22 am

Will the reward for participating in the scenarios be increased? 2 medals for losing and 6 for winning makes scenes completely meaningless

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#157 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:12 am

So I had 4 pieces of Vanquisher in my bank before these changes but I wasn't able to equip them due to being 1 RR below the required level to equip. Now that I hit the required RR, I'm able to equip 2 pieces and have enough crests to buy another, but because I didn't have the tome unlock I have to buy the entire conquer set first?

I'm sorry but I don't see the need to gate sets behind each other like this.

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#158 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:08 pm

Not being in a time zone that will ever have a proper keep take or defense is not going to help the zerg play style. I'm seeing a lot of my NA primetime friends in their destro toons saying how they are getting their weekly completed in one day and a ton of crests. We've taken a turn for the worse on promoting zerging
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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#159 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:56 pm

Real question!!!!

Why do the devs feel the need to add as many gates as possible.

1. Need to be the RR to put on any gear. ( RR should be the only real sink)
2. Now need a stupid amount of tokens to get a gear set or weapon.
3. Need to fully unlock the set before to move to the next.

Do the devs not understand progress needs to be easier for noobs or people making fresh alts. They sometimes take one step forward then two steps back. The PVE lockout time being reduced was a good step. Making one coin was a good step. The conversions rate is terrible and the amounts are terrible.

Devs need to play other games like ESO so they can add ideas which are ALT friendly. Have it so you get an unlock for full sov you get reduced token prices for all other toons on your account, it should be like 20%. Or do what ESO does. If you have more 4 items of a gear set it reduces the cost of the items you still need to buy. So, if you have 5 out of 7 the last two pieces can be reduced by 20% or whatever number works best.

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#160 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:17 pm

Anyway we can get ambient noise for the "pyramid of settra" - possible drawn from tomb of stars, or TotVL audio?

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