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Phoenix's Wings bug

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Phoenix's Wings bug

Post#1 » Fri May 20, 2022 2:45 pm

I appreciate that a hotfix has been released to fix the Wrath of hoeth and whispering wind bugs, but since the last 2 bugs started but i have also found that the Kaine tree ability Phoenix's wings also does not work how it used to work. Previously if in the 2nd stance u could use PW regardless of who you were targeting and their range from you and still apply aoe damage to any other targets that were within range but now only if your target is withing 5m range. Is this going to be fixed? or is is a change in how the ability works?

Edit:: I feel that i should also add that previously as the ability has a range of 25 feet but now only works if your target is within 5 feet so even if your enemies are within the 25 foot range of the ability but outside the 5 foot range it cannot be used, which is a 80% range nerf and making it useless for chasing down fleeing enemies now.


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