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t1 rvr+

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Posts: 9

t1 rvr+

Post#1 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:55 pm

the past few days i have been running about in the t1 rvr areas and from what i could tell there is guilds that will switch over to order or destruction to stop solo players
yesterday i was capturing and taking the occasional resources back but if i disrupted a group of 4 or 5 ppl same guild few min later they are gone and suddenly 4 destruction players appear kill me a few times so i leave the rvr area for a couple of min then the group that vanished slowly come back and the destruction group is not on the battlefield
is it common for guilds to do this so they can basically take control of an area so only their members can gain renown quicker and easier

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Head Game Master
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Re: t1 rvr+

Post#2 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:05 pm

It's common for people to play in groups so they don't have to fight 1v4. It's far less likely you're facing the same players on the other realm because they get locked onto one side or the other for 30 minutes, it just doesn't make sense to switch over for a single kill. It also wipes your zone contribution when you move from one character to another.
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