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how You avoid being frustrated

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Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#41 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:58 am

Morradin wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:18 pm
Asderas27 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:45 pm
Morradin wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:26 am

Because when I was working (retired now) I did so as a manager of a full blown marketing team. Now, I know squat about game design, but I do know how to keep and grow a customer base. And watching these so called Leet 6 man groups being catered to, at the expense of the greater demographic (player base), is professionally to me, maddening.
But hey, not my sandbox.
Why is it always NA players bringing up IRL profession to forums as if it matters i do not understand
but to say RoR has catered to these "leet 6 mans" goes to show how clueless the average RoR player/forum user is. If you ever read the patch notes or go over the past ones you would see that the RoR team has catered more to solo/pug forums whiners than organized wb/guild leaders who actually understand problems that plague the server. Off the top of my head i can think of some of these solo pug whine changes
1) 2/2/2 solo scs which got reverted after pops slowed down to a halt.
2) Fort poison changes - Use to take effort to push poison forts with proper wbs but its a joke now.
3) Removing fort wcs because "leet 6 mans" were kiting the usual pug rabble in there.
4) Adding water damage after swimming a certain amount of distance for same above reason.
5) Nerfed Buttons removal cuz certain people blaming their losses on addon available to everyone.
6) Making BiS gear available to every box runner on server.
7) Making PVE easier to complete.
8) Adding those weekly rewards with sentinel talis for people to get it through zerging in RvR.
8) Changing City matchmaking to put premades against premades instead of encouraging players to group up for supposedly "endgame content".
9) Adding scheduled city which killed incentives for guilds/groups to form up and push the campaign to get the city.

There is probably way more i just dont remember but you have to really blind to not see how much the team has catered to "real" demographic which leaves every 2-3 months after they get their gear.
I did it because I know how to keep people interested in a product, and considering the game has lost more than half its pop from two years ago ... well you do the math.
Not saying I know how to bring people back, the game is vastly changed from two to three years ago, I would need at least three months of research.

On the rest of your post

One can, and lots of us do, argue that all changes were made to satisfy the big guilds and alliances, and the leet 6 mans. Each and every one of those changes makes it easier for them to farm pugs. And to be honest, that is all these premades want, an easy time to farm the unorganized. Padd their kill board scores.

That is my personal belief.
So You say you were some marketing team lead yeah so you should actually understand how important teamwork is and how effective it at getting things done or was it just a one man show and you doing everything from research to production etc etc.
Do some research, go through patch notes, find the changes that cater to guilds/alliance and "leet 6mans" and list them out.
If you can find some these changes we can discuss, because just by reading your forum posts it seems to me that you are the usual solo/pug player that whines about groups but won't take the small effort in trying to make or join one but you want to have same results as people who do take the effort to make/join groups and guilds which doesn't make sense because you claim you were lead of a Marketing team and should know importance of teamwork
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Posts: 431

Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#42 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:53 am

how about because of crests one currency change, and xp scroll removal change, it's never been more boring and hard to level up a brand new character for a new player and have any kind of impact once he reaches lv40?

you're so teamworking and organized killing players that have 50% of your stats, that takes much skill, gj.

Posts: 7229

Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#43 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:17 am

Morradin wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:18 pm
Asderas27 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:45 pm
Why is it always NA players bringing up IRL profession to forums as if it matters i do not understand
but to say RoR has catered to these "leet 6 mans" goes to show how clueless the average RoR player/forum user is. If you ever read the patch notes or go over the past ones you would see that the RoR team has catered more to solo/pug forums whiners than organized wb/guild leaders who actually understand problems that plague the server. Off the top of my head i can think of some of these solo pug whine changes
1) 2/2/2 solo scs which got reverted after pops slowed down to a halt.
2) Fort poison changes - Use to take effort to push poison forts with proper wbs but its a joke now.
3) Removing fort wcs because "leet 6 mans" were kiting the usual pug rabble in there.
4) Adding water damage after swimming a certain amount of distance for same above reason.
5) Nerfed Buttons removal cuz certain people blaming their losses on addon available to everyone.
6) Making BiS gear available to every box runner on server.
7) Making PVE easier to complete.
8) Adding those weekly rewards with sentinel talis for people to get it through zerging in RvR.
8) Changing City matchmaking to put premades against premades instead of encouraging players to group up for supposedly "endgame content".
9) Adding scheduled city which killed incentives for guilds/groups to form up and push the campaign to get the city.

There is probably way more i just dont remember but you have to really blind to not see how much the team has catered to "real" demographic which leaves every 2-3 months after they get their gear.

One can, and lots of us do, argue that all changes were made to satisfy the big guilds and alliances, and the leet 6 mans. Each and every one of those changes makes it easier for them to farm pugs. And to be honest, that is all these premades want, an easy time to farm the unorganized. Padd their kill board scores.

That is my personal belief.
My opinions differ on some points but the game becoming overall easier/more accessible in most aspects leads to more pug farming?
Dying is no option.

Posts: 431

Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#44 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:01 am

"game becoming overall easier/more accessible" is a delusion a bunch of you guys here seem to be having.

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Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#45 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:51 am

rejndjer wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:53 am how about because of crests one currency change, and xp scroll removal change, it's never been more boring and hard to level up a brand new character for a new player and have any kind of impact once he reaches lv40?

you're so teamworking and organized killing players that have 50% of your stats, that takes much skill, gj.
First, every player levels a new toon sometimes, dirty elitist too.

Second, what's your issue here? That they queue with geared toons? Because if the gear difference is this huge then they'd be in advantageous position anyway. And that on top of most players using good equipment. Grab a full sov 80 premade, try to play SC. You will eventually get a stacked premade which crushes you. Why would those people play a suboptimal composition if they know they will get a competent opponent at some point they will have to actually put some effort to fight or even sustain against?
RoR doesnt deserve being taken seriously.

Posts: 270

Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#46 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:01 am

Cyrylius wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:51 am
rejndjer wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:53 am how about because of crests one currency change, and xp scroll removal change, it's never been more boring and hard to level up a brand new character for a new player and have any kind of impact once he reaches lv40?

you're so teamworking and organized killing players that have 50% of your stats, that takes much skill, gj.

First, every player levels a new toon sometimes, dirty elitist too.

Second, what's your issue here? That they queue with geared toons? Because if the gear difference is this huge then they'd be in advantageous position anyway. And that on top of most players using good equipment. Grab a full sov 80 premade, try to play SC. You will eventually get a stacked premade which crushes you. Why would those people play a suboptimal composition if they know they will get a competent opponent at some point they will have to actually put some effort to fight or even sustain against?
Non issue. After one lose the "sov premade" will just disband (if it comes from /5) or dodge the better group

Posts: 349

Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#47 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:04 pm

Morradin wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:18 pm I did it because I know how to keep people interested in a product, and considering the game has lost more than half its pop from two years ago ... well you do the math.
You did the math ? but forget to consider the 2 most important variables ? Like - a MMO is always heavy seasonal ... and Corvid was in no way a reason why demand "spiked" ? In this case you sound like one of the Managers who wants to see his Picture and ignores datapoints from his Analytics/Data driven Team.

Morradin wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:18 pm One can, and lots of us do, argue that all changes were made to satisfy the big guilds and alliances, and the leet 6 mans. Each and every one of those changes makes it easier for them to farm pugs. And to be honest, that is all these premades want, an easy time to farm the unorganized. Padd their kill board scores.
That is my personal belief.
As someone who was working in marketing :
What do you think is the target Audience for a MMO like RoR
- that says: we dont balance classes for solo Play
- that have the classic trinity of archetypes
- that has Massive and Multiplayer in his Genrename

and again 90% of the so called "leet 6 mans" are just normal Players .... look how small the ranked "community" is.
Only because some of the casual Players of this game are grouping and playing together from time to time does not make them "leet 6 man".
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Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#48 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:58 am

Cyrylius wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:51 am
rejndjer wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:53 am how about because of crests one currency change, and xp scroll removal change, it's never been more boring and hard to level up a brand new character for a new player and have any kind of impact once he reaches lv40?

you're so teamworking and organized killing players that have 50% of your stats, that takes much skill, gj.
First, every player levels a new toon sometimes, dirty elitist too.

Second, what's your issue here? That they queue with geared toons? Because if the gear difference is this huge then they'd be in advantageous position anyway. And that on top of most players using good equipment. Grab a full sov 80 premade, try to play SC. You will eventually get a stacked premade which crushes you. Why would those people play a suboptimal composition if they know they will get a competent opponent at some point they will have to actually put some effort to fight or even sustain against?
first, try reading again what i've wrote especially the part about "...brand new character for a new player..."

second, i was only reffering to the post above. guy that wrote it (like many others profesional warhammer players here) thinks that main problem with game is that it's so super easy to get gear, but everyone is just so noob and they can't hit keystroke once per 1.5seconds. LOL. :) so he asked for an example of how devs made game easier for old players while making it harder for new players.

third, "most players using good equipment", another delusion, do you actually ever inspect the people you pug with? you'd be surprised with how much fresh rank 40 chars there are with green/blue items for high lvl20s/low30s. oh and that's obvious increase since xp scroll got removed.

4th "grab a full sov 80 premade". sure. as soon as i get one of my chars to sov 80, maybe i'll get to play with the big boys :)

P.S. and reason why "ranked community" is small, is pretty much because nobody actually plays this game because of "good fights" or whatever they're claiming, most of people just like pwning noobs :) and that's ok, just pls be honest with yourself.

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Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#49 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:37 am

rejndjer wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:58 am
first, try reading again what i've wrote especially the part about "...brand new character for a new player..."

second, i was only reffering to the post above. guy that wrote it (like many others profesional warhammer players here) thinks that main problem with game is that it's so super easy to get gear, but everyone is just so noob and they can't hit keystroke once per 1.5seconds. LOL. :) so he asked for an example of how devs made game easier for old players while making it harder for new players.

third, "most players using good equipment", another delusion, do you actually ever inspect the people you pug with? you'd be surprised with how much fresh rank 40 chars there are with green/blue items for high lvl20s/low30s. oh and that's obvious increase since xp scroll got removed.

4th "grab a full sov 80 premade". sure. as soon as i get one of my chars to sov 80, maybe i'll get to play with the big boys :)

P.S. and reason why "ranked community" is small, is pretty much because nobody actually plays this game because of "good fights" or whatever they're claiming, most of people just like pwning noobs :) and that's ok, just pls be honest with yourself.
So, respectively:
1. Well, oops.

2. In my opinion everything he was talking about was grouping up and coordination, and I'm more or less agreeing with him. Player who plays in a group often and knows how to do it will do well even without said group. It's about knowledge how ror classes interact, and new players are just not gonna know that.

3. Well, for me it does usually seem that you get mostly geared players. Let me explain: you get renown and crests very fast at levels just after 40. It will take you about a week of regular play to get to 50, and another to get you to full vanquished, which for most classes is a decent entry level endgame set. It will take you over a month to finish levelling that char. Which means you spend majority of your gearing time playing in gear above vanquisher. And I do try to check equipment, so I know it's pretty accurate.

4. As I mentioned, most groups will take you with anything above vanq, and with literally anything if you're a healer. That's because most players can't get a full sov group, and don't want to wait for too long with queueing. Groups with actually full sov setup exist because they put effort into socialising, and effort should be rewarded.
On the same note, not having sov tools means you're likely among less experienced players (no offence, preferably), so do remember that players you're arguing with were once in your spot, and they know what you're taking about.
RoR doesnt deserve being taken seriously.

Posts: 485

Re: how You avoid being frustrated

Post#50 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:47 am

had my hopes up for the currency change, but the ward system killed it for me, then the pve ward system was changed wich is a great change! Sadly i spend over 2k crests for the wards then :D

But patches like the mail change, frustrates me beyond compare. Why was such a change even implemented? who benefits from this change?

You can avoid the frustration by playing pug scs, they are fun!

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