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WP/DOK Cleanse

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WP/DOK Cleanse

Post#1 » Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:12 pm

Hello everyone,
I'd like to propose some changes for the conventional Chalice/Book DOK/WP Healers as recently both classes struggle in any content but zergy fights. Here some facts before naming the actual proposal.

Certain facts that both class subtypes share and that convince me that this class needs some changes:

1) They are forced to maintain their class mechanic actively in order to keep their group alive. Even though they have a theoretical range of 150 ft to a few healing abilities, their practical/active combat range is capped to around 50 ft at best to regain back class mechanic (corresponding ability has also a CD of 5 sec and a poor conversion rate the less targets are hit).
2) They have a channelling ability to convert AP to 30 class mechanic per second but with a quite high CD of 10 secs and also requires a GCD consumption.
3) They do not apply any secondary effects on a cleansing ability such a shield (AM/Shaman).
4) They do not bring any secondary value to the group which is not already done better by other healer classes such as Shaman/AM morale Pump, Snare, AP Drain (debateable after recent changes) or Range CC which is integral for small scale fights such as RP/Zealot or additional damage such as their SnB Counterparts
5) They both are quite capped in terms of their capabilities in kitings groups as they have a certain need to "stand still" to make use of abilities such as group healing, conversion channel etc.
6) They both have comparably shorter cast time on certain healing abilities which is a bless and curse in certain situations: alongside with lesser casttime also lesser HPS is generated which then translates into very poor healing values if a target is healdebuffed (or the healer itself has outgoing healdebuff).
8) They both can't get any specific use of the increased AP pool to 300 which all other AP based healers recieved as an indirect buff, while their AP cost on all abilities remained the same. Here the AP usage of a classic Healer build is very limited due CD and Range of abilities (compare here 1) and 2) argument). Additionally none of their abilities from the healer class path enables them to convert AP to class mechanic.
7) The class itself is build around a theoretical approach of "hit in melee- heal in range" that ignores a lot of the reality variables for what is currently the meta in small scale fights such as:
-permasnare in melee range
-healers that do not maintain a certain distance are prone to classes that make use of outgoing/incoming healdebuff which they partly/fully can't remove themselves and require additional maintenance by the 2nd healer compared to 2 ranged healer parties.
-healers that do not maintain a certain distance offer a good opening target for specific setups such as WL/WH or for any classes with good gap closers
-healers that do not maintain a certain distance/LOS are prone to range CC (100 ft range) such as Silence and Stagger as their practically range is capped due to 1) here again to be mentioned - DOK suffers from this fact way more than WP as WP can make use of a disrupt tactic which makes the class quite hard to CC with RR Disrupt.
-recent meta builds ignore armour completely or partly and the possiblity to stack armour debuff from abilities+morales+tactics disables the advantage of a healer class that has higher armour
-the small scale meta requires a lot more the single target healing and class utility which neither WP nor DOK can provide properly
9) Their synergy to AM/Shaman is pretty poor compared to RP/Zealot

My first proposal here is: Change both mirrored cleansing abilities to cost AP instead of class mechanic enabling a conversion of 25 AP to 25 class mechanic each cleanse. Modify affiliated tactics: Idea here would be increasing the AP cost of a cleanse to 40 AP (similar to the cleanse modification tactic that RP and Zealot have) and returning 5-7 class mechanic for each target cleansed in group (~theoretical max of amount 30-42 class mechanic regained, which is compareable to a single melee attack per GCD).


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