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Xrealming Has Got to Go

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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#21 » Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:43 pm

dudes every xrealmer is benevolent - they only log on the side that is beeing dominated for some reason - so benevolent, many such cases

Posts: 16

Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#22 » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:06 pm

Problem with switching sides on demand is not that its possible, but the fact that in a low population server/game like ror, it can have a massive impact on the battlefield. If the population was two or three times bigger in open zones, it wouldnt mean an automatic carnage when organized wbs swap sides.
As one player pointed out earlier. Ppl want to be entertained, and no amount of pride, insentives or restricting awards will change that. In organized wbs the prize is the good fight and not how many crests/influence/renown u get.

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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#23 » Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:50 pm

Nowdays Xrealm is not determining the cause of the problem.
If we will look for that problem "PVE sieges/forts are no fun.", so there are few realy big problem is defenders do not try defence. Example: There is atack, numbers in zone 120vs100, but only 1 wb in defence. I will not call "destro" or "order", cause that problem exist for both.

I find out few reasons. I'll rank them from most influential to least in descending order (for now). There may be few reasons for this at the same time as well:
1. There are no PUG leaders. Many players going around in lakes, but alone. Noone start lead PUGs or open WBs (at least). So 100 splited defenders can not form decent defence and even come in keep/fort.
2. Premades not come to defence. Nowdays more than 70% of premade war leaders not interested in sieges (I mean both sides). They looking for fights only.
3. There is no motivation for any random player to defence. If you play alone or in small scale - it is no motivation. You can easy deliver 2-3 box, kill or assist few enemies and will able get good reward for zone lock. It is doesnt mater u win bag or not, cause you can chill all day long and will be able get any gear you wana in game - no need try hard to defence.

So i also wana to indicate what to do with that:
1. Start lead WB. You no need be a good strategy/tactic leader, you no need know everything about game mechanics. Try do ur best to gather ppl for defence (at least). You no need GMs to solve that problem, so it is players addiction only.
2. RVR zones need more population to fix next issue. Any time will be people who want to fight onle and who wana to push compain. So if 120 vs 100 ppl in all game - thats hard to do anything. No need wait GM to fix server online. If you have time - ask your friends to join game/use social nets/forums and so on. If anyone will do same - server population could grow x2-3 times easy. So issue wil be fixed automaticly.
3. GMs need to think about rewards. Players cry hard all the time - that game is too hard and so few rewards. So now rewards are so big and that an issue for no motivation for players. This is a game, so GMs need to balance between "interesting to play" OR "give away everything" for players. Last time "lazypleyers" team win and we have what we have now.

Posts: 58

Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#24 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:14 am

just make the balance changes first imho, then see what happens

I get the points of "get good", they may not even be invalid, but I personally think it needs to be proven exactly what's going on and how good all the people talking about 'get good' really are. Prove it all, take a nerf to rampage and some other movement buffs or something, prove how good you are. Prove I couldn't just make an Order character , play the exact same way and earn at least 3x crests and win 3x as much playing exactly the same as I do now. Prove you aren't Order diehards. Go on it's fine be arrogant, but prove it. Take a nerf.

If your reasoning is you play the Order stomp game because you've come from on high and decided there's more lazy players on the Destro side and this is why you've decided Order gets a ridiculous win rate then surely you can take a nerf to some luxury abilities and still win, who cares right, will just make you a better unit. Back up what you're saying.

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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#25 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:23 am

Rowanmantle wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:25 am I agree, 7 day lockout. IP tracking for those with multiple accounts.

Xrealmers are the true scourge and must be stopped.

Everyone has a VPN.

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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#26 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 3:01 am

Cyrylius wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:25 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:03 pm
Toggle wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:50 am

There is a RR bonus you get from switching to the side with AAO. You also keep any contribution you already have in the zone if you swap. But not a lot of people realize that.
Correct, 50% rp/xp bonus for one hour. You can even enter the same zone you previously played in.
Still wipes your contribution after AAO shifts, according to system notifications
Yeah, as far as I can tell it wipes out existing contribution and there is no apparent bonus. I would love to be wrong.

Posts: 27

Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#27 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:48 am

Just use the online time method
contribute debuff
After 1 minutes online, get 99% debuff
After 10 minutes online, get 90% debuff
After 60 minutes online, get 40% debuff
After 100 minutes online, fully remove debuff, reply to normal

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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#28 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:20 am

First of all crossrealming is different from winner joining. Someone logging to the severely outnumbered side to provide everyone with a fight on the ounumbering side, is a good healthy thing for the overall action. Winning joining and bag chasing, not so much.

As for restrictions, the usual arguments why crossrealming needs to be allowed on RoR
- Free to play game. People can make more than one account.
- Several accounts need to be allowed for character slot reasons (used to be the argument) but now that people might already have high level toons on onrder-acc & destro-account its hard to go back on this rule i guess
- Limmiting how many players can log into RealmA/RealmB is not gonna work either, because some order/destro loyalist might want to log on but everyone is riding the bagtrain on his realm and he gets punished for their actions.

Malus was a prime example of how it feels terrible with too harsh penalty systems, one guy doing a 1v1 but happends to be on the outnumbering realm and despite him doing a solo kill he gets 1rp for his efforts.

Overall I am very much against punishing systems, instead of using promotion and rewards. Same for overly nerfing instead of buffing, noone likes to get their stuff removed :roll:

So how about a Realm-lotalty system (inspiration from several DaoC freeshard servers also facing realmlockouts and crossrealming)
The longer you are logged into one realm and being RvR flagged (afk in lake abuse potential but atleast can be killed then vs just being logged in) you accumulate loyalty to the realm you are on.
Loyalty will give enhanced rewards the more you have on a scale from 1-100%.
If you do log to the other realm and gets rvr flagged in orvr or sc/city, you will rapidly decrease your loyalty on the other realm
Then its just a matter of making loyalty rewards appealing enough that people dont go chase empty keep bag and instead stay and fight uphill battle for your realm no matter the odds.

Just a couple of random examples what that could be:
Lotalty 100%: will give +50 base bagroll in each zone (same as .guildinvole command) Maybe make this scale with AAO so high aao entering the lake still worthwhile?
+25% renown from kills
+ 10% loot dropchance
+ 1% chance to double your crest gain on kills
+ 50%more contribution towards fortress reservations
+ 2%critchance on crafting
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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#29 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:20 am

I can get behind that Bombling. +1
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Re: Xrealming Has Got to Go

Post#30 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:53 am

wonshot wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:20 am So how about a Realm-lotalty system (inspiration from several DaoC freeshard servers also facing realmlockouts and crossrealming)
The longer you are logged into one realm and being RvR flagged (afk in lake abuse potential but atleast can be killed then vs just being logged in) you accumulate loyalty to the realm you are on.
Loyalty will give enhanced rewards the more you have on a scale from 1-100%.
If you do log to the other realm and gets rvr flagged in orvr or sc/city, you will rapidly decrease your loyalty on the other realm
Then its just a matter of making loyalty rewards appealing enough that people dont go chase empty keep bag and instead stay and fight uphill battle for your realm no matter the odds.
While this could be a really good idea it will just shift the problem... what will happen is, that simply everyone willing to xrealm, just have one destruction and one order account and just logs only onto that realm -> 100% loyalty 0% disadvantage. We need a more dynamic system..

I mostly play on one realm, but i'm not against cross realming... The biggest issue with changing sides is the problem of people "win team joining"... To me only solutions for such stuff is to introduce incentives to participate and stay on the side where they started or if the other side is having a hard time, allow (tbh the only really allowed case) switch (Join the underdog side).

Things i can think of to counter PvDooring:
  • Instead of AAO per Zone, introduce a second AAO, for global T4 State. The maximum positive affect is taken. Zone A has 100% AAO and Population AAO is 120%, every active Zone has now atleast 120%.
  • Give the underdog side more tools:
    1) During a Siege make the lord more powerful
    2) Give Players a Buff like Champ Buff in City(Maybe not Damage to avoid abuses).
    3) If AAO in a Zone reaches >60-80% A Keep lord is only attackable if all BOs are under realm control -> This gives the losing side a carrot .

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