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Rangechecker addon with green/yellow/red range indicator

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Posts: 16

Rangechecker addon with green/yellow/red range indicator

Post#1 » Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:46 pm


I am using Rangechecker addon and it is extremely useful especially for squig herder. It tells when i am in range of path of quick shooting abilities and when i am too far and have to use bigshooting abilities. Only problem is, that the numbers are sometimes pretty hard to see immediatly in middle of fight. Is anyone smart enough to make the 0-65 range green colored, 65-100 yellow colored and longer range / out of range red colored? It would be extremely useful atleast for me. I have no idea how making / changing addons work and if something like this is possible..

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Re: Rangechecker addon with green/yellow/red range indicator

Post#2 » Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:16 pm

Here:!AlEtuvSotaeEfxjpAPi ... Q?e=xDuYjx
Made this modification to the RVMods range UI. Put it into your:
Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning\Interface\AddOns\RVMods\RVAPI_Frames\Templates\EveOnline

This will change the distance on the range section of your HUD based on your ability range. Let me know if you have any issues.

Oh, it also allows you to increase the scale of the UI beyond what is normally allowed.
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