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Patch Notes 24/02/2023

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Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#91 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:55 pm

Nameless wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:04 pm Imo let discordant scen be solo only but let rest be only group queu (two or more till 6). So when when facing premade you know at your side you got at least 3 (6) duos which will make more equal fights.... hopefully
best post in thread.
-= Agony =-

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Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#92 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:04 pm

Phantasm wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:13 am It would be great to set rule for discordant queing renown rank below 80. Problem solved.
Cap renown points and gear check. Invader or lower / RR65 (renown points spent)
-= Agony =-

Posts: 228

Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#93 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:41 pm

After seeing how this is actually being handled i do now think it is a bad change.

i have never seen Duo's as "Pug farming premaders" - the abusive people i spoke of are the 3/4+ groups of guildies all on discord coordinating together....
Not casual people playing with a single friend......No one hates premades more than i do but this is too far.

This change feels like it punishes casual players in my opinion.

Posts: 631

Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#94 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:10 am

Great change to Disc sc I love it having played it now many times.

Posts: 575

Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#95 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:25 am

What most people here seem to ignore that this game is populated by much more people then solos and premades.

Let's split it up in Categories:

Cat 1: Solo players
Cat 2: Duo players
Cat 3: /5 lfg random build but coordinated groups
Cat 4: Guild- / Ally - groups (people playing regularly together in different combinations of people and classes)
Cat 5: Premades - The really tough guys, same 6 man playing together with optimized setup

We can all agree on makeing a scenario for every category itself is a bad idea, due to population issues.

From my personal experience the major part of the community is something that can be found in the middle of the list.

Impact on Solos:
While this patch at first seems to be a great value for the solo players, it won't fix the real problems. At first, people will still abuse the system! There is no way to control this (if there would have been a way to detect abusing premades this patch would not have been necessary, if I had to guess, I would say due to a lot of wrong insults regarding abusing premades. The workload is just to heavy for the community guys).
Second point is, the solo players are more into their personel "I dont want to play with other people" bubble and will never see the benefits of playing a multiplayer game together with others.

Impact on Duos:
The patch hits the duos on the most negative way. While playing duo before could be a advantage, according to the classes you played, they are now on the lowest end of the food chain. And the differences between the above mentioned Cat 2 - Cat 5 is far bigger then Cat 1 - Cat 2.
So instead of solo players crying out loud because they have to face duos, there are now duos that have to face a REAL difference in organisation and synergies.

Impact on Cat 3 - 4 (not talking about the hundred of players that before abused the system):
While, for most of the forum-warriors here, premades are all some type of secret elitist cult that takes all of their self esteem out of sacrificing solos and new player, the reallity is something else.
Not every premade is capable of playing ranked. Ranked has a zero-failure-tolerance, the gear must be nearly optimized, as well as the setup AND the people. So the normal grouped based Scenario is the best way to get some isolated, standardized envoirement to fight the other realm.

In a perfect 12vs12 world, you have two groups on both sides, and even if there is an advantage on e.g. one destro group regarding skill, equip, setup or whatever, the chances are given that thes advantages will be balanced by a second group.

So far the theory... in reallity it can be very frustrating to fight with a group (cat 3 - cat 4) against two groups of the same tier, and they only help you have on your side are a beautiful mix of cat 1- cat 2 players sometimes without healers, sometimes melees without tanks, even missing dps are a problem here.
Why is this a problem regarding this patch? The duos that before were pretty happy to play discordant, are now forced to play grouped if they want to play together. So the number of "disadvantages" for the groups will increase.

Impact on Cat 6:
Pretty sure there is no impact, correct me if wrong...

While there seems to be a big victory for some solo players that sensed some conspiracy regarding premades in discordant (that, even if it was real, is not a one sided problem and should set itself off). It had no impact on the outcome of stomping scenarios due to skill differences, the ability and will to act as a theam and the combination of classes on both sides (duos at least gave some structure to the setups).

All other, except a smaller group of really top tier groups that play ranked only or has no problem to face two enemy groups nearly alone, will suffer from this patch. They won't moan, they won't cry out, thy maybe won't recognize the problem directly.

Before some of you say "boohhoooo another elitist cultist crying because he can't farm solos in is premade-duo-rr80-gang anymore":
While I played a lot of grouped matches and even some ranked in the past, in the last month I mainly played discordant - solo -. If there was room I also played normal grouped sc, specially weekend SC. And with some guys (in reallity just one, I don't have to much friends) I also played duo.
So why am I not happy with this changes? Because it hurts my brain seeing people act in scenario like they never touched a keyboard and a mouse before, never asked themself what the main purpose of their archetype is, never read what the advantages and disadvantages of their abilitys are, don't realize that this game is team orientated and in the end say "we loose because the enemy is evil!"

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

Posts: 493

Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#96 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:47 am

Everdin wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:25 am What most people here seem to ignore that this game is populated by much more people then solos and premades.

Let's split it up in Categories:

Cat 1: Solo players
Cat 2: Duo players
Cat 3: /5 lfg random build but coordinated groups
Cat 4: Guild- / Ally - groups (people playing regularly together in different combinations of people and classes)
Cat 5: Premades - The really tough guys, same 6 man playing together with optimized setup

We can all agree on makeing a scenario for every category itself is a bad idea, due to population issues.

From my personal experience the major part of the community is something that can be found in the middle of the list.

Impact on Solos:
While this patch at first seems to be a great value for the solo players, it won't fix the real problems. At first, people will still abuse the system! There is no way to control this (if there would have been a way to detect abusing premades this patch would not have been necessary, if I had to guess, I would say due to a lot of wrong insults regarding abusing premades. The workload is just to heavy for the community guys).
Second point is, the solo players are more into their personel "I dont want to play with other people" bubble and will never see the benefits of playing a multiplayer game together with others.

Impact on Duos:
The patch hits the duos on the most negative way. While playing duo before could be a advantage, according to the classes you played, they are now on the lowest end of the food chain. And the differences between the above mentioned Cat 2 - Cat 5 is far bigger then Cat 1 - Cat 2.
So instead of solo players crying out loud because they have to face duos, there are now duos that have to face a REAL difference in organisation and synergies.

Impact on Cat 3 - 4 (not talking about the hundred of players that before abused the system):
While, for most of the forum-warriors here, premades are all some type of secret elitist cult that takes all of their self esteem out of sacrificing solos and new player, the reallity is something else.
Not every premade is capable of playing ranked. Ranked has a zero-failure-tolerance, the gear must be nearly optimized, as well as the setup AND the people. So the normal grouped based Scenario is the best way to get some isolated, standardized envoirement to fight the other realm.

In a perfect 12vs12 world, you have two groups on both sides, and even if there is an advantage on e.g. one destro group regarding skill, equip, setup or whatever, the chances are given that thes advantages will be balanced by a second group.

So far the theory... in reallity it can be very frustrating to fight with a group (cat 3 - cat 4) against two groups of the same tier, and they only help you have on your side are a beautiful mix of cat 1- cat 2 players sometimes without healers, sometimes melees without tanks, even missing dps are a problem here.
Why is this a problem regarding this patch? The duos that before were pretty happy to play discordant, are now forced to play grouped if they want to play together. So the number of "disadvantages" for the groups will increase.

Impact on Cat 6:
Pretty sure there is no impact, correct me if wrong...

While there seems to be a big victory for some solo players that sensed some conspiracy regarding premades in discordant (that, even if it was real, is not a one sided problem and should set itself off). It had no impact on the outcome of stomping scenarios due to skill differences, the ability and will to act as a theam and the combination of classes on both sides (duos at least gave some structure to the setups).

All other, except a smaller group of really top tier groups that play ranked only or has no problem to face two enemy groups nearly alone, will suffer from this patch. They won't moan, they won't cry out, thy maybe won't recognize the problem directly.

Before some of you say "boohhoooo another elitist cultist crying because he can't farm solos in is premade-duo-rr80-gang anymore":
While I played a lot of grouped matches and even some ranked in the past, in the last month I mainly played discordant - solo -. If there was room I also played normal grouped sc, specially weekend SC. And with some guys (in reallity just one, I don't have to much friends) I also played duo.
So why am I not happy with this changes? Because it hurts my brain seeing people act in scenario like they never touched a keyboard and a mouse before, never asked themself what the main purpose of their archetype is, never read what the advantages and disadvantages of their abilitys are, don't realize that this game is team orientated and in the end say "we loose because the enemy is evil!"
Pretty good summary actually. Agree with your points. I dont understand all the praise of solo players as it wont stop the main issue - stompy nature of scenarios. It has very very little effect on a matter.

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Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#97 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:51 am

Good PuG change overall. Even tho I may do 5-20 sc’s a week I have seen an improvement. Is is 100% fixed, no, but it’s improved and I appreciate that. So gj team.

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Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#98 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:54 am

Hey guys, I haven't read everything here and if this is off topic I'm sorry. I just picked up a few comments but my 2 cents are.. that I think it is not good to make features in the game for solo pug players because the game should incentivize people to join a guild and play together, because playing together is more fun in the end. The game has never been fair. People with better gear win, people who organize vs unorganized people win. If you remove the necessity of those aspects it changes the fabric of the game in a negative way in my opinion.

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Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#99 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:41 pm

15 minutes waiting for pop in duo... and this not happened

The SCs was the last funny part of the game, after Citys and RVR died. And now SC are dying too with this patch.

There is not spot in the game for small and casual groups... only 6 man in SCs or Zerg in RVR
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Re: Patch Notes 24/02/2023

Post#100 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:49 pm

Kpi wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:41 pm 15 minutes waiting for pop in duo... and this not happened

The SCs was the last funny part of the game, after Citys and RVR died. And now SC are dying too with this patch.

There is not spot in the game for small and casual groups... only 6 man in SCs or Zerg in RVR
Around 1:41pm which is when you posted this, scenarios in the normal queue were popping on average every 5 minutes, with the largest gap between scenarios being 11 minutes between 1:28pm and 1:39pm. From there, it was 2 pops at once, then 7 minutes later another 2 pops.

The pickup queue, ironically, had a 12 minute gap between 1:33pm and 1:45pm. Followed by 1 scenario every 5 minutes.

At our peak (around now) there is roughly 1 a minute.

You have posted 3 times in the past 24 hours saying how queues aren't popping and how this is killing scenarios - but the Killboard shows us when scenarios are popping so this really isn't true.

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