Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

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Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#1 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:46 pm

At the moment the RP gains from doing scenarios (especially at the weekend) far out weighs the RPs from RvR. After the ability patch lands can this be balanced out?
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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#2 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:03 pm

Garamore wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:46 pm At the moment the RP gains from doing scenarios (especially at the weekend) far out weighs the RPs from RvR. After the ability patch lands can this be balanced out?
If you're constantly, winning, it is somewhat true. If you are not...

Anyways, unless you have a half-decent group which, at very least, is capable of farming pug at constant basis, i doubt that you can farm rr that good at sc.

Yes, it's still possible, but rr outcome isn't stable, you can have a lot of rr or some 1-2 hours of sc when there no reason to leave respawn unless you want to be a rr pinata.

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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#3 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:40 pm

I get 10-15k every 6-8 mins in weekend scens with a premade. Its the reason so many premade stack. Very different to Rp gains in rvr.
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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#4 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:06 pm

That's only true if you're playing in a poorly optimized group for roaming and have little to no idea of where to go (and when) and what fights to take.

A sorc/bw 3man group that knows what they're doing roaming during aao doing will easily double the rr and the crests you gain by winning every sc in a full 6man, even more so in this sc rotation

If what you are saying were true, you'd see more people playing scenarios except for the fact that there's 3 concurrent scenarios at best during EU prime time.
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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#5 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:15 pm

What´s exactly your problem with that ? scs are part of the game. If you lose you gain very little to nothing.

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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#6 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:42 pm

Your assumption that high lvl prems play scens for renown points is wrong.
These kind of prems play scen to farm kills and boost killboard stats since scens are relatively safe and the end result often is quite predictable from the start.
So by limiting/nerfing rr gain you wont make these premades enter much more risky and chaotic environment of orvr.
Mostly harmless

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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#7 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:44 pm

Weekend warfront has the 50% exp/rp bonus.
A bonus which can be optained by going orvr on the outnumbering side, do a bit of participation and then relog to underdog whenever possible (sometimes lockout sometimes not depending on realm hopping prior)

This will give a 50% rp bonus buff for one hour, which refreshes each time you enter an rvr lake (in the case of a split zone like T3 empire it refreshes when you cross the border)

So rvr can get alot of rps for winning the objectives, or killing.

My personal issue is that AAo and Antiaao is zonewide but the fights are not.
if you are a stealther and go pick a fight but ends up 2v1 the aao in the zone doesnt reflect the fight you are involved in, so rewards of aao is not reflecting the fight which is wrong imo.

Id instead advocate that "local" areawide aao should be implimented, so rewards reflect the fighting circumstances.
If a warband goes and pushes a pug zerg, they should get higher rewards for being outnumbered in that fight.

Make is scale the area like LOTD diminishing returns scanes the nearby player count, and do the same for AAO in orvr.
Because right now aao can be "stolen" from players afking at warcamp on bio break, one warband sitting in a keep licking their wounds etc.
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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#8 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:50 pm

SCs are superior to RvR, but not because of renown gains, but War Crest farm.
wonshot wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:44 pm

My personal issue is that AAo and Antiaao is zonewide but the fights are not.
if you are a stealther and go pick a fight but ends up 2v1 the aao in the zone doesnt reflect the fight you are involved in, so rewards of aao is not reflecting the fight which is wrong imo.

If you play WH/WE and enemies have AAO, you have over 9000% easier life than while having AAO yourself. As its much easier to find outnumbered targets and avoiding being outnumbered. Tbh you SHOULD be punished by reward system for playing such class on wrong side of AAO.

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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#9 » Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:23 am

Renown gain should be double at least what it is now. And ALL punishing mechanics to renown gain need to be removed. It's is stupid to punish soloers for example not getting sc pops or gets less renown if you are not in party... And pls give us the XP-Reduction scroll back or triple boost renown gain in T1-3

Lotd and City Sieges obviously shouldnt be timed, because there is no "point" in campaign atm. No one enjoys running supplies for 100 renown (More if you are in party ofc) Im not saying to prioritize Solo players but this Negative Special Treatment is not the way to go.

When i kill 1v2 and im rr 50+ but not even in vanquisher/oppressor and i kill 2 rr70+ and i got a bit over or less than 1k renown. Also Sc guards need to be brought back instead of the barriers! You could actually get kills and renown even when mostly farmed so there is an incentive to stay.

If your team is camped in Sc and you have tried coordinating but no chance to win. Live WAR Sc's if you get away from starting point without enemy following, I got 3 Solo kills in that serpents passage before they got me, and i got the most amounts of Renown in that Sc, about 10k Renown. 3500 renown per kill solo sounds so much more reasonable than what i get in RoR. ACTUAL GODDAMN PVP SHOULD GIVE RENOWN EVEN IF YOU ARE SOLO, DUO TRIO DOESNT MATTER FFS.
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Re: Balance out the rp gains from RvR and Scens

Post#10 » Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:54 am

I think the gains are pretty close, SC is better if you have +80% win rate (esp. During WW), otherwise RvR seems better if you are on zerging side (or really good AAO farming in small scale).

For me problem is just that the game is now so kill focused, rewards for simply participating have been removed or greatly reduced.
That might encourage grouping up and playing better, but it also encourages spawn camping and WBs chasing soloers and means unless you are winning you get no progress "wasting your time" and is just overall less casual friendly.
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