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proper RP (as in roleplay) character

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Posts: 6

proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#1 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:36 pm

Okay folks I do have a question, but first some background info (by the way sorry for the wall of text, it's long but in fact, I'm sorry to inform you that it was ONLY the second half/part of an even longer wall of text). Ever since I started going deeper into the lore I wanted to make a character that is kinda of a missionary, proselytizer, and a wandering crusader if needed be to the will of Tzeentch. With that said onwards to the question. Between those two (Dread/Discord 2H/AnS (Axe and Shield) "dps" Chosen, and or close-quarters (Daemonology/Changing) Magus), be more akin to a missionary of Tzeentch, and which one would fit the fantasy of a closer to perfect "champion of Tzeentch" as in both strong on the powers of the Warp and martial powers? Thank you all for both your time and effort to read, and endure this wall of text and for any and all that answered the question

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Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#2 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:06 pm

I think you're describing neither of the two options you've listed above, what you've laid up above sounds more like a zealot to me

Posts: 6

Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#3 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:12 pm

I do understand your point of view and I may give Zealot (though I'm more of a dps and RP/Zeal are notoriously hard to build as a dps) another go, but let's try to keep on the only two options

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Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#4 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:39 pm

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Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#5 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:51 pm

@bittrio Care to explain why? mostly the missionary/proselytizer part? For out the curiosity and the reasons?

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Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#6 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:28 pm

Lavendros wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:51 pm @bittrio Care to explain why? mostly the missionary/proselytizer part? For out the curiosity and the reasons?
Yes because Champions of Tzeentch combine strength with magical powers.

Magus has magical powers, but lacks strength.

If you play a DPS Chosen, your #1 stat will be strength and you have magical auras, plus abilities that do spiritual damage (Ravage).
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Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#7 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:45 pm

To be honest it all comes down to your image of the character. Based on your brief description any class will do - even marauder as an example of embracer of change with possible mutations. But focusin on one key point of your post - proselytizer - I'd say zealot and magus would be better suited being the more 'inteligent' of the tzeentch disciples.

Late night imagination time!

Let's just consider situation where you're regular norscan villager and here comes chosen or marauder. First thing you see is a big lump of muscle which is mostly correlated with Khorne and not Tzeentch so if these guys were to hand you a pamphlet asking to 'embrace the changer of ways' you wouldn't really be convinced especially that these guys would have trouble getting one coherent sentence out of their mouths (if they had any, or too many, you can never know). Anyways you'd look at them and think them fakes
On the other if you would be approached by dude on a flying saucer than can summon a deamon that handled you the same pamphlet as above you'd go 'yooo this is the hot stuff, I'm in'.
Or zealot would ressurect your old uncle who taught you how to fish and that uncle would tell you to start dealing with magic and learn of tzeentch ways coz fish ain't a business for ambitious lad like you when the winds of magic are abundant in the north

tldr; make your pick and do a backstory that is appealing to you. I myself would go for zealot because the class seems like a proper lunatic but any will do :D have fun!

Posts: 339

Re: proper RP (as in roleplay) character

Post#8 » Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:25 am

i read first half of your post thinking youre gonna ask about zealot. if your a looking for a missionary/corrupter angle id go magus rather than chosen. there many examples of speechcrafty npc quest giver corrupters, and they are maguses. chosen would be better if you are willing to try your hand at leading warbands. then again, marauder would be even better given their tankyness and ability to aoe stun to initiate combat. best luck out there


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