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Greenskins Meta - All Classes

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Greenskins Meta - All Classes

Post#1 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:35 pm

I asked this in Chaos and DE so figured I'd threepeat the post here for Greenskins:

As a player trying to figure things out it is always challenging to keep up on what works and what doesn't. I have leveled a couple toons to 40 and was told the way I had been playing was "wrong." The people explaining this to me were not rude at all and were helpful and seemed willing to talk me through the change, but this conversation seemed to happen in the middle of a Warband so it wasn't the right time for instruction. So I was hoping to collect the current GS Meta for what works best. I want to talk about different gear types (1h, 2H, SnB, Etc) different builds as well as establishing the different Stat priorities for each class. I think it would be nice to have all of this information in one up to date post.

At the end of the day I am all for letting people play the game the way they want to. So this is not about shaming people or discouraging trying new things. Focus on why your build is good and what the benefits are. Maybe even share what it lacks and where it is weak. I don't expect each person to know all the GS classes so just talk about the one you are most familiar with. I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

I realize rework means this is subject to change, but based on what we know now, what is your advice?


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