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Xrealming has completely ruined this game

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#61 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:04 am

Aethilmar wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:27 am This whole "get a gud guild" thing is just denial of the core game system problems. For the record there are only two warband guilds out there that I have observed ("Jempire" and "Freebootaz") that will actually fight when the odds are stacked against them.

All the other "elite" guilds get wiped a couple of times, complains the other side is "zerging" and logs or switches.

So, yeah, get over the "git gud" argument because it is not productive.
Remember the game failed on live for this reason, its highly pug unfriendly. Its no different here. People can whine about it or do something about it.
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#62 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:05 am

Evilspinnre wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:36 pm
Garamore wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:27 pm If people spent more time joining active guilds with good leaders and less time whining on forums there would be more wbs in the lakes and better balance.
That would sure fix the 5 organised destro wbs vs 1 order one on Sundays :clown:
Maybe if a few more people joined order guilds they could fight back. Maybe if a few order wb leaders didnt just quit or tell people not to turn up everytime they get wiped there would be more wbs.
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#63 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:56 am

Garamore wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:05 am
Evilspinnre wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:36 pm
Garamore wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:27 pm If people spent more time joining active guilds with good leaders and less time whining on forums there would be more wbs in the lakes and better balance.
That would sure fix the 5 organised destro wbs vs 1 order one on Sundays :clown:
Maybe if a few more people joined order guilds they could fight back. Maybe if a few order wb leaders didnt just quit or tell people not to turn up everytime they get wiped there would be more wbs.
So, you are basically saying that the responsibility it's on the 3-5 ppl that lead a wb. Tbh the fact that they even try on those situations is more than we can actually ask em. We need the game system to help em a bit...

Posts: 715

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#64 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:19 pm

francomes wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:56 am
Garamore wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:05 am
Evilspinnre wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:36 pm

That would sure fix the 5 organised destro wbs vs 1 order one on Sundays :clown:
Maybe if a few more people joined order guilds they could fight back. Maybe if a few order wb leaders didnt just quit or tell people not to turn up everytime they get wiped there would be more wbs.
So, you are basically saying that the responsibility it's on the 3-5 ppl that lead a wb. Tbh the fact that they even try on those situations is more than we can actually ask em. We need the game system to help em a bit...
That is the core problem of unbalanced zerging and xrealming of ROR. Whole project is focused on activity 3-5 ppl, who pulling players from side to side. When 3 from 5 are on Destruction- destro zerging, when 4 from 5 on Order - same story. And its only one way from this madness - broke power of warbands and focus on more individual activity.

Posts: 442

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#65 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:40 pm

As the above poster puts the flow of RvR is entirely dependant on the few warband leads and what they choose to do. If the better ones pick destro they win, if they pick order they win. If they choose to push zones they get flipped, if they find zone pushing boring they dont. If they log off then the balance swings hugely to the other side. Its much less about in game mechanics than people think.
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#66 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:41 pm

I have the somewhat unpopulare opinion that this version of the game lack tools for small and coordinated groups to deal with larger number of enemies. By dealing, I dont mean some kite group scoring a bunch of kills but actually wiping / winning against the opponent in a fight.

If there is no way to bust zergs then zergs will reign supreme.

In general we need more powerful tools (aoe burst damage, defensive cds and cc) that are somewhat difficult to excecute (meanig unorganized zerg will not benefit).

I understand that this was a thing many disliked with live but on this server it has gone to far in the other direction in my opinion.
Nekkma / Hjortron

Posts: 30

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#67 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:05 pm

Garamore wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:05 am Maybe if a few more people joined order guilds they could fight back. Maybe if a few order wb leaders didnt just quit or tell people not to turn up everytime they get wiped there would be more wbs.
I would've signed off on this until like 3-4 months ago. Life on order was always harder than on destro, but you could manage. But in the last couple of months it has changed completely, and there is only so much joining guilds and warbands an order player can do to counteract a 3+ wb blob of sov players running around together (with another few warbands of pug following around of course).

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#68 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:25 pm

Nekkma wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:41 pm I have the somewhat unpopulare opinion that this version of the game lack tools for small and coordinated groups to deal with larger number of enemies. By dealing, I dont mean some kite group scoring a bunch of kills but actually wiping / winning against the opponent in a fight.

If there is no way to bust zergs then zergs will reign supreme.

In general we need more powerful tools (aoe burst damage, defensive cds and cc) that are somewhat difficult to excecute (meanig unorganized zerg will not benefit).

I understand that this was a thing many disliked with live but on this server it has gone to far in the other direction in my opinion.
Problem with that sort of solution Is that then u have 6man kill squads that can wipe full wb bcs of Gea gap+ mechanic

That sort of mess is way worse that what we have now

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#69 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:10 pm

You're right, the ebb and flow is not at all about in-game systems, I think that's the point that they were trying to make.

We've spitballed cool ideas since Live about how to change things. BO's that grant specific bonuses like Siege Ladders or summoning a giant to break down then blitz through the door;
or granting an extra ability to the whole realm in the lake that lets them.. i don't know have a 3.5k personal barrier on a few minute CD or;
Allowing player-mounted flyers at the warcamp that can bomb fights from above (great for solo players).

The idea there was a massive reward for holding a specific BO for a period of time, perfect for when your enemies sit inside their keep for hours or when your enemies have a massive Zerg all bundled in 1 spot. They could end up losing, despite superior numbers, because they allow their enemy a strong tactical advantage.

Live ended up doing similar things with the Skaven system. We had the flyers, we had Rat Ogres and Warlocks, etc.

These are the kind of in-game systems that help a undermanned side coordinate without all the extra effort (the effort that does indeed usually lay in the hands of the few leaders we have on the server).

it would likely also encourage some coordinated 6/12/18/24 mans to swap to the underpopulated side.

'Guys lets swap order and hold Graveyard for a couple minutes, then we can summon the Ghost Cavalry to charge into the 3 WB's on Martyr's Square and get some kills.'

it would also be REALLY cool gameplay and to watch, great for something like Realm Watch. i'm not sure if there are technical capabilities for any such systems, but food for thought.
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#70 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:47 am

Nekkma wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:41 pm I have the somewhat unpopulare opinion that this version of the game lack tools for small and coordinated groups to deal with larger number of enemies. By dealing, I dont mean some kite group scoring a bunch of kills but actually wiping / winning against the opponent in a fight.

If there is no way to bust zergs then zergs will reign supreme.

In general we need more powerful tools (aoe burst damage, defensive cds and cc) that are somewhat difficult to excecute (meanig unorganized zerg will not benefit).

I understand that this was a thing many disliked with live but on this server it has gone to far in the other direction in my opinion.
Weekday = everyone should agree to play one faction monday/tuesday. then weds/ crests then fri sat sun any groups above 6 should be listed as cowards!!! anywhere from solo to 6 man groups running around fri to sat would be hype as hell and make me play this game again. Then people can xrealm all they want who would give a **** lol. OFC you can still play solo or 6 on either side on any day of the week but you will log on knowing if the numbers will be agaisnt you or not.

Also don't complain about my idea for mon-thurs because the game is played like that anyway throughout the week just its unnofficial and a few poor souls get their lockout caught up on the wrong faction :lol:

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