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Launcher don't do anythink

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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#11 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:12 pm

It still looks like something with your network configuration or similar doesnt work properly for this game. Something blocking the connection.
Have you restarted your PC or Router
double/tripple check your antivirus/firewall whitelists etc.
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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#12 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:40 pm

yes already done

firewall Image

antivirus Image



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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#13 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:56 pm

Looks fine i think yeah (dont use windows myself)
do you have access to some other network connections to try?
like trying with mobile phone hotspot to see if theres difference
or trying with a VPN.
Maybe your Internet Service Provider is a bit weird one

But yeah im honestly out of ideas on thatone
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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#14 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:02 pm

i tried with my phone and...... nothing and tried with vpn, it's the same thing

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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#15 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:15 am

I tried to install game on my home computer, and it work perfectly; so it's my laptop who doesn't want. When i saw it worked on my computer i copy all folder to my laptop, and at home, at work or with my phone it's not network because it's the same i can't launch game.

I'm very sad it seem very a cool game and i can't play with my laptop (at work where i'm half of time :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: )

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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#16 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:50 am

Yeah looks like something on your Windows Install is blocking the connection for it or similar.
You already tried pretty much everything that could cause this, unless you missed something but yeah. No idea really. Windows things i guess :(
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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#17 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:51 am

i found this on this forum


New .reg file to add missing registry keys, the older had a missing "/" on some path. Link below

EDIT : Solved ! (Normaly)

Thanks to Tualens, we've found a solution (not sure if its work for everyone)

Certain version of windows force the use of a wrong TLS (a service that work in pair with .NET).

Solution is to add new key in your regedit that force your windows to use another version of TLS.

Two method possible to do that :

1. Hard way, opening regedit and adding each new key manualy

adding the following registry keys:


2. Easy way, thanks to Nellkee and Tualens, we have a .reg file that automaticaly add these keys to your regedit. <- Here is the link to the .reg file.

Download it, launch it, it will ad needed key, then launch the RoRLauncher and it will be fine, normaly.

But now i don't really know how to put this key, link doesn't work, if someone know i take solution, if not i'll search

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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#18 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:00 am

open regedit and import this. Maybe doubleclick will also work ... OR_TLS.reg

edit: btw i posted that as first reply to you. I thought you already tried it :)
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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#19 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:08 pm

Yes before post here i done it. and i tried it again after see again i found key registrery and it's good. but game do the same thing. so ty for your help. maybe a day i'll find the problem but not it's sadly that i go away for this game :'(

thank you very much for your time, i hope to say you it work in some day ^^

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Re: Launcher don't do anythink

Post#20 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:15 pm

Welle well well.

I'm back with a good news :). i done something crazy but i reinstall windows and nowwwww......... it's work :)

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