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Xrealming has completely ruined this game

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#71 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:15 am

Someone is going to win the zone and someone is going to lose. That's fine. It is a PvP game after all.

What is not fine is that once you reach a certain critical mass on the outnumbered side there is pretty much nothing to do except dodge zergs until the keep falls. And that requires significantly more effort than playing on the inevitable winning side and the rewards for that effort are generally poo even with AAO factored in.

The game could use some set of mechanics that give the losing side some sense of agency and rewards commensurate with the pain they have to endure getting zerged down by multiple warbands.

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#72 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:22 am

Garamore wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:27 pm If people spent more time joining active guilds with good leaders and less time whining on forums there would be more wbs in the lakes and better balance.
Active guilds with good leaders does not recruit certain careers on Order, for the reasons everyone know
Destruction: 40-BG / 40-DoK / 40-Chosen / 37-Mara / 37/Sorc / 36-SH / 36-Choppa / 24-Shaman / 16-WE
Order: 40-SW / 40-SM / 40-WP / 40-WL / 39-Kotbs / 38-BW / 33-AM / 22-WH / 16-RP / 12-Slayer

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#73 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:25 am


1. Open up all zones
2. Make attacker lock by controlling all objectives and keeps thus split zerg (x minutes and reset if bo is lost)
3. Tone down solo classes we/wh by removing the extra stealth elixir

Profit as a small force isn’t limited to stand in one predetermined spot and be steamrolled

Profit as 1-3 players of multiple classes can successfully guerillawarfare
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#74 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:25 am

There are actually 2 zones, but 95% of population plays on the same one. I don't see what opening a third one (or all areas why not) could change to this, unless promoting pve door.

Reasonning the game from the perspective of the reward : Well how many millions of warcrest could be enough to find being zerged pleasant ? But going this way would lead to a game were losing becomes more attractive than winning. Strange concept. In the opposite, reducing the reward level to the number of players in the winning faction might make sense. But this remains questionable and probably abusive(denial of victory strategy, loser disconnect just before lock : winners wins nothing). Reasonning a game from the perspective of reward leads nowhere. Or, a slot machine is the must in terms of gaming and the solution to all problems. :) This said it has been tested, defenders were better rewarded if they were able to avoid fortress defense > XRealm to the "losing" side, and no more fortresses. A nice ping pong game :p.

Buffing underdogs : This would be interesting at some point, but unless you consider everyone is the same perimeter at the same instant, such kind of solution becomes disputable too. Imagine 200 destros vs 5 orders at martyr square in praag and in the same time 3 destro vs 8 orders at south cemetary. Even i could understnad the buff at martyr square, i don't see the motive at cemetary. So unless you introduce a AAO based on your very close environment (and you would know at instant T there is an ambush somewhere, or a group of WH/WE), it becomes unfair too and leads to an avoidance strategy. Not solving the imbalance of factions. Not saving the losing faction to lose.

Imo, and unlike live, the game should offer to players a large scale of options. It involves a drastic reduction in supply drops on kills (cause actually there is no reason to hold a BO to generate supply, it goes faster to fight on a straitgh line between WC for that), a dynamic objective Battle mechanic, influencing the campaign at any time during it. As an exemple, there is one option faction choose depending the situation : how to lock an area. Now IF those objectives had a real impact and a vital interest (generate supplies, random or specific buff/debuffs, dynamic impact during siege (a bit like fortress phase 2), If a dominated faction was able to retake a lost keep, IF guilds were strongly involved in campaigns... maybe ("maybe") the Xrealm would be something less attractive for some. But even if. Who can say if it would solve the imbalance? i don't think so. It would force to split population on a specific area Under penalty of losing or getting bogged down, but are player ready for this ? Nothing is less sure. But hey... remember the waithammer concept. Full wb waiting under a BO for a 1 renown point every 5 seconds. :)

Posts: 404

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#75 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:53 am

agemennon675 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:22 am
Garamore wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:27 pm If people spent more time joining active guilds with good leaders and less time whining on forums there would be more wbs in the lakes and better balance.
Active guilds with good leaders does not recruit certain careers on Order, for the reasons everyone know
Its always been that certain classes make the best groups/wbs. If leaders don't recruit to that then you will have a harder time against one who does. If you want to play the weaker classes then you will find it harder to win and people just need to accept that. Yes the devs could change stuff but then we would just swap to whatever is the new meta and do that. People need to be flexible with that classes they play to get that balance.

A lot of the whining on here and discord is people bringing a spoon to a gun fight and wondering why they lost.
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

Warband leader for Hand of Blood

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#76 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:32 am

Garamore wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:53 am
agemennon675 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:22 am
Garamore wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:27 pm If people spent more time joining active guilds with good leaders and less time whining on forums there would be more wbs in the lakes and better balance.
Active guilds with good leaders does not recruit certain careers on Order, for the reasons everyone know
Its always been that certain classes make the best groups/wbs. If leaders don't recruit to that then you will have a harder time against one who does. If you want to play the weaker classes then you will find it harder to win and people just need to accept that. Yes the devs could change stuff but then we would just swap to whatever is the new meta and do that. People need to be flexible with that classes they play to get that balance.

A lot of the whining on here and discord is people bringing a spoon to a gun fight and wondering why they lost.
Imagine such day when any ofleaders will not online. No Garamore, Ocara, Zorbax or Grufrip, Bombling, Rolgrom & Ninjagon.
So what all of 300-400 people will do? Looks like they completly brainless ,willingless mob who cant take any initiative.
Really RoR is on such stage where, only leaders , organisation, waarbands, discord is mandatory to have fun?? is that the one proper direction for game ? When server will be closed because "no leader on-line"?

Posts: 1

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#77 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:41 pm

Today I had a fight 2 groups order against 2 groups destro...only 4 from destro fight. The rest only looking. After this, every side goes their ways. There is nor more to say.

Posts: 10

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#78 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:43 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:25 am There are actually 2 zones, but 95% of population plays on the same one. I don't see what opening a third one (or all areas why not) could change to this, unless promoting pve door.

Reasonning the game from the perspective of the reward : Well how many millions of warcrest could be enough to find being zerged pleasant ? But going this way would lead to a game were losing becomes more attractive than winning. Strange concept. In the opposite, reducing the reward level to the number of players in the winning faction might make sense. But this remains questionable and probably abusive(denial of victory strategy, loser disconnect just before lock : winners wins nothing). Reasonning a game from the perspective of reward leads nowhere. Or, a slot machine is the must in terms of gaming and the solution to all problems. :) This said it has been tested, defenders were better rewarded if they were able to avoid fortress defense > XRealm to the "losing" side, and no more fortresses. A nice ping pong game :p.

Buffing underdogs : This would be interesting at some point, but unless you consider everyone is the same perimeter at the same instant, such kind of solution becomes disputable too. Imagine 200 destros vs 5 orders at martyr square in praag and in the same time 3 destro vs 8 orders at south cemetary. Even i could understnad the buff at martyr square, i don't see the motive at cemetary. So unless you introduce a AAO based on your very close environment (and you would know at instant T there is an ambush somewhere, or a group of WH/WE), it becomes unfair too and leads to an avoidance strategy. Not solving the imbalance of factions. Not saving the losing faction to lose.

Imo, and unlike live, the game should offer to players a large scale of options. It involves a drastic reduction in supply drops on kills (cause actually there is no reason to hold a BO to generate supply, it goes faster to fight on a straitgh line between WC for that), a dynamic objective Battle mechanic, influencing the campaign at any time during it. As an exemple, there is one option faction choose depending the situation : how to lock an area. Now IF those objectives had a real impact and a vital interest (generate supplies, random or specific buff/debuffs, dynamic impact during siege (a bit like fortress phase 2), If a dominated faction was able to retake a lost keep, IF guilds were strongly involved in campaigns... maybe ("maybe") the Xrealm would be something less attractive for some. But even if. Who can say if it would solve the imbalance? i don't think so. It would force to split population on a specific area Under penalty of losing or getting bogged down, but are player ready for this ? Nothing is less sure. But hey... remember the waithammer concept. Full wb waiting under a BO for a 1 renown point every 5 seconds. :)
I'm by no means a veteran player, but in my opinion and experience drastically increasing rewards for playing outnumbered would at least tackle the current issues if not solve them entirely. Even 2-3x, maybe even 4x times what you get from AAO now, plus, maybe, some additional crests. The reason why I feel this way is because, even though I'm not a veteran player myself, I've played with more experienced players and I know for a fact that there are players out there that can find a way to play most situations in game. I've played in small groups with Slayers that know how to play at the outskirts of a 2x WB blob, poking and prodding, harassing, and getting kills while doing it. I've been in situations where small group of 6 in the right geography (say water+some LoS) can successfully engage WB+ force and if not outright always win, then throw the bigger force in such disarray that with a little assistance it can be wiped. I've been in doomed keep and fort defenses where if people organize themselves in a properly and are reactive, they can hold off a vastly superior force. And I've tagged along with organized WBs that consistently seek out difficult fights and consistently win them.

I'm sure other people also have similar experiences. The problem is that aforementioned modes of gameplay require skill, experience, but most important of all - focused effort, engaged mode of playing. The current incentive system, however, doesn't reward it sufficiently. Not only because playing disadvantaged situations is risky and therefore inconsistent, but also because if you do fail, you are not rewarded at all. And so, the majority of players understand this either intuitively or explicitly, and flock to creating and playing situations that are efficient and safe (=overpop and zerg, winning side xrealming being a sub-case of these), which, in turn, leads to formulaic and stale gameplay for everyone. I am sure if the rewards for seeking out creative, risky and engaging ways of playing the game were better - way better than they are now -, not only more people that already know how to do it would engage in them, but also more people that are just discovering the game would try to give them a chance and learn how to play in that way. And, thus, there would be a viable alternative mode of playing the game for both experienced and new players and, with that, the prevalence of issues that stem from mass blobbing would be mitigated (exactly because more people would see it as viable to not blob; see that it is not hopeless; that, in fact, there is something that they can try to do even if it is risky and, that if they succeed, the effort it took to execute it will be well - maybe even better - rewarded).

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#79 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:47 pm

Bozzax wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:25 am Again

1. Open up all zones
2. Make attacker lock by controlling all objectives and keeps thus split zerg (x minutes and reset if bo is lost)
3. Tone down solo classes we/wh by removing the extra stealth elixir

Profit as a small force isn’t limited to stand in one predetermined spot and be steamrolled

Profit as 1-3 players of multiple classes can successfully guerillawarfare
I think #3 is one of the biggest, underappreciated mistakes the development team has made. I'm not 100% convinced of this conclusion, but I've definitely noticed a dearth of soloers and small group play since coming back to the game, and I think this theory has some explanatory power and I'm curious what others who have played on the server since its inception think.

No one worries about WH/WE imbalance because they're very well-tuned in group settings, but a short perusal of the accumulation buffs they've received for solo play over the years is startling. The fact that they're so overtuned, especially in escapability, discourages other classes from soloing. Even if another class is beating the WH/WE, it's extremely hard to secure a kill, unless the WE/WH overcommits or makes a mistake. This leads to fewer soloers (except WH/WE).

In a rough analogy to an ecosystem, fewer soloers means less food for the next biggest fish - i.e., the small groups. Small groups used to get some free renown from killing soloers, earned some renown from fair fights with other small groups, and became renown pinatas for larger groups. Now, they run into almost no soloers, making it less attractive. That leads to fewer small groups and a negative feedback loop. Fewer small groups means less food for full groups. And so on and so on, all the way up the food chain. In short, the strength of WE/WH solo has poisoned the whole food chain. One of the reasons the game has a population crisis.

For those interested here's an incomplete list of all the buffs that WE/WH have received. I've listed the name of the patch note thread.
Changelog 28/10/16
Witch Elf/Witch Hunter
EXPERIMENTAL: The cooldown of Snap Shot and Throwing Dagger is now 3 seconds, and these abilities will snare by 20% when hitting the side of a target. Because the skills are 1s cast and the cooldown is invoked on cast end, the cycle rate is 4s, compared with a duration of 5s.
The opinions of some players that this will do nothing for the WE/WH where they need assistance are noted, and this may well be true. However, if fixing these skills to behave as they were intended to (as a viable ranged snare) is of benefit to the class, we will keep the adjustment and look at other issues with WE/WH in future.
In other words: these skills were always supposed to snare targets fleeing from you. That they can be strafed out goes against the design. Let's find out what happens when they work as they should.
Changelog 21/11/16 viewtopic.php?t=18506
Witch Hunter / Witch Elf
- Bullets and Kisses may now be cast in stealth.
- Openers and the stealth abilities themselves are the only abilities which may be used to break your own stealth.
- Incognito and Shadow Prowler are now correctly off the GCD.

Patch Notes 30/9/2017 - Return of Reckoning
The placement of openers from stealth upon the enemy can no longer be defended against.
Specific abilities are:
- Enfeebling Strike
- Treacherous Assault
- Vehement Blades
- Sudden Accusation
- Burn Armour
- Fanatical Zeal
Witch Hunter and Witch Elf abilities Sever Blessing are now undefendable (This is ONLY WH/WE, the rest are defendable against as per live)

Client Changelog 19th August - Return of Reckoning
Witch Hunter

- The cooldown of Incognito is now 35s instead of 30s.
- The cooldown of Incognito will be reduced by 1 second for every enemy within 100 feet when its effect is broken.
- Modified the tooltip of Incognito to better indicate how stealth works.
- Added a new tactic, Hastened Expurgation. Grants a 50% speed bonus when in Incognito and reduces the cast time by 1 second, but reduces the duration to 3 seconds.

- Razor Strike no longer requires a target and will now strike up to 3 enemies in front of you, up to 15 feet away.
- Razor Strike will not build Accusations unless you hit at least one target.
- Sweeping Razor will now increase Razor Strike's range to 30 feet and remove the target limit.
- Trial By Pain's damage output has been improved by 50%.
- Trial By Pain now strikes all enemies within 20 feet of its target.
- Trial By Pain now has an 8 second cooldown (channel-type, effective 5s.)
- Dragon Gun will now reduce the Morale of all targets it hits by 50 per Accusation point spent.

- Fervor and Burn, Heretic! are no longer cleansable.
- Fervor's damage over time component has been doubled.

Witch Elf

- Elixir of Blades is now Path of Carnage.
- Elixir of Insane Power is now Path of Suffering.
- The cooldown of Shadow Prowler is now 35s instead of 30s.
- The cooldown of Shadow Prowler will be reduced by 1 second for every enemy within 100 feet when its effect is broken.
- Modified the tooltip of Shadow Prowler to better indicate how stealth works.
- Added a new tactic, Shadow Strike. Grants a 50% speed bonus when in Shadow Prowler and reduces the cast time by 1 second, but reduces the duration to 3 seconds.

- Slice no longer requires a target and will now strike up to 3 enemies in front of you, up to 15 feet away.
- Slice will not build Frenzy unless you hit at least one player.
- Broad Severing will now increase Slice's range to 30 feet and remove the target limit.
- Ruthless Assault's damage output has been improved by 50%.
- Ruthless Assault now strikes all enemies within 20 feet of its target.

- Envenomed Blade is no longer cleansable.
- Envenomed Blade's damage over time component has been doubled.
- The effect of Septic Blade has been reduced to 7%, but it will now stack as Envenomed Blade does.

Client Changelog 25/08/2018 - Return of Reckoning
Witch Hunter
- Hastened Expurgation is now a separate ability rather than a tactic. This ability shares a cooldown with Incognito.

Witch Elf
- Shadow Strike is now Shadow Runner, a separate ability rather than a tactic. This ability shares a cooldown with Shadow Prowler.
- Witchbrew's ICD is reported by the client to be half a second. It has been set to this value.

Response was that the tactic wasn't worth slotting but an alternative to standard stealth might see use.

Server Patch notes 18/09/2018 - Return of Reckoning
Witch Hunter
- Fervor is now cleansable.
Witch Elf
- Envenomed Blade is now cleansable.
Patch notes 22/12/2018 - Return of Reckoning
[Witch Hunter and Witch Elves]
- Shroud of Magnus and Elixir of the Cauldron will now reduce the damage of any magical ranged dots currently on the player to zero for the duration of the buff.

Patch Notes 05/01/2019 - Return of Reckoning
[Witch Hunter and Witch Elf]
- Stealth abilities cooldowns returned to 30s CD (from 35) and convoluted cooldown reduction based on enemy around you when you strike removed.
- Hastened Expurgation and Shadow Runner removed.
- Slice and Razor Strike returned to single target
- Broad Severing and Sweeping Razor returned to effecting an additional 2 enemies and a 10% damage reduction.
- AOE function on Trial By Pain and Ruthless Assault removed.

Note - The above is not a balance pass but a restoration for technical reasons.

- The following abilities can now be used while stealthed.

- Blessed Bullets of Confession
- Blessed Bullets of Cleansing
- Blessed Bullets of Purity
- Sigil of Sigmar
- Feinted Positioning
- Seal of Destruction
- Shroud of Magnus
- Van Horstmans Speculum

- Kiss of Death
- Kiss of Agony
- Kiss of Betrayal
- Fleet Footed
- Feinted Positioning
- Elixir of Insane Power
- Elixir of Blades
- Elixir of the Cauldron

[Witch Elf]

- Sacrificial Stab is now "You offer up your target as a sacrifice, stabbing them twice and healing yourself for all damage that you dealt. For the next 10 seconds your autoattack damage will be increased by 10% for each resource point spent on the attack.". Ability has had its positional requirement removed.

- Frenzied Mayhem - This tactic has been reworked and will no longer give a flat 3% critical rate per resource points held, instead it will increase the damage of your finishers by 5% per point used on them. For example if you have 1 finisher point and use Puncture, it will do 5% more damage, if you have 5 finisher points then use Puncture it will do 25% more damage. (Witchbrew is not affected)

- Mark of Morathi - New tactic - This will increase your Autoattack speed by 50% upon the use of a finisher ability for 10 seconds.

- Broad Severing - Tactic moved to core, attainable upon hitting level 17

- Bleeding Edge - New tactic - Upon the use of a finisher you increase your Armor Penetration by 50% for 3 seconds. Placed at 11 points Path of Carnage.

Note - The Witch Elf was a very different beast at launch with a very separate playstyle from the Witch Hunter, it had some broken things but instead of doing a balance pass Mythic made it "WH lite" and gave all their finishers at perplexing 30ft range. Not overly terrible but unfortunately a very strong tactic existed (Frenzied Mayhem) which gave the WE significant benefits for NOT using their class mechanic or finishers, indeed it punished you if you did. So we had an odd situation, where the Witch Elf had some very interesting abilities but the most "efficient" play was to basically eschew using their finishers and be a Agonizing Wound spammer.
As a result we are trying a few systems to see what works best to pull the class from a AW spambot into a more fun and challenging class.

[Witch Hunter]

- Sweeping Razor - Tactic moved to core, attainable upon hitting level 17

- Bleeding Edge - New tactic - Upon the use of a finisher you increase your Armor Penetration by 50% for 3 seconds. Placed at 11 points Path of Confession.

Patch Notes 12/01/2019 - Return of Reckoning

[Witch Elf]
- On Your Knees - Will reduce any enemy morale that it hits by 300 and your Group will gain 300.
- Witchbrew - Will now be affected by Frenzied Mayhem
- Septic Blade - tactic restored to original 25% crit reduction effect upon application of Envenomed Blade
- Elixir of the Cauldron - Will no longer mitigate undefendable direct damage magic damage.
- Elixir of Blades - Removed.
- Elixir of Shadows - New ability which replaces Elixir of Blades - "You throw poison around you and the vapors blind your enemies. You will become invisible to enemies for 2 seconds and increase your speed by 50% for 7 seconds."

[Witch Hunter]
- Dragon Gun - Will reduce any enemy morale that it hits by 300 and your Group will gain 300.
- Shroud of Magnus - Will no longer mitigate undefendable direct damage magic damage.
- Van Horstmann's Speculum - Removed.
- Sanctified Oil - New ability which replaces Van Horstmann's Speculum - "You light and drop a flask of sanctified oil at your feet. You will become invisible to enemies for 2 seconds and increase your speed by 50% for 7 Seconds."

Patch Notes 19/01/2019 - Return of Reckoning
[Witch Hunter]
Fervor - Restored to live dot damage values but the dot component will do Spiritual Damage
[Witch Elf]
Envenomed Blade - Restored to live dot damage values but the dot component will do Corporeal Damage
Wracking Pains - Changed damage type to Corporeal from Spiritual in keeping with the classes damage types.

Patch Notes 04/01/2020 - Return of Reckoning
Witch elf
- On your knees morale drain and gain changed to 125 125. (down from 300 300).
Witch hunters
- Dragon Guns morale drain and gain changed to 125 125. (down from 300 300).

Patch Notes 08/04/2020 - Return of Reckoning
Witch Hunter :
- Declare Anathema is now undefendable, this ability will now correctly behave like a stagger and the immune is now set to 20 seconds.
- Fixed an issue causing Sweeping Razor to hit more targets than intended
- Fixed an issue causing some abilities to build accusation even if they got parried.
- Fixed an issue causing Sanctified Bullets heal for 100% of damage dealt instead of 150%

Witch Elf :
- Agile Escape is now undefendable, this ability will now correctly behave like a stagger and the immune is now set to 20 seconds.
- Fixed an issue causing Broad Severing to hit more targets than intended
- Fixed an issue cause some abilities to build bloodlust even if they got parried.

Patch Notes 25/12/2020 - Return of Reckoning
Witch Hunter
- Burn Armor : The effect of this ability has changed and will now reduce the armor of all enemies 40ft in front of you.
Witch Elf
- Treacherous Assault : A 30ft pounce component has been added to this ability.

Patch Notes 02/10/2020 - Return of Reckoning
[Witch Hunter]
- Incognito: The 30s duration is removed. However, you will still run exit stealth if you run out of AP. Which means that the longest you can normally stay in stealth is 1 minute and 23 seconds. But the longer you stay in stealth the less AP you will have left when you leave stealth. Note: To Glory! will no longer affect you in stealth.
- Sever Blessing: This ability builds one Accusation now
- Protection from Heresy: This tactic also triggers when leaving stealth after using Sanctified oil
- Sanctified Bullets: Updated tooltip to match healing value
- New Ability at lvl 34: "Purgatory", 2s cast, 20s cooldown: By driving a stake through their heart, you condemn your enemy to Purgatory. They cannot be resurrected for the next 30 seconds.
[Witch Elf]
- Shadow Prowler: The 30s duration is removed. However, you will still run exit stealth if you run out of AP. Which means that the longest you can normally stay in stealth is 1 minute and 23 seconds. But the longer you stay in stealth the less AP you will have left when you leave stealth. Note: Dreadful Terror will no longer affect you in stealth.
- Sever Blessing: This ability builds one Blood Lust now
- Enveloping Shadows: This tactic also triggers when leaving stealth after using Elixir of Shadows
- New Ability at lvl 34: "Shadow of Death", 2s cast, 20s cooldown: With swift motion of your daggers you carve the hand of Khaine into the flesh of your victim. They cannot be resurrected for the next 30 seconds.

Patch Notes 26/08/2020 - Return of Reckoning
[Witch Elf]
- Throwing Dagger: Changed to scale based on strength instead of ballistic skill. Primary stat multiplier reduced from 1.5 to 0.15
[Witch Hunter]
- Snap Shot: Changed to scale based on strength instead of ballistic skill. Primary stat multiplier reduced from 1.5 to 0.15

Patch Notes 29/01/2021 - Return of Reckoning
Witch Elf
- Treacherous Assault: The 30ft pounce component has been removed from this ability.
-NEW: Shadow Leap: A 30 ft pounce 'opener' core ability that additionally snares your target on landing.
Some highlights include:
-A charge that doesn't break on ability use (unlike any other mdps charge).
-Their range snare becoming unavoidable. (Listed as experimental but never reverted)
-Multiple attacks made undefendable.
-Their 100% disrupt ability changed to also block dots already applied. (unlike any other 100% avoidance ability)
-Their self-punt made undefendable and stagger duration doubled.
-Stealth duration removed.
-Sever blessing changed to build bloodlust/accusation.

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Posts: 427

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#80 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:52 pm

There is plenty of precedent to the 'dynamic impact' as you refer to it. DAoC did the exact thing as I recall. Heroes of the Storm has objectives that operate in the same way, designed to make up for a gap in man-power or just player power at a given moment.

You are also worried that it would be hard for the game to accurately read number differences. I agree with this, though I think that just operating from SoR numbers is accurate enough; however, the 'dynamic impact' systems (probably) don't need to care about player population. Control the objective for x amount of time and you can reap its benefit. The time factor is what is important here, because a zerging force will be forced to deal with it within a few minutes or will be forced to play against it on the battlefield. Players will solve that themselves.

A. Zerging force reacts to 18 man on opposite side of the map controlling BO which will summon Karl Franz to the battlefield. Option 1 is to send a portion of their numbers to deal with it, leaving AO (Area of Operation) Alpha with a smaller force, which is potentially fightable for the undermanned side. Option 2 is the entire force tries to migrate to AO Beta where the objective is and their heels are nipped at as they leave, either causing them to be too late or sacrifice a fair amount of their forces on the way as an opportunity cost.

B. Zerging force doesn't react and simply has to plan to fight Karl Franz and his platoon of Gryphons as well as the enemy force.

Even more importantly, there is an overwhelming precedent in real world history, it's called Guerilla Warfare, something that has been studied deeply in Military Science. Guerilla Warfare has time and time again proven that an Overwhelming Force isn't quite so overwhelming. A lot of what the 'elite' players do when fighting against a much larger force is Guerilla Tactics. Ambush, fight when there is extreme tactical advantage, bait the enemy into traps and mistakes, use the environment. If you then take out 1 or 2 warbands, you've evened the scales and can then wipe what remains, we do it all the time.

In this example, think of 'dynamic impact' as part of the environment.
"They're gonna die if we kill them" - Klev on strategy

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