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Xrealming has completely ruined this game

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#81 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:54 pm

The problem with opening 3 zones is you know where someone is within a few minutes of them zone swapping. Remove SoR. Encourage more communication and allow smaller numbers to be more nimble vs larger opponents. A 5 minute delay to a zergs response can make all the difference.
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#82 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:50 pm

>Playerbase complains about an issue

>Devs implement something to address the issue

>Playerbase take the path of least resistance and exploit the new system to maximize gains for themselves.

Remember when everyone was complaining about fort farming so they introduced invader crests for defending your final zone before fort? Remember how that turned out?
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#83 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:34 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:25 am ...

Reasonning the game from the perspective of the reward : Well how many millions of warcrest could be enough to find being zerged pleasant ? But going this way would lead to a game were losing becomes more attractive than winning. Strange concept. In the opposite, reducing the reward level to the number of players in the winning faction might make sense. But this remains questionable and probably abusive(denial of victory strategy, loser disconnect just before lock : winners wins nothing). Reasonning a game from the perspective of reward leads nowhere. Or, a slot machine is the must in terms of gaming and the solution to all problems. :) This said it has been tested, defenders were better rewarded if they were able to avoid fortress defense > XRealm to the "losing" side, and no more fortresses. A nice ping pong game :p.


I don't think people realize how much free loot they already get on this server. Personal bag rolls spoiled players, and maybe broke ORvR.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

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Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#84 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:25 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:25 pm Show me post you did to those ppl you paid monthly to play to complain. let me guess : Not a single one.
You've made some good points that I agree with here, but this really made me laugh. Do you *honestly* think this person didn't make posts on the officials complaining?

Posts: 97

Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#85 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:16 am

You know there is absolutely nothing wrong with just logging off. Nothing requires you to spend your time having a miserable experience or to feed the zerg. Logging off gives you the opportunity to do something that is actually fun and entertaining and it denies the zerg a source of rr/xp/inf. I've had to discipline myself into doing this and im happier for it. Give it a go - there is life without RoR

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#86 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:44 pm

Oh man, it was so much fun today, we had 56 kills in Pug-Band while only being outnumbered 2-1 (??300+ orders to 199 max destro??). But hey, I ran a WB again and should I tell you something? It didn't do anything... But it was cool when all the guilds switched to destro because of the AAO, oh no, wait, that didn't happen at all.

So, sarcasm off.

I have no problem with x-realming, but please stop talking **** about you doing it because of the challenge or the AAO. You play order one day and destro another, but you don't change sides in one evening, that's it. And purely from a feeling, there are more guilds that switch from Destro to Order (EU Prime) than the other way around. I don´t know why, because playing destro is so much easier then playing order.

Would it actually be name-calling if you made a list of guilds that only play order or destro and the guilds that switch back and forth?

To each their own, whatever, but yes I think x-realming could be a problem "useless rant deleted" another. And the fact that the player no longer wants a challenge and instead plays where it is easiest is a completely different problem. Maybe I'm also the problem because I only play destro and didn't just switch today to equip a character without significant resistance...

All in all, Panel is right. It would simply have been better to log out at 9pm server time, like some others did.

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#87 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:25 am

So, ok. You want one realm to always prosper, lock zones, attack city get all the winning loot rolls. Yay you.
You have zero love for this game. Period.
You really sit there and think that a small group of players will continue to play destro so you can rampage through them at will with your buddies and laugh at how superior you are, after killing the three destro defending a zone?
I'm not going to do it. SOOOOOO....

1- X realming SAVES this game. It allows both realms to win at some point. Allows both realms to stomp, and laugh, and have a good time.
2- We just got a HUGE Patch changing every class in the game. You really think all of us that play both realms are not going to explore their opposite realm classes??? Seriously?
3- This game has a rich lore. Play only one realm, and you miss out on half the game. Why you only want people to play half a game? Because you do not like being the underdog?
4- Realm Pride. Some dumb idiotic construct made up by people who always like to win and whine when they do not.
5- RvR happened and you go stomped so came here to cry.

Please, have a wonderful day. Sorry if I upset you. :) Just woke up from my afternoon nap, made coffee, sat down, opened forums, and saw this.
Hubby warned me not to read before drinking coffee. I should have listened to him. (BTW he loves playing his WH and WE.)

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#88 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:16 am

I do not know why "x-realming" is always blamed or assumed to be a problem with the game. I don't xrealm at all anymore because Formosa stuck with Order for almost a year, now has gone Destro for last few months. They never xrealm but I see zero issue with people doing so. The biggest impact to RvR are premade warbands/certain guilds running whichever side, and taking away the ability for people to switch to a side will only create more of an imbalance to the ORvR than already exists at certain times in my opinion. Having the short cooldown that exists now is fine.
Recently it does feel like I have seen certain guilds or specifically players who have only played 1 side since I began playing over 2 years ago, now playing the opposite side. So maybe that is what prompted you to create thread/what you are referring to in the OP ("abandoned their brothers in arms" :geek: :| ), but again I do not view this as a problem whatsoever.
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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#89 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:20 am

I am not sure Xrealming can be blamed specifically like it is a main cause of anything that is happening on the server - as Xrealming isn't anything new or something most open PvP MMORPGs managed to fix. X-Realming isn't a problem or a cause - it's already a symptom and an effect.

Other MMOS as Elder Scrolls Online, New World and Guild Wars 2 that are being payed by thousands of players are still struggling with the very same problems without any real solutions at sight. Zerging Culture is the meta so to say in these games, period.

And the main reason is simply human nature of flocking to the easier side or to the side of less resistance - and unless Zones would have a population lock to l imit players on both sides to participate ( which no one wants of course ) there will never be real balance and people will keep doing the same thing.


Alternatively the only solution I personally see to this issue is designing other activities in oRvR zones that players could participate in that gives Crests or other satisfying rewards - but most importantly provides an alternative way to have fun in a similar way like current fights, but does not further boost Zerging Culture.

So the goal isn't to stop XRealming, but encourage having multiple warbands perhaps doing different tasks and activities, potentially not on the same map, but even spread accross whole Tiers and Zones.

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Re: Xrealming has completely ruined this game

Post#90 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:51 pm

I will always hate xrealming.
But that Pandora's box has been already opened and cannot (and will not) be closed.

You have to deal with it or you have to quit.
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