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QoL improvements

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QoL improvements

Post#1 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:08 pm

Won't discuss the current state of the game here or starting an Balance Bingo, just some thoughts that could discussed or maybe considered in the future:

- With all the cloaks and other cosmetic stuff around, consider to implement an cosmetic/companion inventory or vault
- Reduce the amount of failure potential on cultivators. Maybe it's only my personel problem, cause my cultivator isn't my main anymore, but the rate at wich my seeds fail feels incredible high (started to buy ingredients cause the experience is horrible)
- Make the reliquary and ampouls from the weekend event tradeable so you can earn them with whatever char is needed in group and not to be forced to use the apothecary/tlisman maker no matter what is needed.
- Reverse the renown nerf from years ago, RP weren't overtuned then, they were okay. There is no need to prolong the way to rr 200. Why make it more difficult for new players then for veterans when they leveled there chars shouldn't it work the other way? Also the number of sieges/forts that gave extra rp decreased a lot over time due to different reasons.
- Reduce the amount of Guild members you need for guild quests or extend them to ally. Players left but guilds stay, there are a lot of reasons people don't want to leave their guild, even if it is more and more difficult to build a pure Guild group. Make it a little bit easier for people to stay were they want to stay

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

Posts: 17

Re: QoL improvements

Post#2 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:48 am

Some decent ideas there.

One that has occurred to me more lately as I level a new character:
- extend the bolster area to include rvr warcamps. The constant freezing as you go into and out of lakes is truly annoying, especially when you respawn -freeze- run back to rvr lake- freeze again.

Obviously, I am not talking about making the warcamp rvr flagged, just extending the bolster area. Not sure if it is possible, but it would enhance the new user experience.

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Re: QoL improvements

Post#3 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:50 am

If i may add some proposals to:
- make separete unlocks in ToK armory for both soverain sets (now its the same for both)
- create a smiliar to armory secition for weapons (dungeon and crest purchasable)
- For Destro move training dummies below monolith instead of Undercroft

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Re: QoL improvements

Post#4 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:27 am

Everdin wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:08 pm Won't discuss the current state of the game here or starting an Balance Bingo, just some thoughts that could discussed or maybe considered in the future:

- With all the cloaks and other cosmetic stuff around, consider to implement an cosmetic/companion inventory or vault
- Reduce the amount of failure potential on cultivators. Maybe it's only my personel problem, cause my cultivator isn't my main anymore, but the rate at wich my seeds fail feels incredible high (started to buy ingredients cause the experience is horrible)
- Make the reliquary and ampouls from the weekend event tradeable so you can earn them with whatever char is needed in group and not to be forced to use the apothecary/tlisman maker no matter what is needed.
- Reverse the renown nerf from years ago, RP weren't overtuned then, they were okay. There is no need to prolong the way to rr 200. Why make it more difficult for new players then for veterans when they leveled there chars shouldn't it work the other way? Also the number of sieges/forts that gave extra rp decreased a lot over time due to different reasons.
- Reduce the amount of Guild members you need for guild quests or extend them to ally. Players left but guilds stay, there are a lot of reasons people don't want to leave their guild, even if it is more and more difficult to build a pure Guild group. Make it a little bit easier for people to stay were they want to stay
- Cloak thingy got already added to the TOK. For your event cloaks. Most likely we will see more of that in the future.
- I would make them account bound (maybe) but not tradeable. You can select one of them as a reward ... so you can take the one you need on that character (profession wise) anyway. Don't see the importance to this. But yeah, maybe some QoL change could be nice.
- Some boost to renown would be nice, sure. No, new players shouldnt be stronger than "veterans" .... what's the point of gear progression and RR if it is this way? Sorry but strongly disagree on that part. Getting to 60-70 is quite fast and easy. Difference between a RR 60 and 70 is just some renown points, yes they are nice to have but you wont really feel the difference in grps/warbands between being a RR60 and lets say RR70. What you will feel is the difference in equip and that maybe should be adjusted to have less impact. (Difference from Invader to Sov for example, stats and boni).
- If you ask me ... THERE IS NO REASON, why you should or would want to stay in a "dead" guild with your active main. If you want to do that, it's your own decision. Accept the non existing benefits and drawbacksy you will get with that. Extending them to alliance is a nice idea tho. Maybe 2 coins if done with guild only and 1 coin if done by alliance. If that's even possible to implement.

Also just my thoughts and impressions on those ideas. Don't want to start a big discussion about it :)
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Re: QoL improvements

Post#5 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:28 pm

Also would be fun to use mount anywhere anytime.Inside buildings, on outside stairs (it dismounts for no reason..) There was a time it was like this.
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Posts: 120

Re: QoL improvements

Post#6 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:52 pm

Everdin wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:08 pm Won't discuss the current state of the game here or starting an Balance Bingo, just some thoughts that could discussed or maybe considered in the future:

- Reduce the amount of failure potential on cultivators. Maybe it's only my personel problem, cause my cultivator isn't my main anymore, but the rate at wich my seeds fail feels incredible high (started to buy ingredients cause the experience is horrible)
- Reverse the renown nerf from years ago, RP weren't overtuned then, they were okay. There is no need to prolong the way to rr 200. Why make it more difficult for new players then for veterans when they leveled there chars shouldn't it work the other way? Also the number of sieges/forts that gave extra rp decreased a lot over time due to different reasons.
All are good ideas, these two stick out and I believe affect the ability to keep new players.

Cultivating: Yeah I virtually gave up on my alt because to grow a stack of anything takes at least an hour. I'm pretty much a weekend warrior so this kills the chance of me playing anything but my main. Buy from AH? Well with the removal of the dye quests (easy GC farm) and limited time for farming I'm afraid I'm not that rich.

Renown nerf: Absolutely the RP gains need to be adjusted! My main is pushing 85 and I'm afraid 20-100/kill, 200 for BO lock and (if I'm lucky) 10K for a zone lock just doesn't motivate me to get in there and work the zone.

Posts: 581

Re: QoL improvements

Post#7 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:07 pm

Lisutaris wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:27 am
- Some boost to renown would be nice, sure. No, new players shouldnt be stronger than "veterans" .... what's the point of gear progression and RR if it is this way? Sorry but strongly disagree on that part. Getting to 60-70 is quite fast and easy. Difference between a RR 60 and 70 is just some renown points, yes they are nice to have but you wont really feel the difference in grps/warbands between being a RR60 and lets say RR70. What you will feel is the difference in equip and that maybe should be adjusted to have less impact. (Difference from Invader to Sov for example, stats and boni).

Also just my thoughts and impressions on those ideas. Don't want to start a big discussion about it :)
You got me wrong here, nobody should be stronger, rp gain should just be as the way it was before, it's not about bolster somebody or change gear, just more renown per kill, per bo, per keep, per lock, per sc. Was nerfed some years ago without any reason. Didn't felt this much like a grind, was more benefiting then it is now, you pretty much got something for your time.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: QoL improvements

Post#8 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:43 pm

I personally think Renown gain is currently good for new players, it isn't fast for sure, but it's also not slow and allows time for people to learn and experience different stages of the game.

But when changing Renown Gain I think it's important to consider that one of the points where a lot of people leave, who are already past the "Do I enjoy the game?" period, is once progression ends as there will be no more rewards or active goals to strive for.

So if anything instead of making Renown Faster, I'd look into what could be improved to make progression even more engaging.


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