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[Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#11 » Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:18 pm

Maybe ib would be better if HEavy Blow and grudging blow now built grudges?

Also oathstone should have shorter cd cuz it kicks ass :mrgreen:

Posts: 316

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#12 » Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:47 pm

i would ask for GNM back but the fact that its been removed strongly suggests if it does return it will either be heavily nerfed or changed or perhaps giving to another class entirely so i don't see the point asking for it.

i'm happy with the new ability but it deffo should be cheaper for sure.

Posts: 58

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#13 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:00 am

Any updates? We're a couple of more weeks in now.

I haven't touched it or tried it again since, just no value for me in small-scale or roaming as a 2h, even in a heavy 2h group. Just give up way too much to take it.

Posts: 557

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#14 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:36 pm

Well, the only person with proper experience is Trolar, he recently run it in 6v6 matches. So contacting him and asking questions is probably best possible option.
I myself went MIA and wasnt able to test it out and gather proper data. According to killboard data i saw during recent 6v6 tournament its pretty much useless, however killboard data pretty flawed and is only tied with kills but party members AA hit values contributed to kill are pretty much somewhat similar for both groups with no BoG or WAAAGH or with it, in particular 2-3k AA contributed into kill regardless if party had or didnt BoG/WAAAGH. Trolar did way more dmg with GBF spec then he did with BoG and partywide dmg doesnt seem to correlate very much with either having BoG or not.
Maybe ill have some spare time in future to get 6men and gather data in regular SCs with Groumpf tool under controlled conditions (need samples with everything more or less equal but a) IB goes offensive and do GBF - how party dmg looks b) IB goes offensive and do BoG - how party dmg looks).
But im still not convinced that BoG is very useful and important in overall scheme of things considering how you gimp yourself/party.

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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#15 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:12 pm

it's what i said when BoG was released. it's useless. no reason to integrate it into a build, WB/solo/small-group. even more so since the ripost modifications.

on the other hand, having tried it on my BG, FtwK is pretty interesting and possible to integrate into a def build.

testing is rather interesting if you recognize these failures and know how to go back, I'm waiting for the IB to correct and return to the previous state.

ps :I hope 6vs6 isn't the place to validate different skills ...because it seems to me that very few people are interested in this challenge and what's useful in 6vs6 isn't necessarily useful in WB/roam/solo
My video :
Hogun - IB 80+ Hoguun RP 80+ Hogunn ING 80+ HOG Slayer 80+ Gor IB 2M 50

Posts: 557

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#16 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:40 pm

hogun wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:12 pm ps :I hope 6vs6 isn't the place to validate different skills ...because it seems to me that very few people are interested in this challenge and what's useful in 6vs6 isn't necessarily useful in WB/roam/solo
Yes i hope so too, but 6v6 is/was the only place where this ability may shine bright. Im not sure as a) i didnt test it myself b) havent seen proper data but seems to not be the case as well.
Like i said in day 1 in patch notes, i would see this ability being mirrored with WAAAGH but with elemental debuff of ~380 being taken by SnB IB in oRvR group comp with WL+BW as DPS.

Posts: 23

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#17 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:32 pm

How did you see that Trolar was using BoG for the tournament? I only watched the final, and it seemed to me it was GBF spec, or more precisely Axe Slam was key part of build, dunno if BoG fits in.

Posts: 557

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#18 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:58 pm

Mandodlenn wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:32 pm How did you see that Trolar was using BoG for the tournament? I only watched the final, and it seemed to me it was GBF spec, or more precisely Axe Slam was key part of build, dunno if BoG fits in.
Well, watching streams, looking at buff icons and with analyzing skirmishes. Here for example: ... age/935887
On Sunday i didnt notice him running BoG tho. He was GBF with axe slam as you mention.
Probably got convinced that BoG is crap

On a serious note, its at the moment possible to prove if BoG is useful or not with numbers. Just for the lolz and to try out if RoR team consider proper feedback (what i highly doubt) it would be pretty nice to post proper analyze and see how it goes (probably the same way as everyone and their grandma knows about furious stomping but it will be untouched until balance team changes). However i dont need any numbers to tell that BoG is lackluster and should be tweaked.

Posts: 58

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#19 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:44 pm

I don't know if changing the numbers on this skill would make it a more desirable mastery choice - it seems to be too conditional to be of good value, and then when you layer on the costs of the skill; grudge, mastery, and party cost, it drops too much to be worth it.

Even if GBF was at mastery 9, it still would be a huge maybe. It needs to be on the level of Stubborn as Stone to be worth using.

Posts: 199

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#20 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:08 am

nocturnalguest wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:40 pm Yes i hope so too, but 6v6 is/was the only place where this ability may shine bright. Im not sure as a) i didnt test it myself b) havent seen proper data but seems to not be the case as well.
I have some info here, BoG wasn't a big consideration for anybody, except my full dawi party (that got absolutely smashed). You bring IB for the Parry and Crit buffs, Cave-in, and extra dmg a 2h tank has.

On a different point, I see a lot of comparison to BG which is fair, but i haven't seen people mention that Choppas has the same spell. But its free and 40% better. 13pt for a spell that buffs AS by 25%, while Choppas have an in-built 35% AS buff, i guess only makes sense if you're trying to balance out the other buffs IB has. BoG was a good idea on paper for ST parties, but only a SnB IB would ever grab it and going double 2h tanks seem better atm.

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