Any roleplayers still active?

Feel like burning like a bright wizard? Being as green as a gobbo? Robust like an Ironbreaker? Bloodthirsty like a witch elf? Feel free to speak as them here.
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Re: Any roleplayers still active?

Post#11 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:29 am

A part of me was hoping to find more familiar faces from the old days.
Though the wealth of new blood is also hopeful.

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Re: Any roleplayers still active?

Post#12 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 7:46 am

i put on my robe and wizard hat

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Re: Any roleplayers still active?

Post#13 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:00 pm

RoR, or Warhammer Online for that matter, was never a traditional roleplaying game.

RP events are centered around the core gameplay. Whereas in something like WoW you'd expect an RP event to take place in or near some settlement and involve lots of chatting, RoR RP events are different.

In RoR an RP event is generally a racially-themed warband, sometimes with underthemes depending on what "unit" the guild is trying to roleplay: for example, Bitterstone Thunderers (dwarfs) running gun lines (WBs comprised primarily of engineers) or Averland Greatswords (humans) running greatsword units (2h Knights with a WP here and there for support). Freebootaz (greenskin) are generally fluid and have whatever is available in them, because greenskins.

There are three racial guilds on Order side, but two of them are (afaik) just alt guilds for Bitterstones, so they're the ones to talk to.

Destro side it's just Freebootaz.

Fun fact:

Ocassionally, you get WH guilds popping up (cause there's a billion of the buggers and no one wants one), and they sometimes even have very nicely themed names. This is the only case I've ever noticed in the wild of non-RPers prataking in RP without them realising it.
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG

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Re: Any roleplayers still active?

Post#14 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:00 pm

zulnam wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:00 pm RoR, or Warhammer Online for that matter, was never a traditional roleplaying game.

RP events are centered around the core gameplay. Whereas in something like WoW you'd expect an RP event to take place in or near some settlement and involve lots of chatting, RoR RP events are different.

In RoR an RP event is generally a racially-themed warband, sometimes with underthemes depending on what "unit" the guild is trying to roleplay: for example, Bitterstone Thunderers (dwarfs) running gun lines (WBs comprised primarily of engineers) or Averland Greatswords (humans) running greatsword units (2h Knights with a WP here and there for support). Freebootaz (greenskin) are generally fluid and have whatever is available in them, because greenskins.

There are three racial guilds on Order side, but two of them are (afaik) just alt guilds for Bitterstones, so they're the ones to talk to.

Destro side it's just Freebootaz.

Fun fact:

Ocassionally, you get WH guilds popping up (cause there's a billion of the buggers and no one wants one), and they sometimes even have very nicely themed names. This is the only case I've ever noticed in the wild of non-RPers prataking in RP without them realising it.
False about "no taditional rp" :P

There were RP sessions with elven Eternal Host and Dark Elves Kar Kadath Regiment.

Both sides followed a storyline pointed by guild leaders.
EH vs KKR GvG fights defined outcome and followup on story.
It did happened at least once a week and continued for years...

So yea.... "ror never had rpg" my ar** ;)

Unfortunately its all dead now.
SM 82 / IB 82 / KOTBS 82 / WL 82 / WP 72 / SW 75
CH 77 / BG 6X / BO 6X / WE 6X / MAG 6X ...and others.

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Re: Any roleplayers still active?

Post#15 » Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:53 am

Kendaric wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:15 pm The 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers sound definitely interesting, if/when I decide to create an Ironbreaker, Engineer or Runepriest. A slayer (my only dawi currently) is a bit too undisciplined to fit...
Ya shud just ask da Kaptin befoar makin' stoopid decishun or get sharpish ta diz link : clik 'ere.
My Choppa/Slayer proposals : Better Rage > GTDC replacement > Balance

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Re: Any roleplayers still active?

Post#16 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:25 pm

Hi! It's great to see interest in roleplaying in RoR, no matter what form it takes, I wish everyone the best of luck. :D
Eldoir Duskoath SW 40/71 Shadowmaster of the Eternal Host

Strike swiftly aim true

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