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DPS DoK Rotation guide video by Dourdenn

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Posts: 76

Re: DPS DoK Rotation guide video by Dourdenn

Post#21 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:51 pm

reynor007 wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:32 pm
amaroq wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:50 pm Alright this thread took a hell of a turn rofl. Just wanted to give some general guidance to new DoK enjoyers but I would like to try and share some of my experiences at least vs some of the mentioned situations and mechanics.

First off for Mr. Zxul. I don't think we can compare anything you have about what you experienced as a DPS DoK from years ago or from live as the spec has undergone many changes and is nothing like it was on live. Information that old is literally irrelevant. Oh and P.S. a well played well geared DPS DoK/WP is not dyeing to your WE or WH inside of M1 parry. Proper use of detaunt/kiting(pre kiting if you're really in the groove)/pots/self HoTing will allow you to live through M1 and even WHs 12secs of 100% parry. I have done it many times and I have several videos displaying this.

Saying Slayer will win easily vs DPS DoK every time b/c of riposte buff is also silly. Yes it does give them a much better chance considering the odds of losing to a Slayer 1v1 pre recent patches was very low and now the potential dmg spam from riposte will be scary. This is not enough to completely wipe off a dps DoK when Rend Soul still has the potential to heal upwards of 1.6k/hit with some RNG luck(A.K.A. crits) and rampage can still be shattered that hasnt changed any. And without it being 100% bypass a geared DoK is still pushing 60% parry if they are BiS and stacking it. P.S. the few Slayers I have run into have not killed me yet. Who knows mabe that'll change next time I run into Tyrgrim or Tosh but we'll see.

The takeaway for new DoK enjoyers reading through all this and to make it relevant for what the post/video was actually about xD make sure you are prioritizing Consume Enchantment and develop good control of detaunt in your fights!
Good luck and have fun DPS DoK is still incredibly fun! Even if Rend Soul is still bugged our the azz ;(
you are a really good dok and it’s great that you share your build and knowledge with others, there are only a few of them on the server but on my WH I killed any dok, including you after the patch I think things have changed a bit and now it's 60/40 in favor of dok, but before the patch, WH wins the fight 9/10
I have not died to a single WH post patch. Haven't even died to 1v2-3(to be fair most of these lil' packs of sneaks stay to far spread out and im not getting triple hitted in KD...their fault not mine xD) WHs sense the patches. And my DoK vs your WH I think only happened the one time and you got me, fairy easily in fact, largely in part because I made several bad plays in a row. However I couldn't find you again after that for any rematches lol.
I am guessing WHs have less parry now sense the stat patches? With the changes to how parry% is calculated with WS as most don't stack it? At least that is what I am assuming has made fights vs WHs right now at least seem easier. I don't play WH/WE though so I can't speak to that with any actual certainty. I do however imagine fights vs the few riposte/solo Slayers to be much harder if not sway in their favor. Time will tell.
Dourdenn - rr8x DoK

Posts: 1641

Re: DPS DoK Rotation guide video by Dourdenn

Post#22 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:05 am

amaroq wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:51 pm I am guessing WHs have less parry now sense the stat patches? With the changes to how parry% is calculated with WS as most don't stack it? At least that is what I am assuming has made fights vs WHs right now at least seem easier. I don't play WH/WE though so I can't speak to that with any actual certainty. I do however imagine fights vs the few riposte/solo Slayers to be much harder if not sway in their favor. Time will tell.
I don't think WHs have any decent spec really past abilities patch. Their Trial by Pain channel was double nerfed (dmg nerf +armor pen tactic nerf), just like WE's RA channel, and I think their Absolution spam + Bullet spec was nerfed in some way as well. WEs at least have Witchbrew as a last working spec, not sure if WHs have any.
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