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Skirmish SW need rework.

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Re: Skirmish SW need rework.

Post#11 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:24 pm

Never saw any master of any classes Uchoo when the Oath was at peak and was drowning in green sea. Puting some random bullshit will not deny cold facts. Anyone can check them just loging and creating SW. The only man who efectivelly used them in mass in WB was Rolgrom, and still he sucked to top destro melle setup coz its just not working. This post not for self PR. When im talking about dps classes its comparison to titans like Finn, Legions, Arw and other few who can carry against hell. SW in curent semisuport role and state will never will be able do same things. Thats why this post was created. If your only argument oh look i have some kills in random crap, youre clearly not the person that understand state of sw. Maybe i should made of video of my dps am funneling and post here how it good for wb? Skirm SW is playble, but in comparison for other clases it dont bring to table anything exept things i wrote, and no one will spam them fo city setups against people like Advarka, or to mass rvr 1vs3 wb. Ive expected this crap from destro, but looks like the worst enemies of SW is SW players who still believe that they OP.
P.S this will be my last coment here, im very well now how any balance posts end on this forume, and what creatures are lurking here. For 3 years order just cant even find courage to post anything about SW, 2hKotbs, Engi, but instead drown on own self importance, then whine in every place of game how op are destro.
Noximilien - AM, Severi - SM, Ravandin - SW, Celebor - WL, Ernwald - WH, Demandred - BG.

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Re: Skirmish SW need rework.

Post#12 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:43 pm

Thank you for your feedback!

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Posts: 246

Re: Skirmish SW need rework.

Post#13 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:09 pm

Sever1n wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:24 pm Never saw any master of any classes Uchoo when the Oath was at peak and was drowning in green sea. Puting some random bullshit will not deny cold facts. Anyone can check them just loging and creating SW. The only man who efectivelly used them in mass in WB was Rolgrom, and still he sucked to top destro melle setup coz its just not working. This post not for self PR. When im talking about dps classes its comparison to titans like Finn, Legions, Arw and other few who can carry against hell. SW in curent semisuport role and state will never will be able do same things. Thats why this post was created. If your only argument oh look i have some kills in random crap, youre clearly not the person that understand state of sw. Maybe i should made of video of my dps am funneling and post here how it good for wb? Skirm SW is playble, but in comparison for other clases it dont bring to table anything exept things i wrote, and no one will spam them fo city setups against people like Advarka, or to mass rvr 1vs3 wb. Ive expected this crap from destro, but looks like the worst enemies of SW is SW players who still believe that they OP.
P.S this will be my last coment here, im very well now how any balance posts end on this forume, and what creatures are lurking here. For 3 years order just cant even find courage to post anything about SW, 2hKotbs, Engi, but instead drown on own self importance, then whine in every place of game how op are destro.
I'm playing every single class in this game. And sw is top tier, after rebalance patch he is even better than before. 15% penetration tactic +130ws proc from triumphant. And still some ppl whine how weak he is....I see you how you chose 4 tactics and I immediately know that you have no idea how to play a shadow warrior.

Could Shadow Warrior use some improvements? No.

Is Skirmish a viable spec in coordinated play? Yes.

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