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Greetings and Salutations

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Posts: 2

Greetings and Salutations

Post#1 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:29 pm

Hello everyone.

Ive gotten into the world of Warhammer Fantasy since my Brother introduced me to Total War Warhammer i heard there was a Warhammer MMO and I've been wanting to try it out

So, well, here i am. The two carriers im interested in playing are the Knight of the Blazing Sun and the Warrior Priest

KotBS because i love Tanking in MMOs

Warrior Priest because it has the Paladin feel that i always love.

Hope to have many hours of fun with this.

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Posts: 117

Re: Greetings and Salutations

Post#2 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:22 pm

Welcome to the server! :)

If you love large scale PvP you've come to the right place. And due to the bolster system, you can join the fun immediately at very early levels (basically right after character creation if you want to). To make your start a bit easier, here are some resources that might be helpful to you.

1) We have a great wiki with lots of good information about basic game play mechanics.

- info about open PvP (called RvR for Realm vs Realm where 'realm' stands for the factions, so Order and Destruction)
- how to join instanced PvP (in scenarios)
- info on where to get armor sets.
- what's up with renown, why it's important, and how to get it

There are lot's more helpful sites on the wiki, but those are I think a good start.

2) This RoR cheat sheet by Lilim has lots of good information on pretty much everything.

3) Here's a comprehensive game guide covering all gameplay basics.
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Posts: 2

Re: Greetings and Salutations

Post#3 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:53 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome Albias

I will admit that in my years of MMO i have preferred PvE but i have heard lots of good things about how the PVP works here so im going to give it a shot.

Thank you for posting the resources, i will be utilizing them when i begin my journey.

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