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Balancing Process Questions

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Balancing Process Questions

Post#1 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:39 pm

Hi Balance Team,

After there was finally some movement in the balancing issue and the new team was introduced with the last update. I have some questions about this, because I would like to be able to understand the work and the decisions better.:

1. Is there a formal (written) process for how balancing decisions are made?
2. Are there defined design goals or class descriptions that go beyond what you published in the last update.
3. Which data sources or statistical tools regarding the server are available to you/do you use?
4. How do you identify problems that need improvement?
5. How do you develop proposed solutions for this need for improvement?
6. What external input do you get for this?
7. How do you simulate/calculate the likely impact of these solutions on the server?
8. You have already described how you will make the decision in the update.
9. Is there a standardized test procedure for the implemented changes on the test server or how is the result compared with your calculation/simulation?
10. How do you get player feedback on your changes and how do you weight it?
11. How do you monitor the impact of your changes on what's happening on the server and how do you decide whether those changes meet the design goals?
12. How can we as a community support you in this process?

I would really appreciate it if you would answer these questions. I am aware that they are very detailed, but in my opinion openness about the process is a critical component in order for the difficult decisions involved to be accepted by the community.

I would also be happy if you could address the topic in the next Q&A.
Thank you for your work.



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