I hate boxes

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I hate boxes

Post#1 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:17 pm

I hate boxes source of stress and discord between players.. clicking constantly to secure a box is really stressful and humiliating.. remove the boxes and go back to the original system.

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Re: I hate boxes

Post#2 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:42 pm

I hate them too, all of those sov box runners stealing the boxes, we should really do something about this boring mechanic and instead urge people to fight.
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Re: I hate boxes

Post#3 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:45 pm

I like bos with lock timer which scale with aao. I got many good memories on suicide, last seconds defences at bos when you die just when the timer is down and you secure the bo for 15 mins
Mostly harmless

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Re: I hate boxes

Post#4 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:56 pm

I dont pick up boxes. Its against my religion.

I would appreciate you recognizing my beliefs. PVE box running is of the devil.

Please discuss ;)
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Re: I hate boxes

Post#5 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:21 pm

Boxes are some of the most boring gameplay. Prefer a timer on the BO which you have to defend. Maybe every 60 seconds holding the BO could just count as 1 box. Rotate which BO is the most important by changing count down timer to be different on each one.
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Re: I hate boxes

Post#6 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:14 pm

Just a little and factual reminder :

-Box system is probably not the best solution (fortunately i haven't noticed that those box drops on kill anymore (BO were quite useless before this change). Its only interest : splitting ppls a little bit.

-Lock a BO system (with or without NPCs) discard for some time an objective from the map, focusing fights on even less objectives, and reinforcing/repositionning the blob power around remaining objectives. But it seems lot of ppl complain about Blob so that probably not a good solution too. (for the record, during a keep siege (a single objective, and BOs become more or less useless), the lake is pretty calm and empty even there are 400 players on the area).

-Holding a BO to keep it (Waithammer) was not appreciated by players who were holding it. (IE : waiting for 1 rp per second) (no one were forced to be 48 to hold it)

According all those solutions have the same purpose : Ranking up.

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Re: I hate boxes

Post#7 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:26 pm

There is no universal solution to this. Holding a BO insted of running boxes led to “waithammer”. Ppl were literaly semi afk parked at BOs doing nothing. Puting NPCs to a BO led to complain of WE’s & WH’s who couldnt ninja retake enemy BOs. With current BO + box system enemy can actualy intercept keep progresion by easy BO retake and killing box runners.
Solving this question which BO/keep ranking system is the best is for verry wide discussion and maybe playerbase scale vote poll.
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Re: I hate boxes

Post#8 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:18 am

Wdova wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:26 pm There is no universal solution to this. Holding a BO insted of running boxes led to “waithammer”. Ppl were literaly semi afk parked at BOs doing nothing. Puting NPCs to a BO led to complain of WE’s & WH’s who couldnt ninja retake enemy BOs. With current BO + box system enemy can actualy intercept keep progresion by easy BO retake and killing box runners.
Solving this question which BO/keep ranking system is the best is for verry wide discussion and maybe playerbase scale vote poll.
Guards back defending Bo's + 10 sec capping the flag + 3m defend leads to 10m lock and renown/inf reward and rewards would be higher when you fight while defending and even bigger when defending against bigger force. Aoe cap of 9 instead of 24 would help with this and i think would give smaller parties chance again espesially when reverting morale dmg cap, bringing back 50% aoe heal debuffs to rp,zeal and most importantly dps dok(not shield).

Last but not least bring back the Npc Resourse Runners! they had 25% mount that couldnt be dismounted. These would also spilt the fight because these could be killed and healed so obv enemy tries to kill it and we try to save it + this would give RR/Inf as well, and alot of it if you fought alot and defended the Box Carrier npc. Vice Versa for killing it.

Also make keeps randomly assigned to destro or order so variety. And i dont know about what numbers would be right, but the Battlefield objectives should definetely matter alot how much dmg door takes,how much it would get healed etc. If there is endless fight on BOs(i dont know what is the right number here either) bo then something drastic should happen, Like a "Tie" for both sides, everyone would insta die but get to AMAZING to meh amount of renown/inf tick depending on your contribution. Same time when mass death happens, renown tick happens as well.

And we shuld be restarting in keeps again if the outer door is up!

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Re: I hate boxes

Post#9 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:55 am

Make all lakes like LotD. Its the best version of this game atm (now that GTDC isn't a bullshit spell and you can reliably have more than 5 fps in blobby fights).

Include some PvE areas to make bigger oRvR lakes (we do have a brand new Map Editor that was announced back in August), chained BOs that force people to move around, space for WBs and smaller roaming parties where both can have a huge impact. Give BOs some NPCs too. And a LotD style counter that accounts for action in ALL zones where holding BOs, killing, taking Keeps and Forts will contribute towards it - eventually leading to City. Which should have revamped rewards too so its meaningful again.

"Solo WHs and WEs can't sit in a BO to prevent the whole war effort from moving forward like this" well, good. Go sit somewhere else. The only people you kill are solo lowbies trying to squeeze a lil bit of renown by running boxes in-between SCs anyway.

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Re: I hate boxes

Post#10 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:34 am

I always enjoyed box running. Gave me as a solo player something to do besides blob up and with the light beam generally a beacon to be attacked so I was usually kept busy.
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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