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[Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#41 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:00 am

Gargis wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:40 pm I misspoke earlier and need to clarify a point in a preceding post.

It was not the RP that can cleanse the HD, but rather the AM and even coupled with WW, there is nothing they can do to cleanse it off. They would have to spend every CD on cleansing and I would just reapply it.

That is fine by me because the AM has no GTAE and I will reapply it on CD. Eventually w/o a GTAE just AA damage and splash would kill that grp and force the AM to heal in the face and my HD. Win-Win for BG AGAIN!
BG Mind killer with soul killer tactic is no cooldown 50% outgoing heal debuff? Interesting…..

IB inspiring attack with punishing knock tactic is 5 second cooldown 50% outgoing heal debuff? ……hmmmmm
Last edited by Paxsanarion on Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#42 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:51 am

nocturnalguest wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:20 pm I will be absolutely honest with you answering your first question - no, not really, i stopped mid/late feb and even before that havent been very active on IB. Thank you for mentioning this point that i clearly missed out to mention here in my speech, i do support this adjustment has to be gone (or be tweaked to be treated like procs with 0,25) for both BG&IB, of that im absolutely sure.

However tho, i cant grasp disaster collapse you are describing in this regards. Dwarven Riposte still nets you +30 per 3 seconds (and tops you in no time thru guard dmg), you still have gains from oathfriend and from being hit but now everything per GCD. All in all it does overally reduce grudge gains but i cant see world collapse because of that. Not to a point to run both rising anger and dwarven riposte.

Yeah it feels pretty clunky with grudge GCD, but not a nightmare you point out. I admit that i havent done any competetive action back then where it has more value and could be felt deeper. However my limited mostly pugging experience didnt make me feel this change is gamebreaking, ive noticed it being inconvenient.
And actually, a question, what gear you run usually, how much parry do you generally have that you claim dwarven riposte is not nets you enough resources in e.g. regular SCs? And how often do you run parry buff?
I use WL 5/2- off sov 2/ vict 2. I have WS around 600 and plenty of Parry.

The GCD will apply to all sources being hit ( including oathfriend) which means oathfriend is trash at the moment ( quickly becomes 3/ GCD no matter how many hits etc). The same is true for the BG ability however BG has Enraged Beating ( not to mention free Rising Anger).

As for the disaster it is indeed.

1) In the context of IB now only having 2 tactics available to choose from since the other two has to be dedicated to make the class resource mechanic work.

Imagine if a slayer/choppa had to dedicate 2 tactics to make enrage tick upwards, or a sorc/bw had to dedicate 2 tactics for crit mechanic. WH/WE had to use 2 tactics to gain points.

Meanwhile the mirror class BG can use its class mechanic without having to dedicate a single tactic to hatred.

Does this sound fair?

Not saying BG shouldn't have this fixed as well, i got a BG in mid tier scenarios and the nerf is definitely felt there as well although to a much lesser extent.

2) In certain situations Riposte will do the trick in orders it won't. I can't make it work without Rising Anger ( and i do regard myself as an experienced IB). Of course i'm talking about being efficient which involves things like punt( 25 grudge) and spending my grudge as cooldowns allows.

The fact we can only gain grudge once per GCD compared to previously Per hit makes gameplay feel horrible tbh in so many different situations. I do not feel like touching my IB again and i do consider him one of my prefered classes ( previous to ability rework that is).

P.S. Nerfing abilities or numbers is one thing ( which sucks like HB ) but can be dealt with, one has to adapt etc but nerfing fundamental functionality of the class is on a different level. Did they even bother to mention it in the Patch notes? One could almost assume it is a bug and i've seen plenty of IB's confused about it on this forum as online in the game.

Posts: 493

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#43 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:03 am

Farrul wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:51 am I use WL 5/2- off sov 2/ vict 2. I have WS around 600 and plenty of Parry.

The GCD will apply to all sources being hit ( including oathfriend) which means oathfriend is trash at the moment ( quickly becomes 3/ GCD no matter how many hits etc). The same is true for the BG ability however BG has Enraged Beating ( not to mention free Rising Anger).

As for the disaster it is indeed.

1) In the context of IB now only having 2 tactics available to choose from since the other two has to be dedicated to make the class resource mechanic work.

Imagine if a slayer/choppa had to dedicate 2 tactics to make enrage tick upwards, or a sorc/bw had to dedicate 2 tactics for crit mechanic. WH/WE had to use 2 tactics to gain points.

Meanwhile the mirror class BG can use its class mechanic without having to dedicate a single tactic to hatred.

Does this sound fair?

Not saying BG shouldn't have this fixed as well, i got a BG in mid tier scenarios and the nerf is definitely felt there as well although to a much lesser extent.

2) In certain situations Riposte will do the trick in orders it won't. I can't make it work without Rising Anger ( and i do regard myself as an experienced IB). Of course i'm talking about being efficient which involves things like punt( 25 grudge) and spending my grudge as cooldowns allows.

The fact we can only gain grudge once per GCD compared to previously Per hit makes gameplay feel horrible tbh in so many different situations. I do not feel like touching my IB again and i do consider him one of my prefered classes ( previous to ability rework that is).

P.S. Nerfing abilities or numbers is one thing ( which sucks like HB ) but can be dealt with, one has to adapt etc but nerfing fundamental functionality of the class is on a different level. Did they even bother to mention it in the Patch notes? One could almost assume it is a bug and i've seen plenty of IB's confused about it on this forum as online in the game.
Yes, i agree and fully support that GCD change is wrong and have to be either fully reverted or at least generalized to follow the same rule as all the other procs, set to 0,25. Because logic.
3 grudge per GCD no matter how many hits you have gotten is not anyhow justified by any balance reasons.
Also yes, they didnt bother to mention it in patch notes, which alone tells alot and hence im saying this balance cycle is probably one of the worst we had ( ill explain myself here a bit, i think so because we are having biggest changes and meta shifts of a scale we havent had before and previous bad changes havent been so big and gamebreaking, while in reality game was pretty balanced overally before ability rework), its the same torque era with alot of shady stuff happening behind the scene along with ninja changes. All this ability rework had no real effect on bug fixes (as it was promised and shared as the main reasoning publicly) as it was never gated by system itself but by manpower only. And manpower stays the same, so e.g. ID still not fixed afaik and lots of other gamebreaking class meta defining bugs will stay for years. Sad.
The only possible option left is try to reason our worries and generate feedback&suggestion on a level of scientific article. Sadly, most likely, just to prove once more that no feedback&suggestions are considered.

To tell more on a matter, ill have more spare time in future to get back into RoR and play some IB paying high attention to grudge gains because at the moment i have no other arguments to continue on this subject. I hear your reasoning but something inside me just doesnt believes in the need of two grudge tactics.

Posts: 57

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#44 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:26 am

nocturnalguest wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:50 am
GONDOR wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:11 am Healthy reasonable bias mostly from solo yolo perspective
No mate, it doesnt work like that.
Rising Anger people often mention on forum is only a solo pick. If you slot it somewhere else you are doing it wrong as for 2h group play you pick dwarven riposte and for large scale SnB there is no need for grudge gain tactic.
Spenders usage policy you mention is not anyhow connected with reality, you cant and dont sit at 100 not spending it.
Damage numbers assuming no other class has such high scaled values would be totally out of any sane control if you are allowed to ride on 100 grudge.
And imagine how this match would look like if IB would be constantly at 100 grudge (while in reality grudge gain with dwarven riposte is so big in proper match that you are quite easily reach 100 tbf) - ... 4bd019abff
You can also e.g. track Oathmeal regular SCs and be same way amused.

I warn you guys, stop this lobby - all you will achieve if you continue this total bias is just randomly attract unneccesary ror team attention and get what you asked for in most horrible way, with huge downscale of each damaging ability. It will be worst possible execution - you will be constantly at 100 but everything else would be untied from it (because everything comes with a price you know, huh), so being at 100 would mean nothing.

I know for sure that its very frustrating to look at "what is possible at high level play" vs. "what random joe usually achieves", but this complexity is one of IBs identity that has to be protected for greater good.

Earthshatter you mention is not only aoe slow, but hard hitting finisher to interrupt GBF burst. Making it more accesable further increase deadliness of IB rotation by alot.

Im also sad for GnM be gone and its either not coming back at all unless balance team changes or comes back being useless crap, but my reasons are different, its not because it being a cool solo tool, but because it breaks longterm settled role of SnB AP battery for meta. In terms of soloing, you still can do 13-5-5 in regen gear, or do whatever with 7 warlord + 2 vic/triumph. Your bias makes some sense only for soloing which is not how balance should be done.
And then i say bias i dont mean its something bad, im biased as well, i like solo&pug too but in discussions we have to look at much bigger picture.
It does work like this - again, grudge management isn't an issue, initial grudge generation is. That's what the suggestion is about.

Also; I want to be so clear about this, because this is why we have so many issues discussing grudge changes, and people seem to think because Dwarven Riposte exists, grudge generation is fine.

Over performing tactic does not justify flawed core mechanic.

It doesn't matter which class it is - if a class is deemed fine because a tactic exists; we have a problem. The class should be fine day one, right out of the gate. Tactics are a way to introduce flexibility into specs and classes, to allow them to adapt to challenges and meta. When you have tactics necessary to make a class function, it's extremely weak design.

The whole value of Rising Anger over Dwarven Riposte is agency; Rising Anger lets you be consistent in your Grudge Generation in every scale of combat. That's its magic - it will always give you the same control, same capability, and same ability in any situation. Dwarven Riposte requires people to hit you or your guardee - something that happens in 99% of fights, but there are times when you'll find yourself wishing you had Rising Anger on.

You do and can ride at 100 grudge - the rotation is the same as BG; apply scaling skills at 100, while they tick use grudge spenders, and rebuild your grudge. It's always the case.

I've done plenty of premade 24 cities (when cities first dropped I did all 3 Sov sets on Royals in premade 24s, mostly as 2H too), but yeah, these days I mostly small scale or solo roam - just because it's harder and more engaging than WB play. The lower down the scale-spectrum you go, the more the grudge disparity and loss of agency becomes apparent.

Answer this: has anyone enjoyed playing, or has played, their Ironbreaker without any Grudge Tactics? What was your experience? The only time I've done it was with SNB, and it was extremely mid in anything outside of the most intense fights - 24v24 open or city.

Also, a common 2h spec is still 13-0-9; taking Earthshatter. Oathbound doesn't stack with Earthsplit's buff, so it's not that unusual. You can hit 67% parry in that spec (or more), vs the 77% Oathbound brings. It's not gamebreaking for 2H to have easier access to Earthshatter, it won't turn the game on its head and it won't make IB spike that more insane. If it was as scary as you seem to think it will be; every Ironbreaker would be running it over Oathbound. It'll be good, no doubt, but again, not to the point of being even close to broken.

Further, balancing on top end isn't how balance is done. Balance should be done on the bell curve, and top-end is watched for over-performance and value tweaks, not core mechanics. Top end in most games is usually full of outliers or gifted players - ROR's pop is pretty small. The gulf between the top and the rest can be pretty wide though; there are plenty of players who will never get close to that level of performance, and that has much larger flow on affects to everyone else.

IMHO the over focus on trying to tweak and look at Warband combat is also unhealthy - warbands are at the peak of a RoR player's journey, and getting into organised warbands with a non-meta class isn't easy. New players don't have the social framework to get in, they don't start their player journey with 23 friends, and there's a huge gap in a player's journey from unorganised to organised. Often the focus is on tweaking organised; with the unorganised being "just group up". There is a full player journey across that bridge, from level 1, to organised warbands, and it is littered with player attrition along the way.

I also don't agree with the view that for things to be balanced everything needs a tradeoff. That mentality is how we've ended up in this mess already, as there are unquantified and unqualifiable values to what people consider a reasonable tradeoff. For some, it's resources, for others it's mastery. IMHO every spec should be just good - make everything good and fun to play. If we're serious about improving the numbers of the game's player base, that's what it takes. You shouldn't be forced to play the class you chose in some weird mandated spec, because the style you wanted to play is beyond inefficient. It costs us players - the worst, (absolutely the worst) thing in ROR for our players is that we tell new players "Your class or spec sucks, you can't play it until XYZ point, or never because it sucks. GLHF" Like cool, little wonder people go and play something else.

A new one that tbh, genuinely triggers me, is when new players are excited and eager to play a class (like WH or WP), ask a question about its challenges, and get told "You should l2p on a tank, it's an easy class, this game very complex, requires a big brain, l2p first" - people come into the game, wanting to play a specific thing; and then get told don't bother because it's bad and most people don't want to party with them. What a huge shame.

It's beyond unreasonable that certain specs are brainless, unfun, or unengaging, because "it's not the classes intended playstyle", or "it's how it's meant to be played". Unsurprisingly, this is why we have bad class skew and excessive player attrition.

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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#45 » Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:09 am

these mistakes are getting long in the tooth, it's time to do something
you've impacted the grudge generation, which doesn't impact the BG unlike the IB.
You considered, through ignorance of the game, that the BG was inferior to the IB and should be up. when it has everything better than the IB except the skin.
You gave the BG a malignant strike, why? and in that case, why didn't you give the IB anything in return?
you moved Enraged beating to 5pts ... which Up this skill.
you gave FTWK a very good skill...and an unusable skill to the IB.
you nerfed HB for reasons no one has been able to explain.
it's one thing to make a mistake to please a friend, but when everyone realizes it, maybe it's time to correct your mistake or at least make some announcements to that effect.

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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#46 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:00 am

i start my ib ..super fun class....what get nef?

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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#47 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 5:46 am

mazi761111 wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:00 am i start my ib ..super fun class....what get nef?
hello , HB nerf and G&M ( the self heal) disappear to give a Bad skill usless to finish dev up many think to the BG to balance :)

all the community recognized it but the devs didn't announce any fix for the moment.

because, BO/ SM have heal grp. chosen/kotbs have Aura heal grp , bg have 5s cd heal. and IB 30s cd for a heal if you remov snare. Woooo that balance !
My video :
Hogun - IB 80+ Hoguun RP 80+ Hogunn ING 80+ HOG Slayer 80+ Gor IB 2M 50

Posts: 158

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#48 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:39 am

hogun wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 5:46 am
mazi761111 wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:00 am i start my ib ..super fun class....what get nef?
hello , HB nerf and G&M ( the self heal) disappear to give a Bad skill usless to finish dev up many think to the BG to balance :)

all the community recognized it but the devs didn't announce any fix for the moment.

because, BO/ SM have heal grp. chosen/kotbs have Aura heal grp , bg have 5s cd heal. and IB 30s cd for a heal if you remov snare. Woooo that balance !
order get nef tuoo much,,,not fun..hop will get buff

Posts: 268

Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#49 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:38 am

Farrul wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:51 am
nocturnalguest wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:20 pm I will be absolutely honest with you answering your first question - no, not really, i stopped mid/late feb and even before that havent been very active on IB. Thank you for mentioning this point that i clearly missed out to mention here in my speech, i do support this adjustment has to be gone (or be tweaked to be treated like procs with 0,25) for both BG&IB, of that im absolutely sure.

However tho, i cant grasp disaster collapse you are describing in this regards. Dwarven Riposte still nets you +30 per 3 seconds (and tops you in no time thru guard dmg), you still have gains from oathfriend and from being hit but now everything per GCD. All in all it does overally reduce grudge gains but i cant see world collapse because of that. Not to a point to run both rising anger and dwarven riposte.

Yeah it feels pretty clunky with grudge GCD, but not a nightmare you point out. I admit that i havent done any competetive action back then where it has more value and could be felt deeper. However my limited mostly pugging experience didnt make me feel this change is gamebreaking, ive noticed it being inconvenient.
And actually, a question, what gear you run usually, how much parry do you generally have that you claim dwarven riposte is not nets you enough resources in e.g. regular SCs? And how often do you run parry buff?
Imagine if a slayer/choppa had to dedicate 2 tactics to make enrage tick upwards, or a sorc/bw had to dedicate 2 tactics for crit mechanic. WH/WE had to use 2 tactics to gain points.

Meanwhile the mirror class BG can use its class mechanic without having to dedicate a single tactic to hatred.

Does this sound fair?

Not saying BG shouldn't have this fixed as well, i got a BG in mid tier scenarios and the nerf is definitely felt there as well although to a much lesser extent.

2) In certain situations Riposte will do the trick in orders it won't. I can't make it work without Rising Anger ( and i do regard myself as an experienced IB). Of course i'm talking about being efficient which involves things like punt( 25 grudge) and spending my grudge as cooldowns allows.

The fact we can only gain grudge once per GCD compared to previously Per hit makes gameplay feel horrible tbh in so many different situations. I do not feel like touching my IB again and i do consider him one of my prefered classes ( previous to ability rework that is).

P.S. Nerfing abilities or numbers is one thing ( which sucks like HB ) but can be dealt with, one has to adapt etc but nerfing fundamental functionality of the class is on a different level. Did they even bother to mention it in the Patch notes? One could almost assume it is a bug and i've seen plenty of IB's confused about it on this forum as online in the game.
Slayer/choppa literally has to slot both str and str+ws tactic or it has no damage 😂. Many careers have this kind of tactic tax going on for them

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Re: [Ironbreaker] Blood of Grimnir - are you using it? How are you finding it?

Post#50 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:00 pm

Fact, the IB has the best survivability of any tank in RoR. You have tactic's which you get more Grudges, Even if you give up some of your survivability tactic's for better Grudges. You still have better survivability then the BG.

As soon as a BG starts to spend it's hate on abilities, it starts to lose it's survivability. The IB does not have that, the IB does not lose block and parry if it spends it's Grudges.

If you want your Grudges to build the same way as the BG, then the IB would have to take a nerf to it's survivability to bring it inline with the BG or the BG would have to have a very big buff to it's survivability to bring it inline with the IB. you can't have it both ways.

Dwarven Riposte which is a great tactic, you will be stacking Parry if you 2h IB and you also be stacking parry and block if you are S&B,

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