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1 vs 1 bo in evry map?

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Posts: 218

Re: 1 vs 1 bo in evry map?

Post#11 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:24 pm

Culexus wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:27 pm
Cadiret wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:02 pm hey all :) iam a most solo tank and i want a bo only for 1 vs 1 in every map. nice to watch and to learn your class! is this what other want or only me? or only get with blob and zerg to 80 ? xD
Hope all hf and gl al xD
Mfg Tankma @-->-->---- ^^
It's a pity that the devs have abandoned The Garden of Qu'aph. They could have added a weekend event, lf duel channel on the discord, and a dueling category on killboard (or just allow solo kills) to get people to actually go there. Instead it's just been left as a dead zone :(
not only that, also IF you want to duel someone on opposing side there, 1 of you have to all the way around to engage the duel. How often have you stood there wondering whos gonna move :D
Tinbitz rr8x BO
Daewuur rr8x Magus
Deawuur rr8x engineer
+ lots of rr50-60 toons, including 1 healer!

-"renown pinata for small groups"

Posts: 54

Re: 1 vs 1 bo in evry map?

Post#12 » Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:00 am

Pahakukka wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:04 pm
jafh123 wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:14 pm If you want to, we can fight until one of us dies of boredom, my char is Gilgam IB.
when you thought tank v tank fight was awesome you just upgraded it to snb tank vs snb tank. 100% would come to watch!
Come with your magus :mrgreen:

Posts: 3

Re: 1 vs 1 bo in evry map?

Post#13 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:03 pm

ok when i have 1k g on both site ( never realy play order realy, but so take a bit ) we make a Dueal " com event"? xD must learn more hehe

Posts: 3

Re: 1 vs 1 bo in evry map?

Post#14 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:04 pm

and year 90 % in duel anyone inc but how can i learn my class ? in wb ? rofl .......hf gl and cya in game all =) and thy all for the fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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