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[BO] 2h build atm?

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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[BO] 2h build atm?

Post#1 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:10 am

I know that 2h BO, or just BO in general isn't that great right now. I'm just curious as to what others are doing for it.

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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#2 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:17 pm

Nothing really changed for 2h as of yet. We're still the worst of the 2h tanks for group play. The build is still the standard You Wot to Down Ya Go.

We did get a "punt", but it's tied to the mechanic and the kb is so short that it's basically just an interrupt. Like some other tanks it requires a tactic to actually work as a punt. Why tanks can't all just have a working punt without needing to give up a tactic slot is a mystery.
Bigun - 85 Black Orc
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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#3 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:07 pm

Culexus wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:17 pm Nothing really changed for 2h as of yet. We're still the worst of the 2h tanks for group play. The build is still the standard You Wot to Down Ya Go.

We did get a "punt", but it's tied to the mechanic and the kb is so short that it's basically just an interrupt. Like some other tanks it requires a tactic to actually work as a punt. Why tanks can't all just have a working punt without needing to give up a tactic slot is a mystery.
I was running this. I didn't know what to do with the last point. ... 12,503,739

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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#4 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:26 am

I wouldn't go +2 sov as as you'll be giving up a lot to get it. I've mixed lot's of different gear and find that 4wl/3sov/2vi is BiS (or 5wl if you haven't got the vic chain). The +crit and crit damage is nice on sov but a lot of the gear is un-optimised. You want to try and get as many pieces with parry and ws as possible. I solo roam a lot and find it works great for both solo and group play.

I usually run with:
Sov Helm
Sov Shoulders
Vic/Wl Back
Wl Body
Wl Gloves
Sov Belt
Wl Boots
Wl Chain

As for the build I go with this: - Black Orc

Take Punt tactic for group play, but if you're solo or have another tank covering punts it can be swapped with Gork Smash or Loudmouth.
Bigun - 85 Black Orc
Brian - 70+ Choppa
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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#5 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:10 am

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. One more thing, what about the renown abilities?

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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#6 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:39 pm

I run this for group play. ... ;4;3;0;0;0

I swap the 4 deft defender for 4 fortitude for solo. With all the range strikethrough going around I'm not totally sold on it for group either as even when stacking with You Wot you're only looking at 10% or less chance of defence against most high level players.
Bigun - 85 Black Orc
Brian - 70+ Choppa
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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#7 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:23 pm

Culexus wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:39 pm I run this for group play. ... ;4;3;0;0;0

I swap the 4 deft defender for 4 fortitude for solo. With all the range strikethrough going around I'm not totally sold on it for group either as even when stacking with You Wot you're only looking at 10% or less chance of defence against most high level players.
I reset deft defender on all toons. Unless you got large additional source of same avoidance- lots of will to add disr chance, or some class ability to add avoidance- deft defender is currently not worth the points for what you get out of it. Same for renown parry on toon which doesn't has additional parry buff from ws or abilities/ tactics.
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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#8 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:57 pm

Dont think its a good idea that toughness gives block and WS gives parry. And its probably not a good idea that all 2h's have that 10% Parry strikethru. WP is the only one that should have 2h 10% Parry strikethru for obv melee healer reasonsi + Remove shields and make dps wp/dok great again.

Also Iniative needs more than dodge and it should be more powerful as a stat overall vs -Crit reduction from RR. Maybe Give Iniative with the things it has now and Increased Critical dmg taken the less u have it and vice versa the more you have it.

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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#9 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:42 am

I feel, that the BO significantly got weaker or just not as rewarding to play.
The Dps as a 2 hand is just simply not dps at all. I get it that BO meant to be tank, but at the same time feels like paper as well when a WH just ambushes you.
The additional CDs on included in some tactics makes the rotation a bit more challenging and I feel other tank classes have still more powerful punting skills as a default and for a BO you need a tactic to have a usable punt and it is cripled with a cooldown. If you want to be an SnB , simply you just have go say goodbye for punting…
I still find one of the most fun with BO even tough the main purpose feels like try to die as slowly as possible. Survival/keeping others alive or actual support just does not feel like being present in the current gameplay of this class anymore.
Just wish to feel if with a healer pal we got ambushed by 2 dps class from orda, we have a chance or at least we can give a really hard time. 2 WH or WL I’m 5 hit (over 2-3 sec) and I kissed the soil, and poor zealots even less chance:(
We feel like butter…
Dadumbest Lvl 40+ BO

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Re: [BO] 2h build atm?

Post#10 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:15 pm

Dawe wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:42 am I feel, that the BO significantly got weaker or just not as rewarding to play.
The Dps as a 2 hand is just simply not dps at all. I get it that BO meant to be tank, but at the same time feels like paper as well when a WH just ambushes you.
We feel like butter…
Dadumbest Lvl 40+ BO
You may be ambushed by 70+. So, its not comparable. I've no problem with same level wh except their retreats. Even 2 wh can be countered not so hard, if not top players.
I use 7 piece Warlord.

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